Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 750: Broken Armor

Gu Feiyang has a blood line of war, with a heritage value of 90%.

This kind of inheritance is that the ancient clan in Tiandu domain is also considered a character.

Unless his ancestors were expelled from the ancient clan, otherwise he would be recovered by the ancient clan and regarded as the core disciple.

Rao is so, he also has the opportunity to return to Gu Shi and become a character.

It was only that Gu Feiyang lost to Xiao Yun's hands many times, which damaged his confidence. Now he must have a conclusion. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

As soon as he knew what to do, he felt tremendous pressure.

Today Xiao Yun has become stronger.

When Jin Yi was in his body, that kind of pressure was also able to continuously weaken.

"Kill!" Gu Feiyang's eyes narrowed, and now he was in a sudden change of temperament.

The golden light in his eyes flashed like the sun, and the palm of his hand seemed to be cast out of gold and iron. After he stepped in, his blood was continuously stimulated, and his body was tempered to become stronger. .

At this time, his palm can be easily torn, and even the Heavenly Order Spirit can't hurt him.

Besides, there is still the armor of the battle armor?


When Gu Feiyang moved his hand, he saw a flash of golden light, tearing towards Xiao Yun.

An immense amount of heaven and earth also fell down with it.

After entering Yuanying Realm, every move can pull the world.

Gu Feiyang's simple hand contains infinite mystery, which can be smashing.

"This ancient Feiyang momentum is so strong!" Gu Feiyang's momentum spread to the surprise of the distant practitioners.

Even the strongest in Yuanying Realm feel palpitations.

It is not difficult to imagine what would happen if you fought against Gu Feiyang?

"That is the armor of the armor. It is the treasure of the ancient clan. This ancient Feiyang body should be a psionic artifact of the pseudo-kingdom level. The power of these spirits is very comparable. Adding the clothing and blood Fusion, bringing its combat power to an astonishing level. "

"Based on this, he can be repaired." Many onlookers watched with staring eyes, staring closely into the void ahead.

It seemed that the big hand could really crack the sky.

The emitted wave is stronger than some practitioners who use the heavenly order.

This is the power brought by the fusion of the blood of the war body and the gold of the armor.

"Cracking the sky?" Looking at the golden light, Xiao Yun's mouth was a cold smile.


Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and Wuyin emerged within the sea.

When Wu Yin emerged, an immense amount fell down.

The light in front of the void stagnated, as if to be frozen.

Gu Feiyang's torn hand was also a meal.

The power of the martial arts field fell down, and it seemed to bind the heavens and the earth into an independent field.

Under this power, the ancient flying atmosphere began to plummet.


When the power of Nabu Road fell down, Xiao Yun moved his war halberd and chopped forward to Gu Feiyang ahead.

Gu Feiyang was shocked when this halberd was cut.

The strength in his body began to show signs of restraint. Under the circumstances, he felt that Xiao Yun's blow was extremely powerful. In surprise, he quickly waved his arms and dazzled with golden light. Resisted toward that halberd.


The war halberd chopped on Gu Feiyang's arm and collided with a dazzling fire.

I have to admit that Gu Feiyang, with his blood on his body, has reached an astonishing level.

Xiao Yun cut off his halberd, but did not cut off his arm.

However, under this powerful force, Gu Feiyang's arm was numb, and many runes on it were dim. The whole man was shocked and was shocked by a horrible shock wave 400 meters away. There is blood spill.

"This armor is indeed a treasure." Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

If it were an ordinary practitioner, he had just broken his arm just now.

"This ancient Feiyang was shaken back?" However, as Xiao Yun secretly murmured, an exclaiming voice came from afar.

Xiao Feizhen was retired by Gu Feiyang, who had the blood of his body, and also incorporated the armor of gold.

How is this going?

Is Xiao Yun really powerful to this point?

Many people were surprised.

"The spirit seal above his head seems to emit a weird wave." But soon someone set his sight on the military seal above Xiao Yun's head, and with the help of powerful spirits, everyone discovered that something was wrong. The fluctuations made their spiritual knowledge seem to freeze.

Gu Feiyang was quilted, his eyes were slightly condensed, his face looked extremely gloomy.

Blended with the armor of the armor, he has no fear of fighting with others.

Unfortunately, this Xiao Yun has a mysterious Wuyin, which can release the power of the field.

This made him unwilling.

"It's this martial arts again!" Gu Feiyang frowned, his eyes raised, staring at Xiao Yun ahead. "If you have a kind, don't use this martial arts to fight me, dare you!" In front of his finger, With a golden light flashing, his arms seemed to be turned into a spear.

"Oh, how dare you use this armor to fight me?" Xiao Yun walked with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You ..." After hearing the words, Gu Feiyang spoke in silence.

Indeed, that Wuyin is indeed an external force.

But why isn't he wearing a gold suit?

So Xiao Yun said this, and he could not refute.

