Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1942: The meaning of communication ...

Wutiangong shot, the sword fell, unstoppable. Eight ≥ > One Chinese≯ < ≦ ﹤< ≤ < ≤ ≦ ﹤﹤ ≦

This knife is called the sky knife, and it can be used for everything!

Jang Sang-yeh shot twice in a row, but it was simply unbeatable.

Nowadays, the lawless son can be killed instantly.

Such a scene, so that the gods along the coast of Tao Road could not help but tighten their nerves.

Even Jiang Zixu and others from the outside world looked dignified.

This is too strong.

If it had not been for the longevity of the eternal life, he would have been cut off long ago.

"Three emperors, but can't compete with this lawlessness?" A quasi-god sighed.

At this time, all three of Daohai were so shocked and brilliant, with the figure of the emperor behind them, but they were forced by the lawless son to resist.

It's sad.

"Chengsheng Sky Cover!" Just then, a deep voice spit out of Changshengye's mouth.

But he saw the light lines on his eyebrows, one by one, all of them coming out.

This pattern is like a net, forming a sky shield to protect them.

If you look closely, this hood is like a tortoise shell, and there is supreme power on it.

This supreme prestige caused this sea storm to stir, the huge waves shook the sky, and the horrific oppression from the heavenly son suddenly weakened.


The sky knife fell and chopped on the shell of the turtle, making a clear sound.

However, this time the sky knife was blocked, but was opened by a mighty road.

Even the lawless God ’s law that can imprison thousands of people collapsed and could not affect this turtle shell.

"Resisted?" Seeing this, the spirit outside was shocked inside.

"Is this the emperor soldier?"

"This thing is not comparable to ordinary imperial soldiers!" Jiang Zi stared at the light.

"This eldest son is really the emperor!"

"His father is also regarded as the lord among the emperors." Jiang Yuan's virtual eyes flashed.

"This breath ... this is the shell of the turtle that faded when your father was enlightened!" Wu Tiangongzi eyes surprised, and then said.

This is indeed the body that was cut off by Jang Sangje ’s father when he became enlightened.

This body contains Supreme Avenue.

However, to support the operation of this avenue pattern, it requires magnificent energy.

Therefore, after the shot, Changsheng did not say anything, and his body had a great amount of essence injected into the turtle shell above his head.

"Your father has made great achievements, and the shell that fell is also extremely powerful, but this is the shell he cut off for the first time, but it is only better than the emperor. How long do you persist? "After a little surprise, the corners of Wugongzi evoked a cold arc.

Immediately, he took a strong shot and attacked the shell.

The knife was cut that day to break the road pattern blooming from the turtle shell.


This knife was cut, and the turtle's shell trembled, and the endless ridge pattern rose from it, resisting the slashing sword.

However, after this sword, a terrible horror wave was set off under the shell of the turtle, and Changshengye's body trembled like a lightning strike.

In the corner of his mouth, a pale silver blood flowed out.

His face also turned pale.

At this time he urged such a treasure to be too costly.

A loss of essence can affect the foundation of a person.

The same is true. At the beginning, the longevity **** would not want to stay in the Wang family.

Because at that time his realm was not enough.

If you urge Arcana with your destiny, it will affect your future.

For him, his goal is to become an emperor, or even to be an existence above the emperor.

He naturally does not allow his foundation, and his energy is damaged.

Therefore, for a while, it was nothing for him.

But now it's really Jedi.

He must not shoot with all his strength.

The cyan light streaks flickered in the body, and the magnificent essence was injected into the shell.

Longevity **** is struggling to support.

Seeing this, Ming Ziyu frowned.

By this time, Xiao Yun was like a boulevard, already communicating the will of the plane.

Plane will, everywhere.

It can sense everything.

However, it has no feelings and only knows to maintain this world.

At this time, Xiao Yun was like a boulevard, and had already merged with this piece of the sea.

With the perception of that plane, he saw the situation in the hazy area ahead.

There, like a mixed world, in the depths, there is a giant tree rooted in the chaos.

This is the sky tree.

"Like the world of mixed yuan, but also the sky tree." Xiao Yun was moved.

Especially the dim ambivalence made him startled.

There, there is an extremely pure avenue.


But at this time, there was a war there.

It's not something, but it's the sky tree that is shooting.

The branches of the ancient tree, like sharp blades, stabbed at a man.

Thousands of branches are dancing, each of them is extremely powerful, and a simple hit can kill Tianzun.

Even the Supreme could not withstand this attack.

However, at this time in the Yuanyuanhai, a man stood proud.

This man is a lawless boy.

At this moment, the son-in-law of the heavens is dazzling around his body. He stands in this mixed Yuan Daohai, but is invincible.

That sky tree shot, he couldn't touch his whole body at all.

All he saw was his sword in his hand, cutting forward.

It was just a blow, but it was full of swords, if there were thousands of people in the shot.

But if you look closely, it's clear that only one person is shooting.

On that day, the sword passed, and there was a confrontation with Tongtian branches.

Even Xiao Yun could clearly feel that the momentum of Tongtianshu was weakening.

Soon after, branches began to be cut off and fell into the sea of ​​Junyuan.

If you look closely, there is a black bead floating on the crown of the sky tree, like the sky that connects the nine heads.

This bead is like a black sun, blooming with black light.

A black road pattern drew down, invading toward the sky tree.

"It was the bead that drastically reduced the sky's combat power. No wonder the will of the plane would not be able to protect itself!" With a slight perception, Xiao Yun understood the reason.

That bead is strong, what a treasure.

"Who are you!" Just then, a cold voice sounded.

The sound was rolling like a boulevard, shaking Xiao Yun's mind.

Obviously, his mind came to Daohai in Yuanyuan, and he aroused the alertness of the will of the plane.

"My name is Xiao Yun. This time I came to the Emperor's Heaven, and I want to perceive the avenue, but I do n’t want to, but I ’m out of this skyless shot to harm the place. , Your situation is very bad at this time ~ ~ It is difficult to deal with this person! "Xiao Yun sighed.

"You're the man's son!" Suddenly, Dadao Will groaned.

The monstrous anger emerged towards Xiao Yun.

"Why ..." Xiao Yun's heart trembled and almost collapsed. "Do you know my father?"

"If it weren't for your father, when the imperial realm collapsed, and I was weak, I took away the Yuanyuan coffin, would I not be able to deal with this dark dzi."

Avenue Avenue hummed coldly.

"Dark dzi! Mixed Yuantian coffin!" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yun's eyes were stunned, "It seems that my father's mixed Yuantian coffin has some connection with this place."

"What is this dark dzi?" Xiao Yun asked.

"This is the Yuanyuan Treasure of the Dark Realm. It is one of the top ten Yuanyuan Treasures of the Ten Realms in ancient times. I don't want to. This person controls the bead and also deals with me." Tao, with a bit of helplessness in its tone, obviously, it can't deal with lawlessness without the assistance of the town's treasure, Yuanyuan Tian Coffin.

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