Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 2028: Fiancee ... Ji Qingwu

"If there is no Miss Qingwu, Xiao Zhantian is just the most mediocre one of my Feng's children." Thinking of what happened four years ago, Feng Yufei could not help but bit his teeth.

At that time, the value of Xiao Zhantian's bloodline was only 42%.

However, that year, a proud girl from the ancients, who claimed to be Xiao Zhantian's fiancee, also brought a marriage book.

Then, with the help of that proud girl, Xiao Zhantian's bloodline inheritance value continued to increase.

In just four years, Xiao Zhantian's bloodline inheritance value has reached 92% today, completely changing his life.

"Let's go to the coagulation tank!" Although jealous in his heart, Feng Yufei knew that at this time, he could not change this fact at all.

He can only watch this waste in the past, becoming the first person of Feng's step by step, but he can only live in the shadow of Xiao Zhantian.

A few teenagers, with a little jealousy, walked towards the blood clot behind the bloodstone.

There, eight hundred blood coagulation tanks are arranged in a zigzag shape, and there is a mist of mist.


Coagulation tank!

This is a practice pool that can help people stimulate the condensed blood!

Xiao Zhantian's bloodline inheritance value can be continuously improved and has a direct connection with this coagulation tank.

Therefore, every morning, they will come to the coagulation pool to condense blood and stimulate blood!

The coagulation tank is also graded.

The coagulation pool at the edge can be accessed by ordinary martial arts.

But the deeper it goes inside, the stronger the fire element's qi and blood clotting pattern contained in the blood coagulation tank, and that kind of power can tear human veins.

Many people can't bear that pain and can only choose those coagulation pools on the edge.

I only saw Xiao Zhantian pulling Feng Ruoxi against the path between the coagulation tanks, and walked towards the center of the coagulation tanks.

When entering the coagulation pool area, the rich qi of the fire element swept through, but these qi of the fire element are the best tempering qi for Xiao Zhantian and the children of Feng, because this vein cultivates It is the true element of fire, it is the dandelion, and it can also condense the yuan of fire.

Looking at Xiao Zhantian step by step towards the central area of ​​the blood coagulation pool, those ordinary children of Feng's are showing envy.

But no one dared to go to that area.

Because the flame of fire from the front was too strong, the burning sensation made their skin hurt, and their souls seemed to burn in the fire.

Under this kind of fire element, they can't support it for long. If they move on, the power of the fire element contained in the enhanced coagulation tank and the power of the coagulation inscription are enough to tear his meridians and bones. .

So even if Feng Yufei knew that the coagulation tank in front was better, he was afraid to move on.

As for the other children of Feng's, the blood coagulation pool at the edge has begun to condense blood gas.

But Xiao Zhantian's goal was obviously the strongest coagulation tank.

This is also the blood clot with the best effect of Feng's condensing blood gas. The blood clot that can help people condense blood is also in this pool!

However, this type of coagulation pool is not ordinary people to set foot!

For thousands of years, many teenagers of Feng's tried to set foot in it, but the meridians were burned by the anger of fire inside.

Others were torn by the overbearing power of the clotting inscription inside.

But Xiao Zhantian practiced in this coagulation tank every day half a year ago.

"Phoenix condensate qi!" When the body was soaked in the most central coagulation tank, Xiao Zhantian sat in one of the stone platforms to condense gas.

The majestic vigor of fire submerged into his body, and at the same time, there was a special pattern from the blood clotstone in the pond.

The feeling of these forces entering the body made him feel comfortable all over the body, and he couldn't help but make a soft sound, and then he began to condense his blood.

Condensed blood ...

It is a special method that guides the Qi of the Fire Element to quench the blood in the blood veins of the body, and to stimulate the hidden heritage blood veins.

When these blood gases are excited, they are accumulated with the special pattern of condensation.

Next time, I will fuse with the newly accumulated blood gas again and temper it again, so that this blood line becomes more and more perfect.

This tempering is extremely difficult.

In the process of condensing blood, meridians, bones, and flesh are also tempered.

This is the blood coagulation state of the blood martial arts!


The majestic vigor of fire runs in the blood veins, and the blood of Xiao Zhantian is continuously tempered, to dig out the underlying heritage blood vessels.

At the same time, the inscriptions on Xiao Zhantian's skin soared, releasing a special power that penetrated into his veins.

