Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 2029: Heavenly Pride Girl

In the void of Chishan City, a rainbow crossed and flew towards Feng's Houshan.

When this light rainbow appeared near Feng's Houshan, its speed gradually slowed down, and the light curtain shrouded above was restrained.

Later, in the Feizhou a peerless beauty in a blue dress appeared in the eyes of the world.

This is a woman wearing a light gauze. She is tall and green, like a waterfall, falling down, and the dust is flowing between the clothes, although she can't see her face, but she can also imagine that under the light gauze. How beautiful she was, when the beauty on the flying boat appeared, the whole Fengshi Houshan boiled.

"Heavenly Pride Girl from the Super Clan!" Those children of the clan in Chishan City can't help but look up, revealing some inexplicable scorn.

Because everyone knows that this is Xiao Zhantian's fiancee from the super clan!

"Is Miss Ji Qingwu here?" Feng Houshan, everyone looked up and looked at the flying boat that kept coming.

Even those who were preparing to go down the mountain couldn't help but stop, as if they wanted to see this peerless beauty from the clan.

"Light dance!" At this moment, Xiao Zhantian took a bit of joy, pulled Feng Ruoxi out of the coagulation tank, and walked towards the school yard ahead.

In that school field, Feng's children naturally gave way.

At the same time, everyone shouted at Xiao Zhantian with envy.

Xiao Zhantian now seems to be a pride of heaven, and now there is another peerless wife as a wife, how can one not be envious?


After the wind, a stream of air rolled over, and the shining flying boat stopped in the void in front of the mountain.

Originally, it was an extremely provocative act for Feng's outsiders to enter their important place like this.

However, at this moment on the mountain, Feng's two elders responsible for guarding the bloodline monument showed awe and looked up in awe.

Because they know that the comer is not only a super clan's arrogant daughter, but also their fiancee who fights against the heavenly son!

You know, it is with the help of this heavenly pride girl that the warrior who had only 38% of the blood lineage inheritance value can continue to continuously inherit the 42% of the bloodline value. Ninety-two percent of the people who were motivated at this time became a pride of heaven.

How can such a person be compared with a leisurely generation?

Such a character is not something they can afford at this time. Therefore, the elders of Feng's dissatisfaction can't do it!

The flying boat stopped and there were three people on it.

It is headed by Ji Qingwu wearing a veil.

In addition, beside her there is a wonderful young girl and a middle-aged woman.

I can only see Ji Qingwu's eyes moving under the veil, looking down, and after seeing Xiao Zhantian below, her lotus step is moving in the void, with a wonderful footwork, toward that The school yard strolled down, and between the strolls, her clothes fluttered, as if the fairy was in the dust.

"This super clan's arrogant girl is extraordinary!" Seeing this Ji Qingwu strolling down, the two elders of Feng's face were full of emotion.

Walk in the air!

This is something that can only be done by the practitioner of Xiaoyuan Dan's realm, but this Ji Qingwu has clearly not reached this realm.

It can be imagined, what a terrible ancient clan that Ji Qingwu belongs to!

"Welcome Miss Ji to my tribe!" The two elders of Feng's stepped forward and bowed to Ji Qingwu who was floating on the ground.

They bent over, and they didn't even dare to lift their heads, looking very respectful.

"Welcome Miss Ji to my tribe!" Those children next to Feng's were also enthusiastically walking towards Ji Qingwu who was walking down the street.

"You don't need to be courteous!" Ji Qingwu's eyes narrowed, and she spoke softly, her voice was as crisp and sweet as a copper bell.

There is some indifference in the voice of this day, which makes people not feel too much firework. However, instead of being indifferent because of the indifference in Ji Qingwu's tone, the people are extremely indifferent to the young men The excitement seems to be excited to talk to the woman.

Even many teenagers are looking forward to the arrival of Ji Qingwu.

Looking forward to hearing the girl's seemingly non-sticky fireworks.

Want to see her peerless appearance of aloof dust!

Even if it's just a brief moment!

"Miss Qingwu is so temperamental!"

"Miss Qingwu's voice is so nice!" When Ji Qingwu spoke, the children of Feng's were all fascinated.

The young children's eyes rose up, and they couldn't help secretly gazing at the proud girl who walked down.

A fiery light flickered in their eyes.

Such a proud girl is far from being comparable to the girl in Chishan City!

Such a character is like an unattainable goddess in their eyes. Now she can see her beautiful face looming through the veil, which is already their great blessing. They were all very excited, with a glowing glow in each eye.

"Ji Qingwu!" At this moment, among the crowd, that Feng Yufei could not help showing a hot glow on his face.

He stared tightly at the woman walking down ahead.

At this time, Ji Qingwu lotus stepped lightly and fell on the top of the mountain. Her dress fluttered and moved with the wind, and she also brought a fragrance.

Behind her, the young girl and the middle-aged woman followed.

That wonderful young girl is beautiful and moving, but her eyes are moving and she is a little indifferent.

The middle-aged woman didn't squint, and didn't even bother to look at the children of Feng.

It seems that in her eyes, these wind children are like ants, and there is nothing to look at.

Ji Qingwu's eyes were calm, and after a slight glance at Feng's children, the sight was locked on Xiao Zhantian who was coming forward.

