Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 2017: Emperor Megatron

Xiao Yun shot, and instantly killed the five Supremes of the Demons.

The scream of the deities also came to an abrupt end.

Inside the second Xiongguan, there is a huge ancient mirror that evolved the situation outside the Xiongguan.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of gods are paying close attention to the evolved picture in the ancient mirror in this male guan.

"That's how five Supremes died?"

"Meng, Xiao Yun's son is fierce!" In the pictures that evolved from the ancient mirror, the repairers showed shocking colors.

Xiao Yun's strength made them feel the blood was boiling.

You know, that's the top five!

The three top-level Supremes who swallowed the tits, Kong Qigong, and Jiang Wentian just shot, but they were forced to burn the soul and the essence of blood to fight for their lives. Such a powerful five-level Supremes, but at this time were Xiao Yun It's hard to imagine how Xiao Yun should be today?

"What Xiao Yun, son, is called the emperor, but Xiao son is called Haotian the emperor early!" When everyone was exclaimed, someone glared.

This is the Xiao and Haotian people.

These people are full of respect for Xiao Yun.

You know, Xiao Yun was born of Xiao family, but his previous life was the emperor of Haotian family.

These people instinctively treat Xiao Yun as their own.

"Yes, yes, it's the emperor, the emperor Haotian!" At the moment, those gods changed their names again and again.

"Extreme killing in the hands, is this the power of the emperor?" In the hall of Xiongguan, Jiang Xuantian and others could not help but take a breath.

"Brother Xiao really is Gai Daijiejie!" Many lords of the same era as Xiao Yun could not help but take a deep breath.

There are many practitioners who have just stepped into the realm of the Supreme Master here and have met Xiao Yun.

Such as Jiang Xuantian, Jiang Jingtian, Qiu Yufeng of the Prison Cow Clan, Ni Cang of the She Clan, and others!

At this moment, these people were in a very complicated mood. Obviously they were even more dazzling at that time, but they were later overtaken by Xiao Yun.

To this day, they can only look up to Xiao Yun.

"Ha ha, friends, Xiao Gong and ours were regarded as peers before, but now we can respect him as Emperor Haotian!" Xiao Qianlong beside him laughed loudly, reminding everyone not to forget the humility, in his eyebrow With a proud appearance, this Xiao Yun is his tribe!

"Oh, that's, that's it!" The Venerable next to him repeated.

"This Xiao Qianlong and Xiao Yun are clan people, and we have to be careful with him in the future." At the same time, these people are looking at Xiao Qianlong and showing awe.

In the past, they were also very respectful of Xiao Qianlong.

Because Xiao had an Emperor Xiao Yun.

But since Xiao Yunzheng was behind, their attitude has also weakened slightly.

Of course, these people still dare not neglect, after all, Xiao has another Xiao Zhantian.

It was only that Xiao Zhantian had no contact with the people of the Xiao clan, so it was difficult for Xiao Qianlong and others to use his name to impress the various races.

You know, those people of the Xiao clan who really have a relationship with Xiao Zhantian are just a few people in Fengyue Kingdom and Tianduyu.

"Now with the Emperor Haotian's shot, we can finally recover our disadvantages." In awe, everyone's tightly frowning brows gradually stretched out, and then the eyes of the gods flashed, and they continued to stare. With that ancient mirror, continue to pay attention to the situation outside the second male customs.

At this point, before the second Xiongguan pass, the vast aftershocks had dissipated, and the sky and white clouds were over the sky, and the killing air gradually weakened.

"Killing the Supreme while turning over, is this the way of the emperor?" Before the Xiongguan, Jiang asked Tian Muguang as he condensed, his heart was also extremely shocked.

At this point Xiao Yun's big hand has been retracted, and the fluctuations have long since dissipated, but the detached means when he shot it made Jiang Wentian's heart hard to calm down.

