"Yes, we must kill Gu Xuan!

All the people around him must be killed

"He must not have left the beaked land. We'll get there now!"

A roar of sound, blowing in the void.

These three people are moving Qianshan, Confucian Dao, Shengzi and Emperor Tai!

After they were cheated to the eighth state by the ancient Xuan, they knew that the eighth and seventh realms were about to merge.

In other words, everything they do is useless.

The three were already angry.

In addition, the three people later met with many dangers and spent a huge price in the eighth situation before they left.

Two of the emperor's men also died in the hands of several fierce beasts of Xuansheng level in the eighth realm.

All in all, the trip to the eighth state of the three Confucian Dao saints can be said to have lost their wives and broken their soldiers.

Now, they have the mind to devour the ancient mystery alive.

Therefore, as soon as the two realms were integrated, the three decided to go to the tiger beaked bird colony, find Gu Xuan, and kill Gu Xuan completely!

Although the terrain changes greatly after the integration of the two places, the general orientation is always correct.

As Xuansheng, they have a strong sense of location, so they can't find the ancient Xuan.

Of course, the people who want to kill Gu Xuan are not only three of them.

Now that the eighth and seventh levels are integrated, Shengbang Dabi has changed, and the situation is unknown. Most of the warriors and fierce beasts participating in the Dabi choose to hibernate, waiting for the situation to become clearer.

However, the dormant people do not include one of the initiators of the fusion of the two realms, the fire Saint Zun!

At the moment, the fire saint, like a meteor, is running away in a direction.

And this direction is also the land of tiger beaked birds.

He also wants to find Gu Xuan!

"Ha ha ha, Gu Xuan, clean my neck and wait!

Your supreme flame is going to be your own holy one at once

The fire Saint looked excited.

"If I get the supreme flame, my strength will increase greatly!

And this is just the first step.

The second step, I will find the water Saint Zun, devour her, then, water and fire blend, I will be invincible again!

After that, find the remaining three saints!

At that time, even if the three saints joined hands, they would not be my opponent!

When I have five elements, and the number one in the holy list, I will not be able to catch them? "

There was a flash of light in the fire saint's eyes.

A grim color slowly appeared on his face.

The first place in the list of burning heaven is just the beginning. His life will be more wonderful!

Even, it is not impossible to control the holy land, control the burning land, and become the new way of heaven!

"But before that, you must be careful of Shi Zhixuan.

This guy, the plot is not small!

His goal, however, is the flower of two realms!

Anyone who is likely to stop him from getting the flowers of two realms will not hesitate to do so. "

The fire Saint murmured to himself.

"The fusion of the two realms will give birth to the flowers of the two realms.

It's a pity that the places where the flowers were born are random.

If the supreme flame was not more important to me, I would fight for the two realms.

Well, now, it's cheap. The stone pavilion. "

At the moment, I don't know how many miles away from here, the top of a hall.

Shi Zhixuan stands with his head raised, his eyes full of excitement.

"The two realms have been integrated, and the flowers of the two realms must have been in the world.

Everyone listen to me, at all costs, find the flowers of two realms!

Only when they are in full bloom can they be picked.

So, we have three days.

Be sure to find and guard the flowers before they are in full bloom, so as not to change!

Remember, even if you dig three feet, even if it is at the cost of your lives, you must find it for me

Shi Zhixuan roared to the evil eating monsters and fierce beasts in front of them.

"Yes, Lord shizhixuan!"

A head of fierce beast, a only bite evil monster, at the same time respectfully replied.

Shi Zhixuan looked at the fierce beasts and evil eating monsters in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

These people are all people he can trust.

He has no second heart to him.

And other fierce beasts, they have been controlled by the evil eating monster, and they will not have two minds to him.

"What's more, Gu Xuan is in the land of tiger beaked birds, Jiaoshe Xuansheng and Tianmu Xuansheng. You lead the team and keep an eye on him for me.

When I find the flower, I will kill him myself

The corner of Shi Zhixuan's mouth raised a trace of amusing smile.

As if, the ancient Xuan is a very interesting prey."Yes

Jiaoshexuansheng and Tianmu Xuansheng bowed respectfully.

A moment later, with the palace as the center, one after another escaped light and flew in all directions.

Shi Zhixuan recognized a direction, but also a body movement, flew out!

The flowers of two realms appear randomly, and it is possible to appear anywhere.

However, in the first place where the eighth and seventh levels merge, the probability is higher than that in other places.

Therefore, Shi Zhixuan decided to take a look at the place where the two realms first merged.

Tiger beaked bird colony.

Most of them are practicing.

The Dragon guards are already the middle level of the holy land. This progress is huge.

But Gu Xuan was still dissatisfied.

There is another meaning of the pure and uniform state of the middle level of the holy land. That is to say, no Dragon Guard has been promoted to the high level of the holy land.

Of course, you Yishou is excluded.

You Yishou was originally the leader of the Dragon guards, but he was the first to get any good from the Dragon guards.

What's more, what we get is the best.

His realm was already the peak of the holy land, and he did not practice with the Dragon guards.

The poor and afraid of saints opened a small stove for him to practice alone.

After the promotion of the poor and afraid of saints, he was full of energy and couldn't calm down to continue to practice. In addition, he was run over by Ouyang Huadie several times, so he decided to instruct the Dragon guards to practice.

In particular, it is the focus of the poor and afraid of saints.

The poor and afraid of saints find that although you Yishou's realm is up, but the actual combat ability is extremely poor.

At the top of the holy land like him, Mo Jingyun can kill two of them in a second.

The poor and afraid of saints came upon a whim, and immediately combed this kind of warrior with empty realm and no actual combat ability.

A moment later, Lu Yishou, youyishou, Yueyang mountain, yunyun Princess and others were carried out by him.

This group of people need special training in different ways.

They must be subjected to the cruel beating of the warrior world.

Therefore, the poor afraid of the saints went to battle in person, and Lu a few people practiced moves, beat them to scream repeatedly.

The Dragon guards were handed over to the poor and afraid of saints. Gu Xuan was still at ease.

He called the tiger king and gave him more than 100 pills of jiupindan, which was to fulfill his original promise.

The tiger king's eyes are straight.

In his life, he has never seen so many jiupindan!

Mr. Gu Xuan is really a good man!

Tiger king Xingchong with jiupindan, personally to urge the tiger beaked birds and dragon guard training to go.

He looked at a famous Dragon Guard's eyes, has become extremely hot, as if to see food and clothing parents in general.

After all, if any dragon guards are promoted to a higher level, they will be able to have an extra Jiupin pill, which is almost the same as that of a white one!

How can we not treat the Dragon guards like their parents?

Gu Xuan went to a quiet place.

The wind and rain are coming, and he is also ready to practice for a few hours.

The poor and afraid of the sage's natural calamity, Gu Xuan's harvest was so great that even he could not imagine it.

However, although the harvest is great, the danger that we will face is even greater.

"Only by improving our strength is the king's way."

Gu Xuan sighed, sat cross legged and closed his eyes.

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