Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1943: Avenue Plus

"Is there no other way?" Xiao Yun felt a little dignified. <

If even the avenues here cannot cope with lawlessness, who else can?

The emperor?

But at this time, the emperor has not yet shot!

"Unless there is a treasure, you can resist this dark dzi." The avenue of the emperor's heaven will say.

"Treasure?" Xiao Yun frowned.

He has many treasures.

Such as Siyuan Ling, Siyuan Bow.

However, these spiritless bodies cannot even deal with the spirit body, so how can he talk about his deity?

"Since you have inherited the master's inheritance, you can get his treasure." At this moment, Siyuan Bow, bowed in a deep voice.

"What is the treasure?" Xiao Yun thought inside and thought of something.

"Yin Yang Bao Jian!" Said Gong Ling.

"Yin Yang Bao Jian!" Wen Yun said, Xiao Yun was shocked inside, "Can this thing be comparable to the mixed Yuan treasure?"

"That's nature." Bow Lingdao said, "This is one of the eight innate holy treasures."

"Eight congenial mixed Yuan Shengbao?" Xiao Yun felt that everything seemed to surface.

"In the beginning of heaven and earth, there are eight congenital mixed yuan holy treasures, controlled by eight saints. In addition, there are ten major mixed yuan holy treasures, which have become the treasures of the towns in the ten realms. One of the Eight Sacred Treasures. "Gong Ling began, uttering a secret of heaven and earth, making Xiao Yun's heart ups and downs.

"So, the master of the condemned land is one of the eight saints."

"Well," Bow Ling nodded.

This is the secret of ancient times, and even His Holiness did not know these things.

Until this moment, Xiao Yun also understood why the yin and yang baojian is so inverse to the sky, it can be against the sky and communicate with the heavens and the world.

Because this is the innate holy treasure, the existence of the Yuedi soldiers.

"I have a treasure book of yin and yang." Xiao Yun then said to the avenue.

"What! Yin Yang Bao Jian!" The tone of the will of the avenue changed obviously, saying, "This is one of the eight congenital mixed yuan holy treasures. That ranking is still above the God of Creation, let alone the ten of the ten realms." Treasure of the Yuan Dynasty is here, and there is this thing, if you and I work together, there is a chance to turn the tide. "

Then, Da Dao's will began to sense Xiao Yun's actions.

"Although it is only a quasi-god realm, it is a mixed-avenue, the highest avenue that can carry my avenue will." This avenue will speak in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Xiao Yun nodded. At this time, only then did he have the opportunity to deal with lawlessness.

The imperial will of the people's kingdom was not delayed, and its will immediately began to flow towards Xiao Yun's deity.

It is said that the inflow of will, but it is better to say that various avenue rules have poured into Xiao Yun's body.

What is the way of life and death, what is the six reincarnation, what is the way to swallow the sky ...

It can be said that all the avenues controlled by the realms of the Emperor Realm poured into Xiao Yun's body.

At this moment, Xiao Yunru was washing on the avenue, and he was merging with others.

This fusion is purer than when he realized it himself.

"Based on this, I can make Yunyuan Avenue a step further." Xiao Yun moved inside.

When those avenue laws flooded in, he felt it was an opportunity.

If you really appreciate it, you will be more successful.

With this, the kingdom of God and even the kingdom of God will not be a problem.

Even this perception is of great benefit to the future impact on the divine realm.

You know, at this moment he seems to be integrated with the Avenue!

What could be more upright than this chance.

At this moment, Xiao Yun was like a world of mixed yuan.

In this world, various avenue rules are interwoven, and his Yuanyuan avenue is more perfect.

In addition to this law of the avenue, a strong will has begun to be added to this world.

In this way, Xiao Yun's mixed-yuan world is constantly improving its rules, and the power of dominance has become more powerful.

If there is a law of avenues in the sky, but the will to dominate is weak, it is equally vulnerable.

