The ancient Xuan looks inside the Dantian.

Rolling energy is pouring out from the Tai Chi diagram.

The energy in the Taiji diagram is already the most important source of energy in ancient metaphysics.

As long as the Taiji diagram continues to operate, the ancient metaphysics will never be in danger of energy exhaustion.

And this is just one of the magical effects of the Tai Chi diagram.

The core of the Tai Chi diagram is the heart fragment of the Tao of heaven. How big is the function of this thing? Up to now, the ancient Xuan has not fully understood, nor can it be clear.

This thing, there is no black Xuan in, Gu Xuan dare not rush to study.

Before, when heixuan used energy birds to help the ancient Xuan revive, it sent a lot of information to the ancient Xuan.

"I'm afraid that the present state of heixuan is already the first stage of Xuansheng.

People are more than people. I'm so angry!

They are all separated by one body, but the gap is getting bigger and bigger. "

Gu Xuan sighed in his heart.

Gu Xuan's strength has made great progress. When he was able to kill Xuansheng's first level warriors, he even felt that he had surpassed heixuan.

Although heixuan is the body that Gu Xuan separated from himself and specialized in cultivation, he has not spent more time practicing than himself since he took part in the holy list contest.

However, every time heixuan practiced, the strength he got was improved to a terrible level.

Of course, this is not the most important point.

The most important point is that his own perception, his own harvest, black Xuan often can not take the initiative to share the situation, part of.

However, Gu Xuan himself did not have the ability to get black Xuan's experience.

Even if heixuan didn't take the initiative to share it, the ancient Xuan could not even obtain the memory of heixuan.

In this case, where is it like a separate body from their own, it is just like dividing an ancestor out!

In his heart, Gu Xuan sighed again.

"Forget it, I'd better concentrate on consolidating our present state and preparing for promotion to Xuansheng."

Ancient Xuan now, for Xuansheng Tianjie or something, has been very light.

After all, he had a lot of experience in how to survive the Xuansheng disaster.

Gu Xuan put aside his confused thoughts and was ready to enter the state of meditation.

However, at this time, his meridians, a majestic energy, suddenly appeared, even crazy general impact on his whole body meridians.

Gu Xuan suddenly opened his eyes.

"What is the situation? What is this energy? "

Gu Xuan was very surprised.

In my body, there is such a tremendous energy.

Bang bang bang.

A slight burst of sound sounded, Gu Xuan's meridians were broken a lot.

Fortunately, his true emperor's body has recovered a lot. It's nothing to break this meridian.

However, it is necessary to make clear where this magnificent energy comes from.

Otherwise, in the course of fighting, if you come this way, you will have to suffer a great loss.

Gu Xuan looked inside his body, but he didn't find it at all.

"I'll go. What's the trouble? I can't find it?

I don't believe it! "

As soon as Gu Xuan was ruthless, he directly mobilized all his soul energy and explored inside his body inch by inch.

After such an exploration, we finally found out.

There are thousands of particles in his blood.

These particles, too small, too small, so small that they all gathered together, are not as big as one tenth of the thickness of a hair.

Moreover, these particles are perfectly integrated with the ancient Xuan's body. They follow the blood flow, and even follow the energy flow. They are very secret.

Therefore, even if the spirit energy of the ancient Xuanxuan sage was at a higher level, it also concentrated all the spirit, which was the only way to discover them.

"What are these things?"

Gu Xuan was full of doubts and controlled the blood flow in his body. He squeezed out a drop of blood from his fingertips.

There are dozens of particles in the blood.

Breaking the double pupil will activate immediately.

Gu Xuan observed it carefully.

Soon, the results came.

"This is the residual medicinal granules of Shengdan!"

Gu Xuan was surprised.

"Every explosive particle will produce tremendous energy and run around in my body.

No, these things can't be wasted! "

Gu Xuan quickly controlled the flow of blood and energy, and concentrated all these medicinal granules to the fingertips.

Then a drop of blood came out.

In this drop of blood, all the medicinal particles were gathered.

Gu Xuan took out a jade box and put the blood on his fingertips carefully!Dan, each pill is precious, but not a pill!

"Heixuan said," what is the core of the holy pill.

And the eye of heaven is already in his hands.

But to my surprise, these medicinal granules still exist.

I use the art of feign death, leaving only a drop of blood essence, carrying vitality.

It must be that these medicinal particles are also unintentionally gathered in them

Gu Xuan analyzed it in his mind.

This unintentional harvest made him more happy than his promotion to the top of the holy land.

After getting these pills, he can study and deduce the alchemy methods and experience of that elixir.

"In this way, I will become a saint in the near future."

Gu Xuan was in a good mood.

To be a Dansheng is his dream in his last life and this life.

This is the dream of any pharmacist.

Now it seems that we are not far away from this goal!

Gu Xuan was extremely confident.

After carefully collecting the jade box, Gu Xuan continued to put aside his worries and thoughts and continue to practice.

One day, it is so in a hurry.

There is a dragon guard, under the high-pressure cultivation method, finally had a breakthrough, reached the high level of holy land.

With the first place, there will be the second. All the Dragon guards are inspired, and they are even more diligent.

This craziness made the king of tiger feel frightened.

What's more, it's heartache.

In order to cure the wounded dragon guards in the battle, the pills are generally free of money and are thrown into the mouths of the Dragon guards.

Bapindan, it's a basic standard.

Even, nine seriously injured Longwei have already eaten jiupindan.

"This kind of cultivation method of local tyrants is only the master of ancient Xuan, and can afford it!"

The King Tiger felt a little sour in his nose.

"It's nice to have money."


All of a sudden, the wind grew a little bit.

The leaves rustled and rustled.

Not far from the arena.

Between the thick branches and leaves of a big tree, I don't know when, but an unknown vine has grown.

The vine is rooted in the tree trunk, twining around the branches, and has grown to a meter long.

An inexplicable breath, lingering on the vine, even let it have a mysterious feeling.

Small lotus root and small green chase, run from the vines above, quickly ran to the edge of the guard array, across the barrier, looking outside.

"Look, look! There are three figures flying by in flames

Little lotus root is excited.

When someone comes, it often means that there is a fight! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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