Three figures, through the sea of fire, stopped outside the protective barrier.

At the sight of these three people, little lotus root and small green is a change of face.

Little green exclaimed: "boss, no good. The three of them, the sage son of the Confucian sword, the moving Qianshan Mountain and the emperor Tai, have come to step on the court again!"

Small lotus root also exclaimed: "the eye is aglow, aggressive, killing the sky, it seems to be playing really!"

With their exclamations, more eyes, looking in this direction.

When you see the outside, it is full of three Xuansheng, many people began to take a cool breath.

The tiger beaked birds, one by one, were scared to bury their heads in their wings.

"Gu Xuan, get out and die!"

Moving mountains roar, sound like thunder.

He had a big hatred of life and death with Gu Xuan. This time, he wanted to kill Gu Xuan. As soon as he arrived here, he wanted to give him a strong hand.

Before Gu Xuan appeared, he directly launched an attack!

"The stung dragon has been frightened to sleep, a roar moves a thousand mountains!"

Moving thousands of mountains to the sky is a roar, like a dragon chant, shaking the world!

Above his right fist, the energy is concentrated.

A blow out, a giant fist, is from the sky!

Even the space has been shaken apart where the giant boxing has passed!

This blow is enough to uproot a mountain!


The giant fist hit the guard barrier and roared, deafening!

The whole guard array, a slight tremor.

In the battle, everyone was surprised.

We all know how strong the guard array is. It has been strengthened by the Golden Horn ape and the ancient Xuan. How can the top warriors of the Holy Land bombard, it will not even have a ripple.

But now, the barrier trembles with a random punch from Qianshan.

If you have a few more punches, isn't it possible to break them?

The people in the array were just surprised, but when they moved Qianshan, the whole people were a little confused!

Although there was no mystery in his blow, he was very clear about his power.

It's definitely a killing move. Even if one is not careful, he will be severely damaged.

However, this blow hit the front of the guard barrier above, the whole large array, actually only a tremor, no sign of fragmentation?

How could that be possible?

"If you want to break the array presided over by the young master himself, you are not qualified!"

The sound of ancient Xuan came from the direction of the martial arts arena.

Before he finished speaking, Gu Xuan's figure appeared behind the protective barrier.

The speed was so fast that none of the people present could see clearly how he appeared.

From an invisible angle, energy gushed out of the ancient Xuan and slowly added into the guard array.

This big array, in fact, is not really a powerful array.

At least, for Xuansheng.

However, the reason why it can withstand a killing move of moving thousand mountains without any sign of breaking is that Gu Xuan is in charge of this array.

From the moment the three people of Qianshan appeared, Gu Xuan was already paying attention to them.

As soon as the attack of moving Qianshan was launched, Gu Xuan's broken double pupils had already seen the attack track of moving Qianshan.

That huge boxing is still in decline, Gu Xuan has been constantly exporting energy, strengthening the strength of the barrier, the attacked place.

As a result, moving Qianshan's fist will not have much effect.

Gu Xuan did this, of course, to bluff Qianshan.

The three men came fiercely, obviously looking for trouble. It's OK to kill themselves. If they go crazy and avoid fighting against themselves, they attack the guard array with all their strength. If they want to blow the array away and kill others, it will be difficult.

In order to prevent this kind of situation, Gu Xuan took advantage of the opportunity that dynamic Qianshan wanted to give him, he directly gave the three people a demoralization.

"If you want to break this big array, you must defeat me first."

With his hands on his back, Gu Xuan stepped out of the protective barrier and appeared outside the barrier.

The three men of moving Qianshan were all frowning for fear that Gu Xuan would not come out of the array. In this way, with the strength of the array, they were really hard to handle.

But now, Gu Xuan actually came out, that is looking for death, no wonder they!

A flash of cold light in the eyes of the sage son of Confucian Dao gave the emperor of Thailand and moving Qianshan a wink.

When they were in the eighth state, the three of them met with all kinds of dangers and joined hands for many times, and they had a tacit understanding.

After the emperor and the moving thousand mountains got together, the three people moved and were ready to attack Gu Xuan at the same time!

The emperor stood in the sky, stepping on black clouds, and suddenly opened his mouth.

"Magic magic formula!"A skull spitting out the black air flew out of his mouth and grew in the wind. In an instant, it grew to ten feet in size, as if to devour everything.

The sage son of Confucian Dao sneered and condensed the law Gang Dao in his hand!

"Nine forms of Confucian Dao, blood drinking style!"

An invisible blade suddenly condenses and cuts forward, as if to cut through the sky!

Moving Qianshan is more fierce, the top of the head transpiration out of white gas, white gas condensation cloud, even produced lightning.

"Yu Lei Jing Tian Jue, rule Kirin, destroy!"

A thunderbolt Unicorn runs out of the white clouds and runs towards the ancient Xuan!

The three attacks are the unique means of killing each other!

The terrible power changed the faces of all the people in the array.

The tiger beaked birds, who were not strong willed, fell down and shivered.

The tiger king was shocked.

The attack launched by the three Xuansheng at the same time is so powerful that it can't be too strong to say that it's destroying the heaven and the earth. Although the ancient Xuan is powerful, there is only one person. How can you stop it?

Even if it was the Golden Horn ape, his face changed when he saw the attack launched by the Confucianist Dao and the Holy Son.

The martial men under Xuansheng only knew that the three men had a strong attack, but they couldn't see how powerful they were.

However, he could see that the Golden Horn ape was a warrior in the early stage of Xuansheng.

These three attacks contain a strong power of law and complement each other. Once they break out at the same time, their power is not as simple as one plus one plus one equals three!

He step out, want to rush out of the guard array, but, it is a bang, hit on the guard barrier.

The whole face of the golden horned ape was twitching.

"Do you want to do this to me? You have changed your array and only allowed you to go in and out by yourself?"

Fortunately, everyone's eyes were focused on Gu Xuan. Otherwise, Xuansheng would bump into the guard barrier and make such a noise. He was afraid that he would laugh off everyone's teeth.

Seeing the joint attack of the three attacks, Gu Xuan just gave a cold smile.

"Don't worry. I don't pay attention to the joint attack of the three Xuansheng!

How strong is my strength now? It's not these three idiots. I can imagine it! "

Gu Xuan was very confident with his bold words.


Zhutian sword is in his hands.

When the sword comes out, the world will be shocked! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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