Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1905: Minority

"If Wang doesn't have His Holiness here, his father should have succeeded. A novel ≦≦≦ ﹤﹤ ≦≦ <<﹤﹤ ≤ <” Ren Feitian's face was regretful.

If Xiao Yun is won, he will immediately rush back to Ren, and everything will settle down.

You know, in Ren, there are quasi-gods!

At that time, no one else will be okay.

As for the treasures of Longevity's Secret Realm, just give it to Wang.

But the appearance of Wang Yunhai made the situation change suddenly.

"Will Lingyun be ridiculed?" Ren Tianxing sighed as Wang Yunhai approached Xiao Yun step by step.

"It's a pity that such a talented person who is so amazing can be scorned here." Ren Feiyang was also full of regret.

In his view, Xiao Yun wanted to run away with Wang's treasure, would Wang let him go?

Thinking of this, they couldn't help thinking of Xiao Yun.

At that time, Xiao Yun was shocked and brilliant, but was killed in Ren's, which made people sigh.

"Old slave Wang Yunhai, I've seen the young master!" However, when everyone was thinking whether the young man in front of him would fall, then Wang Yunhai's footsteps suddenly came forward, and then his straight back was like a gun Suddenly he bent down, and saw that he bowed and bowed to the eternal elder Jesus.

A low voice came out of his mouth.

The sound was rolling and shaking Jiuxiao. When it fell into the ears of the gods, the deities of all races felt their brains roar and set off waves.

"Old slave? This respect calls himself a slave?"

At this moment, the gods of all races were all stunned, their eyes widened.

All the gods in the audience stopped breathing.

In the eyes of everyone, it was incredible.

You know, this is a god!

How many lords are there in the entire celestial deity?

This kind of character is placed in each of the major star domains and is a top-level existence.

But at this time he called himself an old slave?

A **** is a slave, how honorable is his master?

Is it the emperor?

But the man in front of me is obviously not a god!

Otherwise, why did he run?

"Wang Changtian, I've seen the young master!" When everyone was surprised, Wang Changtian, who had always been proud, also bowed to the man in the green robe ahead.

However, he did not claim to be a slave.

But the young master said everything.

"This ... this Changtian Gongzi actually calls that person the young master!"

"What's going on? Isn't it that Changtian Gongzi is a legend who has lived for so many lives? He also has a master?"

Many people don't know much about Wang Yunhai, but the name of Wang Changtian has been spread in all directions as far back as ancient times. He is regarded as a hero of all ages by the gods of various ethnic groups. He is such a character, but he is called a person. Can it not cause a commotion, how can not let all ethnic groups be surprised.

"What the **** is this guy?"

Those **** kings and kings were shocked by the scene in front of them.

"The descendants of Wang's ... have seen the young master!" Wang's other gods and spirits bowed down.

Even the venerable His Holiness and the legendary Wang Changtian bowed down, how dare they neglect?

At this moment, Wang's son bowed, and the sound was rolling and resounding through the world.

At this moment, the gods of all races were stunned.

"It is said that Wang's origins are huge, and it seems to be related to the man in front of him." Some older gods murmured.

At this moment they remembered some rumors about the Wangs in ancient times.

Legend has it that this clan is so powerful that even some emperors would not dare to brush their edge.

Now it seems, perhaps, that rumors are true.

"Wang Yunhai?" On the opposite side, Changsheng's eyes were glaring, glancing at these Wang's children.

He is like a king, in all directions.

Even if he does not have the practice of His Holiness, he has His Holiness.

The eyes of Changsheng are bright, and the eyes are remembered.

"I didn't expect that you were still alive." He did know this Wang Yunhai, but he was not very familiar with it.

In that era, Wang Yunhai was just a little man, and it was not at all reasonable.

Longevity **** will remember him, it is already hard to come by.

"Blessed by the Lord, the old slave is still alive." Wang Yunhai bowed, his eyes slightly raised, and he answered to Changshengye.

"It's rare that there was such an old person alive when this seat was born. You stand up and talk!"

"Xie Gongzi!" Wang Yunhai held his back respectfully.

Seeing Wang Yunhai's appearance, Wang Changtian's eyelids fluttered a little, but he was more helpless.

"Wang Changtian ... the talents of those years had the opportunity to prove the existence of the emperor, and they are still alive today. It seems that you have not failed your talent."

After glancing at Wang Yunhai, Changshengye flashed his eyes and looked at Wang Changtian.

However, his tone was a bit harsh and a little indifferent.

"Thank you for your love, remember the villain." Wang Changtian said.

He also has a humble tone.

"Let's get up and talk too!" Changshengye said lightly.

"Xie Shaozhu!" Wang Changtian looked respectfully and immediately straightened his waist.

His face sank like water, making it difficult to see any mood swings.

"The young master was born to wait for my blessing. My children of the Wang family will take you for another nine days." Wang Yunhai said in a deep voice.

"Fight for another nine days?" Changshengye's eyes condensed, with a sharp light flashing.

Things from previous lives are still vivid.

But, thinking of the enemy, the sharpness of his eyes gradually faded and turned into peace.

But even his father was an enemy of power. At this time, it was too early for him to talk about revenge.

Now he needs to build up his strength.

"The young master need not worry, the master is the supreme character, and naturally there will be a day of birth." Wang Yunhai said.

In his eyes, a fiery light flickered.

It seemed to him that the Lord in that mouth should not be ridiculed.

"Hope!" Changshengye whispered.

"It's too early to tell what happened in the future, now ..." Changshengye turned his eyes, and his eyes fell on Ren Zhipeng in front.

At the moment, Wang Yunhai's eyes lightened and he turned his head.

"This ..." When this eye turned, Ren Zhipeng felt heart palpitations.

"This person's desires are smoky, and be stubborn!" The low voice spit out from Changshengye's mouth.

"Yes!" Wang Yunhai nodded, and a flash of that light locked Ren Zhipeng.

"Senior Wang, I'm injustice. If the juniors know that this is a great person of the aristocracy, how dare the juniors dare to make inferiors, and ask you to read the relationship between my Ren and Wang's, and spare the junior this time!" Ren Zhipeng was frightened. His face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly begged, and his eyes were full of panic.

"Father!" At this time ~ ~ Ren Feitian in the distance was also panic.

The **** king and **** king of Ren's frown one by one.

This time, they really did a big deal.

"Want to pretend to be ignorant?" Changshengye looked cold, and then his eyes moved slightly. "You just shot, did you know his identity?"

He turned towards Xiao Yun.

"This ..." After hearing the words, Ren Zhipeng's heart throbbed.

"His identity?" In the distance, Li Jinwen and others blinked.

"Is it ...!" You Ziying looked stunned.

As for the others, they were suspicious.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes flickered, his body's charm changed, and his face changed.

His true appearance followed.

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