All the ten people in zhongyuanyu are on guard.

However, they are not too nervous.

You're kidding. There's a group of senior warriors here. Seven high-level warriors from holy land come here, and they'll get nothing but death.

The seven figures, one by one, stare at the dozens of people on the side of zhongyuanyu with great interest, without the slightest fear on their faces.

"What's the matter, Dick?"

Among the seven, the fattest one, a warrior, gave a rather obscene smile.

"You call your sister's dick, call me Ming Er will die?"

A tall, thin man said angrily.

"Two, three, don't argue. The boss is in there to fight against that day. We have to go in and help as soon as possible. "

A tall, rather dignified man light way.

"In that case, let's just break in.

Zhongyuan domain that group of slag, I did not pay attention to.

The old regiment must have been unable to stop the seven of us from joining hands. Right, Mimi? "

Ming San disdained to see Gu Ming.

After pondering for a moment, he solemnly said:

"under the fame, Wu Xu Shi, according to the intelligence, should be the top warrior of the holy land at the same level as Li Tian.

That Li Tian and the boss are inseparable. If this group is as strong as Li Tian, then we'll go, and it's almost like looking for death.

How do you think, we seven add up, beat the boss? "

The other six people heard the speech, and their faces were dignified.

Mingsan frowned and said, "what should I do? Is it right here to wait for the boss and Li Tian to finish fighting?

At that time, those loose rules of silk thread will disappear, I am afraid we have not rushed in, that group has already rushed to.

At the end of the day, it's still a fight. "

This time, Ming did not refute, but pondered.

"You're right. The other warriors in the Zhongyuan Region should not worry about it. The old regiment is our enemy.

However, it suddenly occurred to me that if the regiment was as strong as Li Tian, he would have rushed in.

After all, he is with Li Tian.

But he didn't go in! This is very intriguing. "

There was a light in the eyes of the two men.

"There are only two reasons.

Or, his strength is much lower than that from the sky. At least, he has no treasure that can stimulate the power of law. So he didn't want to touch the silk thread.

Or he wants to die

Ming San several people smell speech, eyes suddenly a bright.

Ming three smile way: "Hey, really can't see, today's second, is smart second."

A black line came out of his forehead.

This wretched fat man is always a dick in one bite. He wants to beat him up.

A moment of meditation, eyes flash a fine light, as if has made a certain decision.

"Anyway, I don't have to fight with that group now.

We'll just slip in when we can.

After all, we have a little bit of law power left by our boss to protect our body, which is enough to shuttle freely in the law silk thread with incomplete power.

When we meet with the eldest brother, we will condense the power of the seven silk laws in our bodies into one and concentrate all of them on the eldest. At that time, the situation of equal strength and strength will be broken. "

A cold smile.

"That's it! In a moment, we will directly target the old regiment. As long as we hold him down, we will be able to rush to the warship when he is unprepared. "

In the eyes of the two or six people, Ming Yi's decision was immediately passed.

The seven people had just talked in the form of voice transmission. In their opinion, this is a very safe way of communication.

Unfortunately, they didn't expect that there were people like Gu Xuan whose soul power was far beyond the actual realm. Their dialogue was completely heard by Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's whole face twitched.

This group of guys, if you want to rush in, you can directly rush in, you can't stop you?

How can you be so insane that you want to target me first, restrain me and then rush in?

Do you need to be so complicated?

Do you still use you to restrain yourself?

You rush in and you can't block it yourself, OK?

Gu Xuan had an impulse to scold. It was clear that the good time was right in front of him. As long as he waited, the battle between Li Tian and the man in the Cape would surely bring about results.

However, never thought, do not know where to come out of these seven lengtouqing.

I'm talking about how to deal with myself?

What a beep dog!

"The poor are afraid of the elder. The seven guys seem to be ready to attack me.

Two people wait for an opportunity to move, I can not face to face with them, a fight, I can be exposed.However, I will bluff them and seize the golden coffin.

After I leave, you must not expose your identity. If there is any danger, you should leave first.

I'll be fine! "

Gu Xuan directly transmitted the sound to the poor and afraid of saints and Ouyang Feng.

The poor and afraid of saints frown.

"Fox, I say it's impossible. Let's just withdraw.

These seven men are not simple. They are not only high-level warriors in the holy land, but they are also afraid to learn from the same source. Once a fierce battle array is offered, even the top martial artists in holy land will be able to fight hard.

If they really rush over, they will not be able to stop them. "

Ouyang Feng repeatedly said: "it's reasonable for the poor to be afraid of saints. No matter how important the golden coffin is, it's not as important as life. As soon as they rush in, we just pull out, and it's easy to get out.

Other things, let's wait until my ancestors know, and then make a decision? "

Gu Xuan chuckled indifferently.

Since he has come, he will not go back empty handed.

"It's not my style to run away. If you believe me, you should do what I said just now and wait for an opportunity to escape.

Otherwise, if I take the golden coffin, I will have to take care of both of you. That would be a big problem. "

The black face is afraid of the poor.

"Fox, who wants your attention. Don't use this kind of retarded general provocation.

If you don't leave, that's fine. Don't worry. When you fall, I will go to yingtianzong and set up a tomb for you. "

Gu Xuan's mouth trembled.

The poor man who was afraid of saints was really mean. He actually returned what he had said to him, intact.


Gu xuanzheng was ready to accept the poor and afraid of saints again, but the words had not yet been uttered. The seven figures, like kites, had gone up and down and rushed towards the people of Zhongyuan Region.

"Everybody, do your best! The goal of this group of people is not to fight against us, but to rush into the space blocked by the power of law.

If I see it well, they all have a trace of power of law. If they are allowed to merge with their opponents from heaven, the consequences will be unimaginable! "

At the same time, he deliberately told the news that there was a trace of law in the seven people.

Ming 17 people, the face is directly changed.

The power of the law in them is very secret. Even if the boss doesn't know it in advance, it is absolutely difficult to find out.

However, the group found out.

Not only did he find out, he speculated on their purpose.

Is this insight still human?

It's terrible! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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