Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 2016: Don't bully my brother!


When the crowd was shocked by Xiao Yun's appearance, they only saw his big hand swept away, an invisible force swept out, which caused the magical powers of the heroes to collapse before Xiongguan, his big hand hit the air, and the magic gun directly He was crushed and crushed, and so was the Sword. = 乐 ==

"It's strong!" The eyes of the five Demon Supremes suddenly shrank, all of them revealing a dignified color.

You know, these magic soldiers surpass the Supreme Soldiers, and they can shock the quasi-empire!

But at this time Xiao Yun was crushed at any time, showing how amazing the latter's strength should be.


After defeating these five supreme attacks, Xiao Yun's body floated down.

"Haha, Brother Xiao!" Jiang asked Tianlang and laughed. He was very excited at this time, and his burning blood was a little restrained.

"Xiao Yunzi, I want to die!" The Skyfinch was so excited that he took a big step directly and rushed towards Xiao Yun, hugging him.

After embracing Xiao Yun, the swallowing sparrow patted Xiao Yun's back vigorously.

Looking at it, it seemed to prove that he was holding a real person, not an illusion, and tears shed in his eyes.

This time it was tears of excitement.

Just now, Swallowing Skybird was still regretful and hated that his strength was too low to visit Xiao Yun's life and death for nine days.

Who would have thought that it was only momentarily that the brother appeared in front of him and solved the mortal situation for himself.

This made him extremely excited and grateful.

"Brother Xiao!" Kong Qigong was very personable. He also went to Xiao Yun and laughed loudly. At the same time, things in the past came to mind.

Xiao Yun landed, looking at the brothers, he couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

At this time, the scapula of the Swallow-tailed Sparrow was perforated and blood stained, and Kong Qigong was cut off. Jiang Wentian was also extremely embarrassed.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly, his eyes glanced over the three brothers, and after taking a deep breath, he apologized.

He had already proved successful, but he did not follow these brothers in time, and he felt ashamed to think of it here.

These are the brothers who were born and died with him!

Especially for the Skyfinch, if this brother and he were born and died many times and saved him in danger, he would not have achieved what he is today.

"You boy, what is the relationship between us, do you still need to say this foreign language?" Seeing a guilty face, the swallow loosened his arm and held his opponent's hand. The fist was a hammer in Xiao Yun laughed and cursed above Yun's chest, "But you guys haven't missed the gods all these years!"

The words fell down and swallowed the tit, but his face was smirked. He looked up and down, and seemed to want to see if this brother was real or fake.

You know, the idols left by Xiao Yun in Haotian Realm are all shattered!

"I'm going, swallow the sky, what are you looking at?" Seeing the swallow sky **** looking at himself like this, Xiao Yun couldn't help feeling a burst of fur and goose bumps.

"Oh, swallowing the sky is wondering if you are our brother Xiao Yun!" Kong Qigongxiao laughed. "You don't know, 100,000 years ago, the idol you left was broken, even among some weapons. The imprints of the spirits contained in them have disappeared, making the emperor soldiers into ordinary soldiers. "

"At that time, the people in the major star domains were trembling, saying that you failed to preach, and even the gods and souls were annihilated. Who would have thought that you could return?" Kong Qigong sighed.

Even he thought Xiao Yun was ridiculed.

But he was also extremely unwilling, unwilling to believe that this arrogant and glorious heavenly pride would end like this.

Now that Xiao Yun has returned, he can't help feeling a little dreamy when he's excited.

"Brother Xiao, what happened that year?" Jiang Wentian couldn't help asking.

"I almost failed to testify at the time, but I finally succeeded." Xiao Yun said simply.

"Then why did you disappear for so long?"

"It was delayed because of something." Xiao Yun laughed.

"Oh, anyway, Brother Xiao is satisfied with death, this is a good thing!" Kong Qigong smiled, not caring about other things.

All he cares about is that his brother is alive.

"Yes, as long as Brother Xiao hasn't died, this is the good thing of Tianda. Haha, we must drink 3,000 cups when things here are over!" Jiang asked Tian and laughed, at this time he was extremely excited. At first, he witnessed Xiao Yun's rise in the human world!

For this brother, he also has deep feelings.

"Oh, yes, I can meet Xiaoyunzi again, but at this moment is dead and worth it."

He was really happy at this time.

"You kid, will you die if I am with you?" Xiao Yun gave a white glance to swallow the sky tits, and then his eyes turned to the top five opposites. After getting up, there is no such softness as before, and some are just sensible killing intentions.


When Xiao Yun's eyes swept, the five supreme hearts on the opposite side throbbed.

Ling Fei's eyes let chills emerge from their spinal cord, and a breath of death seemed to be lingering overhead.

"Xiao Yun ... Great Emperor Haotian!" Everyone's mind roared, leaving only such a name echoing in his mind.

At this moment, they were also identified. The man in front of him was the Haotian Emperor who had left legends in the world of God.

"Damn, hasn't the Emperor Haotian already been snubbed? How could he suddenly appear here?"