"Ha ha, Xiao Yunzi, fierce enough!" Seeing the five supreme captives, swallowing the sky **** and laughing, he looked very excited at this time.

"The majesty of the Emperor is sighing!" Rao is the calm Qi Gongzi who is also very calm.

"Haha, when you testify to be emperor in the future, you can naturally kill the Supreme in your hands." Xiao Yun laughed.

Reaching his current state, killing the Supreme was a matter of fingertips, so he didn't care about it.

"We prove the emperor?" After hearing the words, Kong Qigong's eyes narrowed slightly, then he shook his head and sighed, "It is too difficult to prove the emperor."

You know, even Jiang Zixu, the twenty-eighth emperor, and even the emperor Lian Zhunzhen did not testify to be the emperor, let alone their descendants.

"There is nothing impossible between heaven and earth. The important thing is that you refuse to do it, and you have this determination." Xiao Yun turned his eyes, and said to Kong Qigong, "Is n’t it the same? First you have to be confident, and then go to the World Avenue with your heart. "

"Yes!" I heard, flashing the light of the swallowing sky bird, and it was full of fiery light. "How many people thought that Xiaoyunzi had fallen?"

"But he hasn't appeared yet?"

"Evangelism is difficult, but as long as we have the determination, we will have the day when we become the emperor. If even determination and even confidence are gone, how can we speak?"

The swallowtail is full of confidence.

"Well said!" Xiao Yunmu was relieved and could not help but sigh.

Now that he has succeeded in preaching, it is these former brothers who cannot bear the least.

Seeing this ambitious ambition, Xiao Yun couldn't help but see a bit of hope.

"Tun Tian and Brother Xiao said very much. Although Jiang Wentian was not talented, he also had the will to prove the emperor!" Jiang Wentian nodded, and his face was fiery.

"Oh, my brothers are right, it was my concubine who was weak for a while." Kong Qigong laughed.

Seeing these brothers so ambitious Ling Yun, the blood in his body could not help boiling.

"But Brother Xiao ~ ~ Since you are here, you have to solve some trouble for us!"

His words fell, and his eyes flashed, looking at the sky in front of him.

There, it was the area of ​​the first Xiongguan, but at this time the Xiongguan was broken and it became the battlefield of several quasi-perfect emperors.

If the Protoss of the Protoss tribe defeated, the Protoss of the Demon Tribe also drove straight in to kill the second hero.

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and he could not help but follow the light of Kong Qigong's eyes.

There, Jiang Zixu and others were fighting against the Demon Emperor, the Hades, the Darkness, and the Blood Emperor.

The Demon Clan has the might of the Emperor!

Fortunately, the twenty-eighth emperor united Haotian Realm, and even the forces of beings of various races were competing against the imperial soldiers, but temporarily resisted the offensive of the demons.

When Xiao Yun's eyes were gone, the demons of the demons all panicked.

At this point they wanted to retreat, but they were afraid of being ambushed.

The picture of Xiao Yun's five Supreme People just now is in their eyes!

Although the emperor Zhunqiang is strong, he is very different from the emperor.

Besides, Xiao Yun has surpassed the emperor?

"Abominable, why didn't Xiao Yun die? Didn't he fail in his sermon?" The quasi-perfect emperor's heart was extremely bitter.

"Haha, kill well!" The twenty-eighth emperor smiled cheerfully, "Magic Xun, now that our great emperor is here, how can you fight?"

"Isn't the emperor able to come to the realm of God?" The Opponent Demon Emperor across the face looked bitter.

The rule of heaven and earth changed after the Emperor Xiao Yun's certification that year. The emperor was no longer allowed to stay in the divine realm, let alone kill in the divine realm?

Over the years, no emperor or saint has come to the realm of God!

The same is true, they dare to declare war on the protoss!

But the appearance of Xiao Yun, however, apparently broke the **** of the heaven and earth rules of this **** world.

In this way, they are terrified to think carefully.


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