Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 2027: 9 Xiao God Emperor

Tianwu continent, the strongest!

Here are the Supreme Masters who bear the blood of ancient times, the arrogance of heaven who inherited the martial arts ancestors of the ancestors, and the descendants of the gods who have the body ...

In the country of Lanshan, Feng's is a great family with no blood!

Chishan City, Feng's Houshan, there are hundreds of young girls gathered under the towering blood test monument.

At this moment, a young boy with a straight figure and sword eyebrows was taking back his long and white palm from the bloodstone.


When the palm of his hand was retracted, the light veins flashed on the blood vein monument, and a row of blood vein data was displayed accordingly.

Xiao Zhantian, the bloodline inheritance value, 92%!

"Ninety-two percent, is this true?" When this data appeared, the air on the whole mountain seemed to freeze for it.

The crowd blinked their eyelashes, and they couldn't help staring at the bloodstone monument carefully. Seeing what they looked like, they all seemed to want to see if they were mistaken.

Suddenly, countless eyes locked the bloodstone monument made by the spar in front.

There is a row of data that is particularly eye-catching.

Xiao Zhantian; Bloodline value is 92%!

Feng Yufei; bloodline value is 79%!

The wind is rushing; the blood value is 70%!

"It's really ninety-two percent!" After seeing the data again, the uproar followed in the test field.

Subsequently, countless Taoguang also gathered on the young man under the blood veins.

The young man was named Xiao Zhantian. By the count, he was a foreigner, but the blood of Feng's body on his body was overwhelming.

Today, the heritage value of this 92% bloodline is even more than a thousand-year record of Chishan Feng's.

How can this not be shocking?

"Oh my God, is this the first person to be my Fengshi?"

"Ninety-two percent of the bloodline heritage value, if he grows up, how terrible? Can he be transformed into a true phoenix for nine days?"

"Pride of heaven, like Zhan Tiangongzi, is destined to make a name for himself in the entire Tiannan area!"

"My wind can have such heavenly pride, but God bless my people!"


All kinds of shocks and cheers sounded on the mountain top.

Each of Feng's children seemed extremely excited.

"Ninety-two percent of bloodline inheritance value!" Before the bloodline monument, Xiao Zhantian glanced at the refreshed data, but Zhang Junyi's face looked very calm, the cheers in his ear Like the tide, one after another, it didn't let this little childish mind set off too many emotional fluctuations.

Such a calm and calm attitude is obviously inconsistent with his age of less than sixteen.

"Congratulations to the brother of Zhantian, the bloodline inheritance value has been raised again, becoming my first person in the thousand years!"

Just at this moment, beside the blood vein monument, a sweet voice sounded.

However, behind Xiao Zhantian, a slender, exquisite and beautiful girl stepped on the lotus steps and walked up.

This is an extremely beautiful girl who does not apply fandai.

This girl is only close to sixteen.

But she is slender and can be one meter six or eight. Her skin is fair, as if it is gel, it seems to be blown, and the raised nose is as delicate as a work of art. The eyebrows are picturesque and the long eyelashes blink There were waves rising in those smart eyes.

The girl's cheeks smiled, and her eyes dazzled the world.

It is not difficult to imagine that after a few years, it would be better to stay with her curve. What kind of country would it be to upset all beings?

This girl is called Feng Ruoxi, but Xiao Zhantian's cousin.

After seeing this cousin, Xiao Zhantian finally had a smile on his face.

It seems that only this cousin can set off a few waves in his ancient well.

"The first person in Feng's family?" But Xiao Fengtian couldn't help smiling at Feng Ruoxi. There was a bitterness in this smile.

He vaguely remembered that the scene in the test field when he first tested the bloodline inheritance value eight years ago.

"Xiao Zhantian, bloodline heritage value, 38 percent!"

"Haha, it's only 38% of bloodline value. This is the lowest bloodline inheritance value in my century of Feng's, right?"

"Hey, it's a waste. His mother is still my wind's proud girl, and the bloodline inheritance value has reached 91%. Why did you have such a waste? It's a shame to me! "

"I think his father must have been too wasteful to give birth to such a wasteful son!"

"This kind of waste is simply a shame to my Fengshi. You are not worthy of staying with me!"


Although eight years have passed, these harsh words and ugly faces have been lingering in his mind.

This became a memory he could not erase!

For Xiao Zhantian, it was a dark time, which almost made him feel helpless.

Fortunately, at that time Feng Ruoxi had been encouraging him and accompanying him, otherwise he was really hard to imagine, how could he survive that period of time?

Therefore, at this time, these people praised Xiao Zhantian.

Because he knows that all of this comes from his own strength.

In this world of martial arts respect, if you have no strength, no one will care about you.

Therefore, he has been working hard for many years.

Because he wants to let the world know.

He Xiao Zhantian, not waste!

Because he knows that only by becoming a strong man can he prove to the world that he is not a waste, his father, nor a waste!

That way, he can never be insulted by anyone, and no one dares to call him a waste, call him a wild seed, call him unworthy to stay in Fengshi ...

"Brother Zhantian, you must be a strong one and fulfill your dream!" Feng Ruoxi went to Xiao Zhantian, she blinked those long eyelashes, and her clear eyes stared at Xiao Zhantian very seriously Said.

