Although heixuan didn't say clearly how to cheat heaven.

It's still very fast.

"To use the great sacrifice, one of the four ways of recognition is needed.

What Dongfang Xue got was the recognition of the skill itself.

As for the strongest practitioners of this skill, or the founder of it, I'm afraid it's not in this field at all.

It's impossible to get their approval.

Besides, there are only one person who can be recognized in a certain field.

Therefore, if I want to use this skill, I need to make an exception to the rule of heaven in this world to increase an authorized quota for me and personally recognize me. "

Gu Xuan held his chin, and his heart became clearer and clearer.

"It's impossible to make an exception to the law of heaven, or to accept me personally.

Now the way of heaven, I am afraid, would like to kill me, and then take away my life and death book.

However, if we simulate the spirit of heaven, it will be different.

Take advantage of this soul breath to transform my will into the will of the way of heaven. Make an exception for yourself and accept yourself. Everything will come naturally. "

Gu Xuan knew very well that the reason why heixuan was able to cultivate the great sacrifice art before himself was that he was hiding from the sky by imitating the spirit of heaven.

Only one person in the world can be recognized. The rules and iron rules of practicing this skill will be invalid to him.

"But it's very angry to think about it!

I should have thought of it!

I created this kind of anti heaven means of simulating the spirit of heaven

Gu Xuan bit his teeth with hatred.

At the beginning, the Golden Horn ape was promoted to Xuansheng state and fell into the heart demon robbery.

In order to make the Golden Horn ape wake up, Gu Xuan imitated the spirit of heaven and pretended to be the way of heaven.

However, because he could not bear the pressure brought by the spirit breath of heaven, his body automatically apportioned the pressure of this spirit breath to heixuan.

"From then on, heixuan should have known that he could easily do things by imitating the breath of heaven.

Damn it, thanks to the spirit of heaven, I simulated it. I didn't think of it. "

Gu Xuan wanted to slap himself.

How much convenience can you get in this world ruled by heaven? You can think of it with your knees!

Especially when crossing the sky, if you simulate the breath of the heavenly way, you can easily paralyze it and defeat it.

In this way, no matter how powerful the disaster is, it's just like playing!

The corner of his mouth was twitching, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he was.

Damn heixuan, it must be through this method that he successfully survived the Xuansheng Tianjie, but he didn't tell him?

Several times, because of the natural calamity, he was in danger.

Especially when helping the poor and afraid of saints to survive the natural calamity, I almost explained myself.

Gu Xuan's face was covered with black lines.

Black Xuan because of the simulation of the spirit of heaven, enjoy how much convenience, Gu Xuan feel, how much injustice.

Seeing that Gu Xuan's face was not good-looking, Dongfang Xue asked anxiously, "what's the matter?

Is there something wrong with the cultivation of martial arts?

If so, don't practice any more.

To tell you the truth, I'm actually ignorant of how to cultivate this skill. "

After hearing the speech, Gu Xuan was sober up a little. When he recalled his reaction, he couldn't help laughing.

How could you care about these things with another self?

This feeling, like the left hand dissatisfied with the right hand, is simply a bit funny.

Gu Xuan shook his head and gave a bitter smile.

I just, I'm afraid, because of the great sacrifice and the so-called treasure house of heaven, I lost my common heart.

Looking at the worried eyes of Dongfang snow, Gu Xuan felt guilty.

"I'm ok. Don't look down on me. I have successfully practiced this skill."

Gu Xuan smiles gently.

"Don't belittle yourself. You can cultivate the skill of success, which proves that you are not simple at all.

At least, you get the recognition of this skill.

And I can't even get its approval.

In the end, if you want to really use this skill, you need to cheat. "

Gu Xuan comforts the Oriental snow.

What he said is one-sided, but it is also true.

Dongfang Xue was at a loss. She didn't understand what Gu Xuan said. She only thought that Gu Xuan was simply comforting her.

However, this consolation technique is too fake.

What gets the recognition of Gongfa?

What do you need to cheat to use this skill?

Is this really not a joke about yourself?Gu Xuan didn't explain it. If it was explained, it would not be clear for a while.

"Well, don't talk about it. Now, it's time to get you back to normal.

Although the blood of the real dragon can not be restored, it is still possible to restore the appearance and strength once possessed. "

Gu Xuan's hands bear a series of Dharma Seals, and the holy light is released from him.

Oriental snow bit his lips.

"Don't try to be brave. I probably know what you want to do.

However, everything is based on your safety!

Promise me, will you? "

Gu Xuan nodded and his face showed a mysterious smile.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down.

I'll be fine myself!

Besides, you can't guess what I want to do

Dongfang Xue pouted out her lips and refused to admit defeat.

"I know the great sacrifice before you. I know the potential of this skill. How can I not guess it?

You want to perform the great sacrifice, sacrifice your Shouyuan and transform it into me, don't you?

However, there is no need to transform too much, really not too much.

The ninth state is still very dangerous.

Your strength can't be damaged by half. Otherwise, we will all die.

One year, at most, one year old yuan is enough for me

After listening to Dongfang Xue's words, the smile on Gu Xuan's face became more mysterious.

"If that's your guess, I'm sorry to tell you that you're really wrong.

At the beginning, I really thought about it.

But now I find that it's too inefficient.

I spend ten thousand years of life yuan, to make you more than one year life yuan, too much loss.

This skill is equivalent to establishing a contract and exchanging things with some kind of existence in the world.

In that case, why not play a little bigger? "

After being printed, the holy light on Gu Xuan's body made him shine like a bright day.

At this moment, Gu Xuan was like a God above the nine heavens!

He picked up the Oriental snow and stepped out of the cave.

Another step out, two people appeared on the top of this mountain.

Dongfang Xue felt more uneasy.

Gu Xuan offered Shouyuan to her in exchange for Shouyuan, which was the worst possibility she could think of.

But now, Gu Xuan said, do you want to play bigger?

She did not think that anything would be bigger than sacrificing Shouyuan!

As if to see the mind of the Oriental snow, Gu Xuan laughs freely and freely, laughs wantonly, laughs incomparably!

"Don't worry, it's about to start!

A feast of disaster! "

Ancient Xuanmu shows a firm color.

All of a sudden, all sorts of feelings burst out of him.

One after another, swords and swords, from his body showed a seemingly real and illusory image.

A soaring momentum, straight to the sky!


The roar of thunder, suddenly sounded.

The clouds of robbery came from all directions and gathered on the top of the ancient Xuan.

Dongfang Xue's face changed greatly.

This is the Xuansheng Tianjie belonging to the ancient Xuan!

At this time, Gu Xuan wanted to be promoted to Xuansheng! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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