Several extreme faces were extremely gloomy.

"The Great Emperor Haotian is now in trouble!" At the same time, a bitter smile evoked in the corners of their mouths.

You know, the reason why the Demons will join the Hades, Blood and Darkness to attack the Terrans and Demons is because the Emperor Haotian is dead.

The Emperor Haotian is dead, and the emperor soldiers left by him collapse, causing the strength of Haotian in Haotian Realm to drop sharply, and the Devil will be sure to win.

As for those powers above the nine days, there is an agreement between them and they cannot intervene in the divine realm.

Moreover, the divine realm is not as it is today, and the avenue is stronger. It excludes the power of nine days from coming to this world.

Therefore, in the battle between the Protoss and the Demon, the power of Nine Heavens and above is difficult to intervene.

But now, the legendary Emperor Haotian has appeared in the **** world.

This is completely beyond the expectations of these five Supremes.

Even those distant emperors in the distance frowned, and their faces were extremely ugly.

With the intervention of the Great Emperor, can they still win?

"Do you know me?" Seeing the bitterness and horror of these five Supremes, Xiao Yun frowned, and a cold arc formed in the corner of his mouth, saying that his voice was not high, but it spread. In all directions, even practitioners far away from millions of miles can clearly hear.

"Gong Xiaoxiao spoke!"

"The Emperor Haotian has spoken, will he take the shot to kill these Demon Supremes?" Wen Yan said that the practitioners in the second male pass were exhilarated.

The sound was in the ear, and the five Supremes shivered, and the body trembled, as if to fall from the void.

At this moment they were filled with panic.

"Knowing, we naturally know the emperor, the name of the emperor, the emperor's appearance, who in the entire world of God does not know?" In addition to fear, the demon leader headed by Demon said that his words were full of bitterness.

At this time, the Demon Supreme had only fear and fear in his eyes, and he had long lost his previous strength.

Because he knew that under the Emperor's hands, one of his most distinguished was the ants.

Therefore, these five Supremes bowed their heads and did not dare to look directly at Xiao Yun.

"Since you know this seat, why dare to touch my brother?" Suddenly, Xiao Yun's eyes were as bright as a knife, and the corners of his mouth were open and closed, and the cold words resounded word by word. The intention of killing pervaded, making this void seem to freeze.

"Since you know this place, why dare to touch my brother?"

"Since you know this place, why dare to touch my brother?"


Xiao Yun's cold voice echoed in the void.

"The Emperor is angry!

"Haha, the emperor is angry, he will make the Supreme bloodshed!" After hearing this cold voice, the practitioners in the second Xiongguan couldn't help shouting.

"This is all right!" Xiao Qianlong was also full of excitement, with tears rolling in his eyes, which was crying with joy, but he knew Xiao Yun's temperament. This is a master who never compromises. He was already fearless when he was young. Besides, at this time he had already preached to be emperor?

Now that these demons have moved his brother, will he stop?

This made Xiao Qianlong look full of anticipation.

The monks of the tribe are uplifted, but the five Supremes are almost frightened.

"In the beginning, did you not already be the emperor ..." The supreme face was terrified, and he wanted to say that Xiao Yun had been ridiculed before shooting.

But only halfway through, he realized that it seemed useless to let himself speak.

"You think this seat is dead, so you can move my brother?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yun's eyes were cold.

"We ..." The few trembled and shivered.

"The Great Emperor's life ~ ~ Since ancient times, the Protoss and the Demon have been at war, and it is no longer normal. The Ancient Greats are acquiesced to both of us. The Great, please raise your hands!" The supreme knelt down on the ground, begging Xiao Yun for mercy, at this time they were really afraid.

Killing Ling Ling beside them, the horrifying air force made the void solidify.

At this point, even if they want to escape, they can't escape at all!

So they can only ask for mercy.

"Yes, the power of the ancients is indeed the acquiescence of the war between the two demons, but my brother, don't deceive. Since you dare to touch my brother Xiao Yun, then staying here today is a warning to the world. Whenever Xiao Yun's people move, they only need to die! "Xiao Yun said coldly, word by word.

His words were cold, and there was no trace of appreciation, and some were just killing intentions.

"No ... Emperor, we will never dare again!" After feeling Xiao Yun's intention of killing, the five supremely begged for mercy.

"It's too late to regret it now!" Xiao Yun said coldly, word by word.

When the words came down, he only saw him stride forward, and with a stretch of his palm, a huge swallowing weather emerged.

The volume of this cyclone swallowed up the void in front of it, but it was just a momentary moment, and the five Supremes were all introduced into this huge cyclone.

Immediately after introducing these Supremes into the cyclone, there was a flame tumbling, which was to be smelted.

"Ah!" In the cyclone, screams sounded, these Supremes burned the source, wanting to resist the power of the flames, but they were horrified to find that these flames were irresistible at all, and the screams came suddenly Only then are all the Supremes smelted into nothingness.

In this way, the five Supremes of the Demons and the Hades, the Blood and the Darkness all slumped.


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