"Fulfill my dream?" Xiao Zhantian's eyes lightened, he could not help looking up, looking at the distant void, with a fiery light flashing in his eyes.

His dream is to enter that vast world of martial arts.

"You can do it." Feng Ruoxi nodded heavily.

"If it's Xi, you can also test your bloodline value!" After taking a deep breath, Xiao Zhantian retracted his eyes and said to the serious wind Ruoxi.

"Oh!" Hearing the words, Feng Ruoxi pursed her lips, and her watery eyes blinked, glancing at the bloodstone.

There was a bit of loss in her eyes, and she seemed reluctant to mention her bloodline heritage.

However, despite the loss of his heart, Feng Ruoxi raised his head very subtly under the eyes of Xiao Zhantian with the expected eyes.

Then, Feng Ruoxi stretched out the white hand that was as smooth as sheep fat, and stuck it to the bloodstone monument in front.

When blood was poured into the monument, the majestic phoenix mighty out came out.

This kind of power is extremely magnificent, if there is a real phoenix born.

However, when the blood was restrained, the data on the bloodstone monument remained intact.

The wind is fierce; the bloodline inheritance value is 70%!

"I knew it wouldn't change!" After looking at the data, Feng Ruoxi pouted his mouth, and sadness appeared on that little face.

Originally, when she was tested for the first time at the age of eight, her bloodline inheritance value reached 70%, and her bloodline was almost the same as that of her father.

At that time, Feng's people thought that she could reach the inheritance value of 91% like her father and become a heavenly pride.

Unfortunately, in the past eight years, her bloodline inheritance value has not been improved.

Even if she goes to the coagulation tank every day to condense blood and stimulate blood, even engraving the ancient inscriptions to stimulate blood is useless.

"Unfortunately, if Miss Xi's bloodline value has been stagnant, otherwise I will have one more proud girl in the sky." Many children of the wind sighed.

But that's all.

In their opinion, such a beautiful peerless beauty like Feng Ruoxi, she only needs to be responsible for beauty.

As for what blood lineage was, she seemed too vulgar.

"It's okay, as long as you work hard, one day, there will be miracles. Haven't you said that, the opportunity is for the prepared person, then, don't you have a brother in the sky? I will protect you forever!" Seeing the sadness of the wind and the pitiful look, Xiao Zhantian smiled softly. He stretched out his fair palms, stroking the girl ’s head and whispering in a whisper. Looking at the appearance, he obviously loved this younger sister.

"Huh!" When the gentle words came into the ear, Feng Ruoxi lifted the slightly lower chin, and she raised her head and stared at the young man in front of her. "Zhantian brother, rest assured, I will be strong, just like you That self-improvement that year, hehe, one day, I will also become a martial arts strongman. "

"Haha, this is my Ruoxi sister!" After hearing the words, Xiao Zhantian laughed loudly, and he was glad to see Xiaoya being so strong and optimistic.

You know, when he was ridiculed, it was this girl who comforted him, that he could survive the difficult years!

The same is true. Xiao Zhantian has always regarded Ruo Xi as a sister and is very fond of her.

"Go, let's go to the coagulation tank!" Xiao Zhantian took the little girl by her hand and walked toward the blood pool ahead with full expectations.

Feng Ruoxi followed closely behind Xiao Zhantian, and it was his follower.

"Zhantian Gongzi and Miss Ruoxi are really worthy!" Seeing Feng Ruoxi followed Xiao Zhantian, many teenagers showed envy.

"That is, the son of Zhan Tian is my arrogant son of Feng Feng, and Miss Ruo Xi is also my first beauty in Chishan City. This is a pair of heaven and earth."

"In Chishan City, only Miss Zhan Ruoxi is worthy of the son of Zhan Tiancheng!" In the test field, the children of Feng's children echoed.

"However, Zhan Tiangong has a fiancee, but it is an ancient daughter of the heavens. Miss Ruoxi is afraid that it will be difficult to be with Zhantian Gongzi!" Some people sighed, feeling for the wind. It's a pity, at the same time, when everyone mentioned Xiao Zhantian's fiancee, everyone looked up.

"Hmm ~ ~ But it is just a puppet of the pseudo-sky who rises by the ancient women. If Miss Qingwu carved me the ancient inscription, I would be able to inspire the blood to the same extent." Beside the bloodline monument, Feng Yufei's eyes were cold and humming.

In his eyes was full of jealousy.

"That's right, Xiao Zhantian didn't know what luck was. He suddenly emerged such a transcendent fiancee four years ago?

When they remembered four years ago, they were jealous.

"Start today, Xiao Zhantian returns!"

"When the undead Wu Zun finished the book last year, the old demon said that he would continue to write, but there was no time to write. Every year this year, readers asked Xiao Zhantian's situation outside the world. The demon thank you for your support. As mentioned last year, the old demon wants to write Xiao Zhantian, the story of Emperor Heng, and then write the world after Xiao Yun's detachment. "

"Of course, the old demon is very grateful to everyone for your constant companionship. Without your support, I will not continue to write this extra chapter!"

(End of this chapter)

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