Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 749: Brother to help

"Brother Xiao, let's help you!" A deep voice sounded, and Zhao Zheng was seen walking towards it.

"Brother Xiao, I'm here!" Wan Xingshan followed closely, exuding a powerful breath all over his body.

Today he is not weak.

The appearance of the four youths made the people in Sirius Mountain slightly stunned.

"It's just four people, but it's just to die!" "Fiction" Fiction chapters are updated the fastest

Qin Tianye grinned, his body was filled with wild breath.

"Brother Wan, Brother Zhao!" Seeing these people rushing in, Xiao Yun froze slightly. He turned his eyes toward the people. When he looked at the familiar faces, he looked at his cold face. A smile emerged.

"Are these guys stepping into Yuanying Realm?" Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

"Brother Xiao!" Zhao Zheng fell on Xiao Yun with a smile on his face.

Wanxing Mountain, Luo Jiu, silence also appeared.

"You guys are here." Xiao Yun smiled.

"Oh, finally I have a chance to fight with you again!" Luo Jiu smiled, and his eyes flashed to the opposite practitioner, "Gu Feiyang, isn't this guy still dead?" Luo Jiu's eyes showed cold light when flying.

At the time of the Xuanyuan battlefield, they were not bullied by these people!

"Since you are here to die, then I will fulfill you." Gu Feiyang's eyes flickered and he sneered.

"Gu Feiyang, you are a genius, but you are taking advantage of others. If you behave like this, you're afraid of insulting the inheritor of ancient blood, right?" When Gu Feiyang spoke, a voice that seemed slightly domineering came out, and then everyone would It is because there is a monk coming from afar.

Hearing this voice Xiao Yun was also slightly surprised.

"It's Chen Haolong!" Wanxing Mountain glanced aside and saw a man in a golden dragon robe walking in the distance.

"Who is that?" Many people looked around.

Chen Haolong's eyebrows were very thick, and when the eyes moved around, he had a certain power of the king.

At this moment he came walking with a strong breath swinging on him.

That kind of fluctuation is shocking, as if an ancient king and beast came out.

Wearing the blood of the dragon dragon, that momentum has reached a shocking point after entering the Yuanying Realm.

"This guy!" Seeing Chen Haolong appear, Gu Fei raised his brow and couldn't help wrinkling.

This person is definitely a strong person, even if there are few people in Tiandu Yu.

"You're going to get involved?" Gu Feiyang said coldly.

"As a genius, if you want to fight, when you are one-on-one, you are so shameful!" And when Gu Feiyang opened his mouth, another person came in. This person was dressed in white and had long hair, which seemed ethereal. Dust, his voice seems to come from nine days.

"Li Changsheng!" As soon as Gu Feiyang's eyes moved, those pupils suddenly shrank.

The person who came was Li Changsheng. Although this man was defeated by Xiao Yun, there were few people in the Xuanyuan battlefield that day talent was comparable.

Now he appears, which brings a lot of pressure to Gu Feiyang.

"Oh, I didn't expect you all to come." Just then, a rough voice came.

When this voice came, the sky became extremely dignified, like a blessing from the mountains.

"Montegie!" When this person appeared, Gu Feiyang's face was completely gloomy. "Are all the guys on the battlefield of Xuanyuan here?"

Montaigne's appearance was also extraordinary.

Today, he has entered the Yuanying Realm. Just now, when he saw the vastness of the world, he was curious.

But did not expect such a scene.

"Gu Feiyang, you are too shameful to those who came out of the Xuanyuan battlefield." Meng Tianqi strolled to Shen channeled.

"To resolve the grievances, when you compete, you find someone to come here, and it's really shameful when Xiao Xiao crosses the robbery!"

"Brother Xiao, I support you in this matter." Later, he fell on top of Xiao Yun's mountain.

Suddenly, after Zhao Zheng and others appeared, Xiao Yun was surrounded by three more people.

Chen Haolong, Li Changsheng, Monty Qi.

These three are definitely geniuses.

Especially Chen Haolong and Li Changsheng, these characters can already compete with Gu Feiyang.

"Are these people from the battlefield of Xuanyuan?" Hearing that Montici said, many people nearby were surprised.

"These monks are extraordinary."

"Bùcuò, that person seems to have the tendency to be a dragon, this is the blood of the ancient demon, it is shocking!"

"I didn't expect that there were several characters in the Xuanyuan battlefield." Many people began to talk.

Most of the people here are the characters of Tiandu Yu, disdain for those who came out of the battlefield of Xuanyuan.

But at this point, the people there should not be underestimated.

"Do you want to intervene in this matter?" Qin Tianchen's whole body flickered faintly, with a sense of hegemony permeating.

In his eyes, there was scarlet.

"I was defeated by the hand of Xiao Yun, and I have always wanted to learn from it again, but you people are so shameless. You actually want to take advantage of him after the robbery. If I let him drink hate for this, would I not have an opponent? Chen Haolong said with a cold eye, and threw a loud voice, "So, in order to stay with this opponent, I have Chen Haolong in control!"

