Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1904: run!

Xiao Yun and Changshengye appeared in the void. One novel ﹤<<﹤﹤﹤﹤

This made the gods of all races full of thoughts.

"The gods of all races are there?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun frowned, feeling a little big.

The eyes of these gods are like wolves and tigers.

Look at this, they obviously want to win.

"Wang's!" Chang Shengye's eyes flashed, and Wang's gods also appeared.

In addition, he turned toward Wang Changtian.

When frowning at Wang Changtian, he frowned slightly.

"Withdraw!" Changshengye said to Xiao Yun.

"Good!" Xiao Yun nodded without hesitation.

Soon, he ran the Yin and Yang Baojian to communicate the world and leave the place.


At the moment, a wave of ripples appeared, and Xiao Yun was leaving the place.

"This is ..." The princes of all races suddenly changed their faces.

How powerful is the Lord?

As soon as their minds move, they can perceive the slight fluctuations between heaven and earth.

"Space of communication? Space is precious?" Seeing this, Ren Zhipeng's eyes lighted up, and his heart was excited.

As soon as his mind moved, he felt the breath released by Xiao Yun.

How familiar this breath is.

He had multiple inductions and caught Xiao Yun's breath left behind by the Ren clan.

"Here, is that Xiao Yun?" Ren Zhipeng blinked, his heart darkened, "Never let him run away!"

His eyes flashed, and the Shinto mystery was immediately activated.

Anti-chaos, broken virtual!

Suddenly, the world changed color.

In this vast world, Daowei immediately trembled, and an uprising of upheaval was drawn by Ren Zhipeng.

Then, this mystery was fused by him.

He blended into the uprising of the heaven and earth.

In this way, his mind seemed to merge with heaven and earth.

An uprising of uprising spread, affecting the whole world.

At this moment, when the sky and the earth change, the mountains and rivers are about to reverse.

This **** king shot, so supernatural, out of ordinary people's imagination.

The God King can then pull the corresponding Shinto rules contained in the Heaven and Earth Avenue.

Heaven and earth are boundless.

Like Ren, you can haul and transport the anti-chaos rules in the world.

In this way, as long as the heaven and earth are used, the whole world will be affected.

At this point, Xiao Yun had used Yin and Yang Baojian to open a passage, and was about to head towards it.

However, the Yin-Yang channel was suddenly affected by the rules of heaven and earth. The space was disordered and the channel seemed to be blocked.

"This is the uprising of chaos!" Xiao Yun immediately felt the change in the passage.

This made him frown, trying to urge the Yin and Yang Baojian to break the interference of the Shinto rules.

However, the reversal of the rules of the heavens and the earth has affected the yin and yang **** patterns he provoked.

Xiao Yun felt the passage seemed to collapse.

"God is strong, really strong." Xiao Yun sank inside.

The **** king can use the laws of heaven and earth for his own use.

This monarch is even more powerful.

Not only that, but there was a broken empty mystery that penetrated through the void and straight out of him.

His yin-yang channel was unstable and began to crack.

Although the **** king shot late, there is still the power of the Shinto law.


Under this rule, Xiao Yun's evolutionary channel collapsed.

His body appeared in the heavens and the earth.

far away!

"Ren Zhipeng, what are you doing?" Seeing Ren Zhipeng's shot, Wang's **** Leng hummed.

The young people in front of them are obviously getting the treasures of Longevity's Secret Realm. Can Ren's people take the shots to seize their Wang's treasures?

This makes people angry.

"This Lingyun is a wanted criminal of my clan, I want to take him down!" Ren Zhipeng's eyes flashed, the stride struck out, the rules of his body diffused, and he immediately rebelled against the void and evolved a space cyclone. Looking away, he looked like this, he wanted to win Xiao Yun as soon as possible.

"This guy, shameless and want to win the treasure, but said that Ling Yun is a wanted criminal of his tribe!" The gods of the other tribe frowned.

"Hmm!" Just as Ren Zhipeng disappeared, a cold humming sounded.

The voice came out of that mouth of Wang Yunhai.

"Who dares, my dad?" A low voice permeated from him.

In addition, a mighty Shinto power spreads in all directions.

This is the power of the Lord.

The whole world was discolored, the gods were afraid, and the man with a shocked face turned towards the man not far away.

Wang Yunhai, he is slightly fat and not tall.

But at this moment, his robe was dancing in the wind, the silk was flying, and his eyes were as deep as the vast starry sky, making it impossible to see through.

When that pressure came out, the gods couldn't help but want to worship and worship.

"This ... this is His Holiness!" Some **** kings were trembling with fear.

At this time, the gods of all races fell down and did not dare to face Wang Yunhai.

"Sovereign ... is this the lord of my tribe?" Not only the gods of other races, but also the gods of the Wang family were surprised.

The eyes of the gods moved slightly, and they couldn't help looking at Wang Yunhai.

Even many people knew him, knowing that he was just a treasurer of Yuntian City.

But who would have thought that he was a respected man!