"Qiaowu, you're here!" Xiao Zhantian stepped out of the crowd and came to Ji Qingwu's side. He seemed very happy. He stretched out his hand, just holding the girl's jade hand that hadn't met for a long time. It seemed extremely intimate, and in his heart, he really regarded the girl as a family.

If the wind next to her mouth pouted, there seemed to be a little discomfort in her heart, and it looked like the most important person was being robbed.

Little girl's delicate pretty face was filled with grievances.

"Sister Qingwu!" However, she blinked and greeted Ji Qingwu.

Anyway, this Ji Qingwu is also her fiancee for her brother.

Furthermore, a few years ago, Ji Qingwu carved ancient inscriptions for her to help her inspire blood.

Unfortunately, she has a special constitution and has not succeeded in stimulating blood.

But this friendship, Feng Ruoxi did not forget.

After all, the woman in front of her is also helping her!

"Huh!" Ji Qingwu's eyes flickered under that veil, and she glanced briefly at the wind in front of her, and started to look at Xiao Zhantian.

She couldn't see much mood swings in her tone.

However, she did not shake off Xiao Zhantian's hand directly, but after taking a breath, the jade hand broke free.

Then her eyes flickered, and she looked at the bloodstone monument ahead!

After looking at the data above, her cold eyes finally flashed a little light.

"Yes, the bloodline inheritance value has reached 92%, and the soul of bloodline can be condensed!" Ji Qingwu took her eyes back, fell on Xiao Zhantian, nodded, and revealed some points in her tone. Satisfied, this makes the children next to Feng's face jealous.

"Only geniuses like Xiao Zhantian can get into the eyes of Miss Ji?" Many people murmured secretly.

Faced with such a goddess, Feng's children feel embarrassed!

"Is it ninety-two percent?" Beside Ji Qingwu, the eyes of the young girl and the middle-aged woman also had a little light flashing.

It seems that they are quite concerned about the value of Xiao Zhantian's bloodline heritage.

"Can you consolidate the blood and soul?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Zhantian had a happy heart.

If the martial arts soul is successful, he can become a real arrogant son.

At that time, he will fly into the sky and become a dragon among people.

By then, will he be worthy of this fiancee from the clan?

So, after hearing this, he was extremely happy.

"Hmm!" Ji Qingwu nodded slightly, and said immediately, "It's not too late, let me help you consolidate the blood and soul in one fell swoop today!"

"Okay!" Xiao Zhantian nodded. He knew that Ji Qingwu's clan was far away from Chishan City. It was not easy for her to come once. Every time she came and went in a hurry. The time was very tight, so he didn't delay. What's more, he also always expected that he could gather Wuhun.

"The red fire mountain is rich in fire, and it is good for you to consolidate the blood veins and souls. Let's go there to condense the blood veins and souls for you!" Ji Qingwu's long eyelashes blinked slightly, and said immediately.

"Good!" Xiao Zhantian nodded.

When Xiao Zhantian nodded, the middle-aged woman behind Ji Qingwu stroked the palm of her hand, and a soft light rolled up and dragged him on.

Then, as soon as Xiao Zhantian's body was light, he was caught in the flying boat stopped in the void.

"Everyone, Qingwu will leave for the time being." Ji Qingwu slightly arched towards the two elders of Feng's.

"Miss Ji, walk slowly!" Feng's two elders responded.

At this moment they were also a little excited.

Listening to what Miss Ji said, she was going to gather blood and soul for Xiao Zhantian.

If that's the case, then they will have one more Wuhun strong!

How can this not excite them?

Ji Qingwu nodded slightly, only to see her jade foot move, she set foot on a flying boat in the void.

"Brother Zhantian ..." In the school yard, Feng Ruoxi frowned slightly, and she raised her head and whispered, and seemed to want to follow.

On the flying boat, Xiao Zhantian also frowned slightly.

This girl has been sticking to him since he was a child, and he is not good at rejecting her request.

"Qingwu ... Could you bring Ruoxi?" Then he turned to Ji Qingwu next to him.

"My sister Qingwu is inspired by Gu Mingzhi's blood, and now she will use mystery to gather blood and soul for you. The Gu Ming's technique involved is a secret that is not transmitted, so it is a bit inconvenient. I hope Zhan Tiangong forgive me! "Ji Qingwu didn't say anything, but the young girl next to her Yingying smiled.

Hearing that Xiao Zhantian nodded slightly, he naturally knew that the ancient art of Ming was a mystery of a large clan and could never be easily spread.

If he forced to bring Ruoxi together, it would be difficult for some strong men.

"If it's ~ ~ you'll be waiting for me at home." Xiao Zhantian said to Feng Ruoxi in the school yard.

"Eh!" Feng Ruoxi blinked her long eyelashes, showing a bit of loss, for some reason, at this time she was a little bit reluctant.

"Oh, if you don't, do you always want your brother in battle to consolidate blood and soul?" The two elders next to the bloodstone monument laughed.

When Ji Qingwu energized the veins of Xiao Zhantian's inscriptions of ancient inscriptions, even the old man of Feng's failed to watch.

Not to mention the wind at this time?

Therefore, everyone did not find Ji Qingwu unfriendly.

They also know that Gu Ming's art, but how can it make a clan rise, can it be easily spread?

Xiao Zhantian was able to get their help, which is already a great opportunity for Feng.

So everyone didn't dare to get in.

(End of this chapter)

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