These forces are assisting the fire-powered spirit to temper his blood.

This is an ancient inscription that can effectively dig out the hidden heritage of the human body.

This kind of inscription can only be controlled by those super clan who have been passed down for more than 10,000 years, and most people have never even heard of it.

The qi of the fire element wandered in his veins, constantly quenching his qi, and then storing it with the clotting inscription.

Then he released the accumulated blood gas into the blood veins, and then re-tempered, so that the blood veins were pure.

"Now my blood is extremely pure and majestic. If it takes a while, the soul of blood can be condensed."

Xiao Zhan looked at the majestic blood in his body and took a deep breath.

If the soul of the bloodline is condensed, then he can gradually acquire many bloodline magical powers, and he will far exceed the warriors of the same level at that time.


Opposite Xiao Zhantian, Feng Ruoxi also sat on a stone platform in the coagulation tank, and her delicate body was completely soaked with the water in it.

At this point they were only exposed to the air above the neck.

After sensing the majestic blood on Xiao Zhantian's body, Feng Ruoxi's long eyelashes blinked, and a faint smile appeared unconsciously.

She faintly remembers the miserable scene that was laughed at after the brother of Zhantian tested the blood.

Xiao Zhantian thought he was abandoned by this world!

The despair and grief on his face was distressing.

It was then that she encouraged this brother every day!

Seeing that gloomy brother gradually became cheerful, she was also very happy.

Many people think that Xiao Zhantian can have today because his fiancee carved the pattern of ancient inscriptions on his body to stimulate blood.

But Feng Ruoxi knows that if it wasn't for the brother Tian Zhan who was tenacious and constantly challenged his own limit, he stepped into this core coagulation tank step by step. Even if he had the assistance of the coagulation inscription, he would not be able to reach the current level You know, the pain of tearing meridians with blood clotting inscriptions is not something ordinary people can bear!

Therefore, she also admires this brother very much.

It is also because he considers his brother as an example. Feng Ruoxi can grit his teeth and walk to this coagulation tank to condense his blood.

"Unfortunately, I clearly inspired the power of the blood in my body, but it was scattered in the invisible, it seemed to be swallowed by my flesh and bones, which led to my inability to accumulate blood gas. The blood value has not increased for eight years. Otherwise, my bloodline heritage value can be compared with the brother of Zhantian? ”Feng Ruoxi blinked that long eyelashes, and could not help but feel a little sad in her heart. Now her gap is getting bigger and bigger with her brother.

If my brother becomes a martial arts power after a few more years, can she stay with her?

Therefore, Feng Ruoxi hopes that he can become a strong one.

In this way, she can always stay with her brother.

"As long as I work hard, I will succeed. I feel that my body seems to be gradually saturated!" Feng Ruoxi murmured in his heart.

As soon as she thought, she started to use Feng's coagulation method and began to condense her blood.


Time goes by.

In the blink of an eye, it was almost noon.

At this time, juveniles kept coming out of those coagulation tanks.

"Unless you increase the intensity, otherwise, this coagulation tank can't improve me." Inside the coagulation tank, Xiao Zhantian's blood gas was restrained and stored in the blood clot. When he looked inside, he didn't change much After his blood, he sighed slightly and got up.

When his body moved, his body's blood transpired, and he dried the wet clothes.

On the opposite side, if Xi seemed to feel something, she also stood up and waited for a while, and her clothes were dried.

Xiao Zhantian and Feng Ruoxi are like fox swallows, and their toes are a little, and a few ups and downs are by the coagulation pool.

Then they walked towards the school ground together.

At that time, the school ground was already full of Feng's children, and the crowds gathered in groups, waiting for their partners to go down the mountain together.


Just at this time ~ ~ in the void, a rainbow of light passed, which caused the idea of ​​countless people.

"It's Feizhou!" Exclaimed in vain.

"It's Miss Ji Qingwu, it's Miss Ji Qingwu!"

"Ms. Ji Qingwu has come to see Zhan Tiangong again?"

When Feng's children looked up, the uproar followed the peak of the mountain.

"A light dance is here?" When this uproar sounded, Xiao Zhantian, who was heading for the Blood Stele School, could not help but brighten his eyes.

Ji Qingwu ...

This is his fiancee!

Also changed his fate!

Therefore, for this woman, Xiao Zhantian has special feelings!

(End of this chapter)

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