The Ming people, who had never imagined that their plan was not speculated by Gu Xuan, but was directly "heard" through their transmission.

The strength of the soul is far greater than that of others.

However, the shock returned to shock. All seven of them had already rushed towards the ancient Xuan, and there was absolutely no reason for them to give up halfway.

Hearing Gu Xuan's words, Yun Sheng knew that the seven people wanted to rush into the space covered by the silk thread of the law to help their people deal with the sky, and was immediately angry.

"Brothers, follow me and solve the seven wastes!"

He rushed out one step, gushing out of his body the divine power of heaven, and directly rushed to Mingyi.

Because he has already seen that this one is the leader of the seven.

If you can control Mingyi, it will be of great benefit to the later battles.

The rest of the warriors of the Zhongyuan Region were also surrounded by seven people.

For a moment, it was killing.

Waves of energy have distorted the sky.

Boom! Boom!

In a flash, a series of attacks then flew to the Ming 17 people.

Ming 17 people, using the mysterious body method, constantly changing the direction to deal with the attack of Zhongyuan people.

Each of them was under siege by at least six people.

For a while, it was hard to get together.

"Eat my fist, fly your fist!"

Yun Sheng sees a chance, roars and blows out!

On the fist, it seems that there are clouds surging. A cloud dragon suddenly condenses and becomes. With a roar, it bumps into Mingyi.


Where Yunlong passed by, the space was heavily broken, and the terrible power seemed to crush the sky.

A cold smile.

"Do you want to hurt me

He stepped out with one foot, and the shadow of his feet filled the space instantly.


Yunlong was crushed directly.

"This guy, it should be Yunsheng. Zhongyuan domain is one of the four main guards.

It's very famous, but it's a pity that it's rubbish. "

Ming three disdains a smile, a pair of does not put cloud saint in the eye appearance.

Yun Sheng was ridiculed by Ming San, and was so angry that when he stepped into the void, he turned his spearhead and attacked Ming San.

The two turned into competition and interweaved in the blink of an eye.

Hearing only two explosions, Yunsheng's body was shaken upside down and flew towards the space covered by the silk thread of the law.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth trembled. The cloud saint, should not be a fool. The other side was a little agitated, but he was cheated.

"Fool, don't you see that the other side is seven in one?

Now, they've formed a battle line, and any two of them have connections.

You attack those two people, gather each other's strength, always against you.

Although you were fighting with one, in fact, it was equivalent to dealing with one and a half people at the same time

Gu Xuan couldn't look down and reminded him.

Now, Yun Sheng can't die.

However, Gu Xuan didn't expect that the cloud saint was also too impulsive, and he didn't even have this insight.

If it wasn't for his own side and the large number of people, he would have held back the seven people and failed to let them really achieve the seven in one. The fight just now would have been a heavy blow to Yun Sheng.


At the beginning of the ancient Xuan's voice, Yun Sheng, who was almost fixed by the silk thread of the law, had been blocked by the poor and afraid of saints.

Gu Xuan had already given orders to the poor and afraid of saints to rescue Yun Sheng. Otherwise, Yun Sheng would not be able to move now.

Ouyang Feng wrinkled his brows and stuck to Gu Xuan.

There's no way. Gu Xuan's strength is weak. If anyone rushes over, he will expose the identity of the fake group.

Yun Sheng was saved by the poor and afraid of saints and said thanks.

His face is as ugly as it is.


In the sky, there were several explosions, a bloody rain, mixed with the stumps and broken arms.

Just in the blink of an eye, zhongyuanyu has already killed more than ten warriors.

It's hard to imagine the power of Ming 17 people joining hands.

The elder with broken arm who had rushed back to inform the news did not save his life, and his whole body was cut in two.

"Elder fengdiei, don't protect me. They are coming. Stop them first!"

Ancient Xuanyin preached.

One by one, Namin broke through the obstacles of the three elders of the hundred old regiment, united with the two and three of the Ming, and found the gap, like an arrow from the bow, flying towards the ancient Xuan.

Ouyang Feng nodded his head, Shua, and there was a sword in his hand.

"Turn around the peak!"He cut out with a knife, and the awn of the knife ran across it. He even attacked three people at the same time.

"How strong! The old guards are so good? "

Ming a heart a surprise, a row of kick out 18 feet, force through the sky, step broken knife awn.

They know that there is no way to defend them.

Therefore, they directly used their killing moves to attack Ouyang Feng.

Ouyang Feng gave a sneer and raised his sword to meet Mingyi.

"Don't try to break through here!"

The poor afraid saint and the cloud Saint unexpectedly burst out a roar at the same time, and met the two Ming three.

Four competition, shuttle in the void, each interweaving, is a violent collision.

There's a steady stream of bodies falling down.

The battle array of Ming 17 people jointly sacrificed is extremely mysterious. It seems that the combat power of all of them has been improved by more than ten percent.

On the side of Zhongyuan domain, in addition to the high-level warriors in the holy land, the rest of the martial arts were constantly falling.

After only half a quarter of an hour of fighting, there were only about 20 people left of the original 60 or 70 people in Zhongyuan Region.

The cloud saint is extremely anxious, while fighting, he glances at Gu Xuan.

He didn't understand why Mr. Tuan didn't make a move at such a time?

Although most of the dead are ordinary warriors in the holy land of Zhongyuan Region, and the senior leaders of the hundred elders, the losses are not much, but if this goes on, the death and injury of the elders of the hundred old regiment will gradually become very heavy.

Ming and others are equally puzzled.

With the group's insight, even if they have seen through all their plans, how can they remain indifferent?

What they fear most is that they dare not rush in the direction of the two warships.

If you want to rush in, you must hold down Tuan Lao. However, Tuan Lao is still, and they can't get close to Tuan Lao for a time. How can we restrain him?

"Damn it!"

Ming San secretly scolded an old fox in his heart.

This group of old people is clearly consuming them.

Although they are so powerful now, this is only the result of trying to give the old regiment a strong hand and force him to fight as soon as possible.

The so-called one-step, and then decline, three and exhausted.

They can't keep up the fighting power they started with.

Although many people have been killed in Zhongyuan Region, they are all small ones. The stronger the people are, the harder it is to kill them.

After all, there are many people in zhongyuanyu. Thirty or forty people have died, and there are still more than twenty.

Moreover, these more than 20 people, all of them have excellent strength. Even if they are only middle-level martial artists in holy land, they can't slip away. It's very difficult to kill them once.

The fighting continues. In fact, most of the attacks of the seven are already Yunsheng, the poor and afraid of saints, and Ouyang Feng is resisting them.

If it goes on like this, they will not be able to hold on.

This is known to the three people, to the first person of Ming, and to Gu Xuan.

However, the ancient Xuan still did not move.

He wanted to rely on the power of the soul, bluff a Hu Ming 17 people.

However, just as he was about to make a move, he suddenly found that in his Dantian, the sword meaning running from the stone tablet before suddenly became active.

That sword meaning, unexpectedly rushed out of the ancient Xuan's Dantian, began to swim in the ancient Xuan body!

Gu Xuan is very square. At this critical time, what's the meaning of this sword? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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