A feeling of mingling with Tao, dominating the world, poured into Xiao Yun's mind.

In his realm, power is soaring.

God King Realm is the Shinto law corresponding to the traction road.

The realm of the monarch is that the rules are fulfilled, and the world of magical power is approaching perfection. There is really a big world.

God: God, Heaven, Supreme [The evolution of the Shinto world, began to control the order of heaven and earth in the Shinto world]

Great Emperor: The emperor among the lords is regarded as the great emperor. [Controlled the order of heaven and earth, the Shinto world has been formed]

The Xunyuan heaven and earth has also become more perfect. In it, chaos dissipates, and mountains and rivers have begun to evolve. It seems to become real heaven and earth. The order of the avenue is in the framework, the five elements are corresponding, and even a soul appears. However, at this stage, the avenue will feel weak.

Ke Rao is like this, the Tao in Xiao Yun's body has evolved, and has become supreme.

However, it is difficult to go further.

After all, the avenue of imperial realm was wounded in ancient times.

Rao is so. At this moment, Xiao Yun felt a lot, and began to have a deep understanding of the Heaven and Earth Avenue and the rules of Heaven and Earth.

He seemed to have witnessed a world opening.

It can be said that such an opportunity is really rare.

Even when the will of the avenue was imposed on him, Xiao Yun's operation of the avenue became clear.

The will of the avenue is like the master of a world.

It's as if Xiao Yun is in charge of condemnation.

He is the will of the land of condemnation.

As the will of the avenue, you must first control the endless avenue and various rules in order to make this heaven and earth balance and function properly.

Obviously, Xiao Yun's control is not enough today.

The same is true, his strength will be insufficient.

When the will of the avenue was added to Xiao Yun, the combat power of Tongtianshu dropped sharply within the mixed Yuandao.

The sky tree is the tree of the avenue, and it is like a weapon.

The will of Shicai Avenue was put on the sky tree as a battle.

However, with the gradual transfer of the will of Dadao, the combat power of Tongtianshu also decreased sharply.

The branch was dancing and chopped by the sky.

"Why does the sky's combat power decline so fast?" Wutian looked surprised.

At the moment, he felt away immediately.

"The momentum of Xiao Yun is soaring." A little induction, he showed some slight fluctuations.

At the moment, Wutian frowned.

"He is going to merge with the power of the will of the avenue?" Wu Tianmu flashed. "But, what about it, I have the dark dzi bead, even if this Xiao Yun has the treasure, what can it do?" Yuan Ling, Si Yuan Gong, have not been looked at by the lawless son at all.

In this way, his spirit flickered, and he began to take a strong shot at Changshengye, to open the turtle shell and deal directly with Xiao Yun.


Under such a powerful attack, the shell of the turtle trembled, and the dow pattern began to dim.

The longevity inside retreated step by step, and blood spit out from his mouth.

He can't help it anymore.

"Evolve the yin and yang baojians!" Da Dao opened his mouth, and now the sky knows their plans.

"Well." Xiao Yun nodded. In his eyebrows, the yin and yang ripples flowed, and the yin and yang baojian emerged. ~ When the yin and yang baojian evolved, there was an immense and powerful divine shock.

The whole Daohai was shocked and set off huge waves.

"So powerful?" Changshengye's eyes moved.

"Next, leave it to me!" Xiao Yun blinked, looking at Changshengye, Shen said.

"Okay!" Changshengye nodded, and then withdrew the turtle shell.

When the turtle's shell was withdrawn, his whole body was weak and he would fall to the ground.

Ming Ziyu immediately lifted it up.

Today's Changshengye is too weak. This time, he not only exhausted a lot of original energy, but also exhausted most of his spiritual power.

"Wutian, as well as this plot, is a pit and also exposes the previous pit, so it is a bit longer. In two days, we will try to restore and update. Everyone can go to see" The Burning Heaven Evil God "written by An Qiye, and let go of the loneliness. . "

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