"The opponent is hard to find. It should not be strangled. Instead, they should learn from each other to improve." Li Changsheng said. He still looked so cold and could not see the emotional fluctuations, but there was a light flow in him, and powerful fluctuations began to spread.

This utterance, though short, expresses his position.

"Bùcuò, the opponent is hard to find, how can you let you kill?" Monti nodded.

For Xiao Yun, he is quite.

In the battlefield of Xuanyuan, this young man did a miracle!

Especially after Xiao Yun, the trespasser, was Xiao Yun, he admired the young man heartily.

"I'm afraid they can't change this with the help of you." Qin Tianchen's eyes were cold, and the gloom on his body became more intense.

"That's adding us." A cold hum passed down, and a monk came towards him.

"who is it?"

Ren Kexin, Xiao Yun, and others turned their heads and found two familiar figures.

"Brother Chen, Brother Zou!" Zhao Zheng's eyes flashed, and a small smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The visitors are Chen Yanfeng and Zou Wuji.

Today, there are thirteen people on Xiao Yun's side.

Except for Ren Kexin, these people are considered to be strong infants.

"There are more and more people." Seeing this, Heiyun's man frowned, feeling that things seemed to exceed expectations.

"Hands on!" Qin Tianchen stared at the light, and said in a deep voice.

Can't wait any longer.


Gu Feiyang stepped forward and took the lead.

The golden light on his body shone with a strong breath, and the palm seemed to be a sharp blade that could cut the void.


Qin Tianchen shouted, shimmering behind him, like a night sky.

In the sky, a Sirius evolved.

The long shout rang out, and the sound wave shook the Quartet, causing many people to be distraught.

"This day's wolf howls!"

Some bystanders hurried back.

"Legend, the long howling can shoot down the sun and the moon in the sky, and now it seems that this power cannot be underestimated!"

Many people's eyes are desolate.

Even if he is a Yuan Yingyuan practitioner, he dare not care.

"Battle!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and he stepped forward.

There was a strong sense of war in him.

With one finger!

He tapped his fingers on the void, and the cold ripples spread out to condense the sound waves into ice crystals.

At the same time, his fist collided with the ancient flying black gold hand.


The loud noise came out, and Gu Feiyang stood up for a meal and was prevented from moving forward.

"Oh, Sirius Bloodline, let me guide you!" Chen Haolong grinned, his robes dancing, walking like a king, walking like a king, even if he walked towards Qin Tianchen, he had the dragon blood. I want to compete with this Qin Tianchen.

As soon as Li Changsheng's eyes moved, his eyes fell on Qin Tianwen.

His clothes fluttered and he walked towards him like a fairy walker.

"Then, let me deal with this!" Monty grinned, and headed for Wuyuan.

Suddenly a war began between the two sides.

Zhao Zheng, Silent, Wanxing Mountain, Luo Jiu and others shot.

When these people shot, sister Yan's shot too.

"Battle!" At this time, they were also excited inside.

They were all forced into it, but suddenly someone came to support them, which moved them.

Especially the appearance of Chen Haolong, Li Changsheng, and Montaigne was unexpected.

Even though the number of people between the two sides is still three fewer, Xiao Yun's pressure on them is much less.

"It was my regret that I failed to chop you last time, and I will chop you today!" Xiao Yun's robe danced, and the thick black hair danced in the wind. At this time, his eyes were cold, and he stepped towards the ancient flying step by step. , Strong war will condense in the body.

As it happened today, the strength of Zhanwu soul surged.

Not only that, but Xiao Yun is under the control of Bingmo Wuhun.

Xiao Yun's strength now has reached an unparalleled level of ordinary people.


Every time Xiao Yun stepped out, the void shuddered, a wave of ripples appeared, and the intense warfare swept out to make Gu Feiyang startled.

Now one-on-one, his confidence has diminished slightly.

Especially after seeing the disaster of Xiao Yun, he lost the belief that he would win.

Faith is not, how can we fight?

"Take me, cut you!"

Xiao Yun's palm moved, a halberd in his hand.

This was obtained from and did not have a name, Xiao Yun called War Halberd.

When the halberd moved, it directly cut to ancient Feiyang.

The attack was simple, invincible, but it had the true meaning of martial arts.

After comprehending the true meaning of martial arts, ordinary styles can also be transformed into magic in Xiao Yun's hands.

Mysterious hand!

See Long Halberd ~ ~ Gu Feiyang hastened to shoot.

The golden light of his whole body flashed, and his palm seemed to be cut off by Xiao Yun.


A loud noise rang out, and Gu Feiyang was directly shocked by a huge force.

At this time, he could not compete with Xiao Yun at all.

"You can't do it!" Xiao Yun took the war halberd and walked step by step, imposing.

Coming up with war will, he seemed to have an invincible momentum.

From a distance, he looks like a **** of war, which makes people fear.

", Consolidate my body!" Gu Feiyang's eyes were frozen, the blood in his body was excited, and a golden flashing armor was also emerging. The armor emerged as if his clothes were generally fused with his body and finally turned into A piece of golden armor,

Jin Fei was in his body, and Gu Feiyang's momentum was skyrocketing.

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