"Is he Zun Yunzun?" Even the complete existence of Wang Changtian was shocked.

Then he darted to Wang Changtian, revealing his inquiry.

Wang Changtian was very indifferent, nodding slightly.

Seeing this, he seems to have known Wang Yunhai's identity long ago.

"A prince wants to be moved by my Wang family?" Wang Yunhai's eyes flickered, and the big step was toward the front.

Wang Yunhai stepped forward, at the same time, a breath of Shinto permeated from him.

When this Shinto breath permeated, the whole world changed color.

Throughout the sky, the sky and clouds changed color.

This is the place where the monks are, and those practitioners also feel the change of breath.

These people felt that the void seemed to freeze at this instant.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth changed color.

"What happened!"

"Wow terrifying power, is this the power of the will of the plane?" Even the gods fear, thinking that it is the power of the will of the heavenly **** domain.

Because under this divine power, he felt involuntarily like being dominated.

Who can have such momentum?

"Is His Holiness born?" Some retreating quasi-gods were shocked.

At the moment, these beings immediately release their sense of mind.

"That way!"

"That's Wang's person!"

Soon, someone immediately revealed the source of the matter.

At this time, Ren Zhipeng's body felt bound by the rules of heaven and earth.

The lines on his body shattered, and he withdrew from the riotous cyclone.

"What kind of prestige is this?" Ren Zhipeng was shocked, exuding pale blue blood in his mouth.

In the void ahead, Xiao Yun also felt that there was an invisible doom between heaven and earth, and bound the void around him.

This made him unable to fly at all.

"This is the power of His Holiness!" Xiao Yun looked indifferently.

"Oh my dear, it's a shot!" Swallowing the Supreme Scream, also worried.

God ...

This is the divine honor, above the gods.

Faced with this existence, Mo said God, even God will feel powerless.

This world is silent.

Since he couldn't walk, Xiao Yun set his eyes on the distant void.

But there was a man in a blue robe walking around.

This man is not tall, but it gives a feeling of great shore.

Behind him, Wang Changtian followed.

In addition, you can see the gods of various races.

"It's the king's treasurer!" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and he was surprised after the current person, "Is he God?

This surprised him.

You know, he contacted the treasurer when he was in Yuntian City.

At first, relying on the telepathy, the other party was obviously the King of God.

"The Supreme Master wants to change his breath, and it is easy to come." In shock, Xiao Yun quickly shook his head and smiled bitterly.


However, at this moment, Changshengye stepped out from Xiao Yun's knowledge of the sea.

"You ..." Xiao Yun froze, worried.

He knew that this man must have come from a long-lived turtle.

"Anyway!" Changshengye has a slender figure, if his face is sharp, very heroic and cold, he said lightly, but his eyes narrowed forward.

Wang Yunhai strolled in the air and stepped out, but it was 100,000 miles.

Wang Changtian followed, but not behind.

Seeing this, he seemed unwilling to be behind.

As for Wang's princes, they all followed.

They were skeptical in their hearts, wondering what the lords of the clan were going to do.

People of other clan are also surprised.

The power of His Holiness made the soul tremble, but the deities of all races followed.

Because they all want to know what His Majesty Wang is going to do.

They also want to know who the man in the Qingpao appeared suddenly.

"This man is actually a respected one?" At this moment, Ren Zhipeng turned and gazed at Wang Yunhai, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Previously, he had seen Wang Yunhai among the gods of the Wang family, but at that time, he regarded the latter as an ordinary **** king.

But who would have thought that such an ordinary person would be the high deity.

Wang Yunhai walked past Ren Zhipeng's side, his eyes flashed, and he turned to the latter, the cold light made Ren Zhipeng's heart afraid.

"Wang ... Senior Wang!" Ren Zhipeng quickly bowed and saluted.

In the face of His Holiness, he dared not have a hint of pride.

Wang Yunhai snorted coldly, and retracted his eyes.

Then he continued to move forward.

Ren Zhipeng's eyes were bitter, and his heart was crying bitterly.

From Wang Yunhai's expression, he was obviously angry.

His wrath is enough to change the colors of the heavens and the earth. Could he be a god?

The king's prince and his king followed.

Even Wang Yousheng, who was waiting for his back, flew in ~ ~ They also seemed to know that there was a major event.

Since you met, how can you miss it?

His Holiness ...

Even in the Wang family, they are rare to see!

"What is this Lord His Majesty going to do?" Behind him, the spirits of the various races were secretive.

"That Lingyun should have been the treasure that captured Wang's Changsheng Cave. The birth of this deity is probably to recover that treasure."

Someone said.

"This Lingyun is bold and arrogant. A foreigner also wants to confide in the secrets of others. This is what has caused His Holiness to see how he ends up. What if you are shocked to be shocked? At this time, you must scorn." Ren Feiyuan's eyes were cold and cold. "However, this uncle did not succeed, but it was a pity."

[Monthly pass, monthly pass, ask for monthly pass] Longevity, Ye Fang Road, [This seat is born, where does the monthly pass come from? 】

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