"Of course, in order to make you die, I do n’t need this martial arts seal!" Xiao Yun frowned, seeing the words of Gu Feiyang, "I have countless means, and today you are ready to die. Come! "Wu Yin fell into the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Arrogant." Seeing Xiao Yun despise himself so much, Gu Fei's anger quickly broke.

"Okay, I'll see what you can do." Although Gu Feiyang was short of breath, he would not let go of this opportunity.

Now he took a step forward and punched Xiao Yun into a punch.

Jinyang Holy Fist!

The punch blasted out, the void was hollow, and a dazzling light bloomed.

From a distance, it looks like there is a round of sun suppression.

"Jinyang Holy Fist?" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed as he looked at the fist that had been suppressed in the air.

"Martial arts can break the sky, if the war will endure, it will be undefeated!" Xiao Yun's eyes flickered, the spirit of Wu Shui flashed in the knowledge of the sea, with a vast war will bless him in a moment, his long hair Fei Yang, the whole person is imposing, as if possessed by a god.


Xiao Yun stepped forward, his fist moved, and even when facing the Jinyang Holy Fist.

This time he did not urge Wuyin, nor did he use any other power. Only the true meaning of martial arts, the supreme warfare of a war martial spirit blessed him. Of course, there was a fire pattern on the fist, which was Tian Yan. Divine armor pattern.

Seeing this, many practitioners in the field stumbled for a while.

"This Xiao Yun actually abandoned the Lingyin and fought against Gu Feiyang with his fists?" The exclaimed voice came from the crowd.

Just now these people were still surprised by the fluctuations emitted by Xiao Yun's Lingyin.

But did not expect that this young man would give up this hole card?

There is nothing left to discard this card.

But Xiao Yun actually fought Gu Feiyang with a pair of fists.

Isn't this death?

The blood of the war is originally very strong defense, like a fine iron, can consolidate the supreme gold body, not afraid to fight with others.

The name of the war body also comes from this.

Fighting strength with them is simply looking for abuse.

What's more, this ancient Feiyang also incorporates the armor of the armor.

In the same realm, who dares to fight with one?

"Oh, this is almost death." Some practitioners of Xuan Tianzong laughed.

They were still scared that Gu Feiyang was repelled just now.

I did not expect that Xiao Yun would be so stupid and give up his advantages.

"It's the best, as long as Brother Gu cut off this Xiao Yun, others will not worry." Xuan Tianzong's eyes were cold.

At this moment, only a flash of fist was seen, and Xiao Yun punched on the Jinyang holy fist.


The loud noise came out, shocking the Quartet, only to see the full light flickering there, the dazzling light blooming like a firework exploding.

The powerful fluctuations also raged from there, and the shining light completely shrouded the two fighting men.

"Should Xiao Yun's arm be shattered?" The practitioners in the distance all widened their eyes and stared tightly at the place where the bright light bloomed. Everyone seemed to want to see Xiao Cloud results at this time.

The place where the fists clashed was very dazzling, but most of the practitioners nearby were also strong in Yuanying Realm.

So with their eyesight, they quickly saw the scene in that light.

But after seeing that scene, they were all shocked.

"How is this Kěnéng?" Many people looked surprised.

There, Xiao Yun ’s fist flashed, and the vast force of martial arts spread out, carrying a shocking trend that directly broke the ancient Feiyang Jinyang Fist, then collided with the latter's fist, After that, the imaginary fist broke and did not appear.

Instead, a powerful force burst out from Xiao Yun's fist and pulled Gu Feiyang back seven meters.

In the void, Xiao Yun was standing like a mountain, standing still, the long hair flying, and the whole person exuded an amazing momentum.

His eyes twinkled, as if fighting was burning.

That kind of warfare feels like a heart.

Obviously, Gu Feiyang was slightly inferior to the confrontation just now.

How can such a scene make people wrong?

Gu Feiyang, however, incorporates the armor of the armor, and the power of his fist can crush the spirit!

How can this Xiao Yun be shocked?

But that's the truth.


The court seemed extraordinarily quiet.

In fact, there are still battles in the vicinity, and the sound waves are shaking, but those people feel that the void is frozen.

Those watching the battle looked dull and stared at the front with incredible faces.

All this is incredible.

It's also Yuanying Realm. How can Xiao Yun be so powerful?

"The power of martial arts can break thousands of methods!" ~ ~ Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

He just glanced slightly at Gu Feiyang ahead.

Although Gu Feiyang's warfare is unparalleled, few people can match his physical strength after the fusion of the armor.

But Xiao Yun passed, his physique was extremely powerful.

In addition, this time he was quenched by the force of thunder, the bones and meridians in the body were integrated into the pattern of zombie. The strength of the body has reached a level unimaginable by ordinary people. How many people dare to do this?

This is obviously more magical than quenching with demon fire.

With the blessing of Xiao Yun's fighting martial spirit, it is not surprising that he can fight against Gu Feiyang.

"Your physique is so powerful?" Gu Feiyang was shocked back, although it was only seven meters, but the gap between the two was also revealed, which made him uneasy inside. It is full of complexity.

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