"Gu Xuan, what's going on?

Did something go wrong, which led to the disaster? "

The snow in the East looks worried.

Who is not prepared for a long time to find a safe place to lay out many arrays and even invite powerful elder friends to protect the Dharma, and then lead to the disaster?

In this ninth state, there is no reason why Xuansheng's natural calamity is led. This is taking life as a risk.

The ninth state is full of crises.

The power of Xuansheng Tianjie is so great that it may attract many enemies who want to kill and steal treasure.

You know, Xuansheng Tianjie has a heart demon robbery.

What's more, it's not ordinary heart demons, but demons!

Once trapped in the heart demon robbery, it is difficult to take into account the external affairs, and it is likely to be attacked by the enemy.

This kind of thing happened more than once or twice in the world of warriors.

Among them, some of the most miserable would-be Xuansheng were attacked by warriors from the emperor's territory or even below the emperor's territory, which led to his death and disappearance. It can be said that he was more unjust than Dou E.


In the sky, the hijacking cloud condenses more and more strong, the sound of sultry thunder resounds through the heaven and earth.

One by one, the Thunder Dragon seems to have been formed, flying in the clouds, emitting a dangerous atmosphere.

All the visions show a problem. The man of Xuansheng Tianjie is not a general warrior in the peak of the holy land, but an extremely strong warrior.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked at the clouds surging. He seemed very satisfied.

His Xuansheng Tianjie was more than several times stronger than the poor and the Golden Horn ape.

"Don't worry, this disaster was brought by me on purpose.

When it comes to playing a little bigger, it will naturally be bigger. "

Oriental snow is speechless.

She felt that the more she got along with Gu Xuan, the less she understood it.

She now, in addition to confused, or confused, completely confused, Gu Xuan is to do what.

Although I guess what Gu Xuan did was related to her.

However, how about the law? This is something that can't be imagined by breaking the head.

Gu Xuan gazed at the sky and saw that the cloud was about to condense. After that, the thunder would come down. The holy light on his body became more and more intense.

This means that Gu Xuan has been maintaining the operation of the great sacrifice.

Dongfang Xuexiu frowned and said in secret, "do you mean that Gu Xuan wants to use the great sacrifice technique to survive the natural calamity and promote Xuansheng?

But what does it have to do with helping me? "

The snow in the East is getting more and more confused.

Moreover, I'm still in the shadow of this Tianjie. If I decide that I'm involved in it, I'm afraid that the power of Xuansheng Tianjie will be doubled immediately.

He wanted Gu Xuan to put himself down, but looking at Gu Xuan's confident appearance, Dongfang Xue's words just came to his mouth and swallowed them back.

Obviously, Gu Xuan didn't care about holding her all the time.

If other people do this, Dongfang Xue will think that the man is looking for death.

But when Gu Xuan did this, she worried for a long time, but she felt at ease.


Gu Xuan's eyes flashed through a fine light, and his double pupils were opened in an instant.

In fact, even he didn't know whether he could succeed in what he wanted to do.

Of course, Gu Xuan would not do anything that he was not sure about.

The possibility of success is at least 90%.

However, after he was the first one to do this, it would be impossible for people to do similar things under the eyes of heaven.

If we have made such a big loophole and made such a big mistake, it will inevitably lead to a reversal of the rules and rules, which will automatically repair this loophole.

Gu Xuan took a deep breath. He was ready for everything!

At the same time, the Xuansheng natural calamity of the ancient Xuan attracted the attention of a large number of fierce beasts in the ninth realm.

The ferocious beasts in the ninth state are generally extremely powerful, and the peak of holy land is everywhere.

In the early stage, the fierce beast leaders of Xuansheng level are not as many as dogs, but they are also easy to meet.

Within a few hundred miles, there were no less than 25 fierce beast leaders of Xuansheng level in the early stage.

At present, countless fierce beasts at the top of the holy land, as well as the more than 20 leaders of the first level fierce beasts at Xuansheng level, have fled in the direction of the natural calamity at the moment when they see that the Xuansheng natural calamity begins to condense.

Even there were three heads of fierce beasts at the Xuansheng level, who were attracted by them.

There's no way. Xuansheng Tianjie is very rare. It may not happen once in a hundred years.

It's even more rare to describe such a terrible disaster as the Xuansheng Tianjie of ancient Xuan. It's not too much to describe it with a rarity.

The person who can cause this kind of disaster is absolutely gifted and has great luck.Such people don't know how many treasures and opportunities they have.

If we can take advantage of his heart demon robbery, kill him, take away his treasures, inherit his luck and chance, then our own strength will certainly go up to a higher level.

Therefore, even the fierce beast leaders of the first and middle levels of Xuansheng were not willing to miss this opportunity.

It's too difficult to make our strength even higher in this ninth level.

There's a little bit of a chance to get stronger, and they all flock to it.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

One after another, even the body shape is not willing to hide, directly burst out the fastest escape, flying towards the direction of the cloud.

They are afraid to go late, good things have been robbed.

In fact, at the moment when Jieyun began to condense, Dongfang Xue, lying in Gu Xuan's arms, had already found countless pairs of greedy eyes around him, staring at Gu Xuan.

Of course, these fierce beasts are the top level fierce beasts in the holy land. They originally live near this huge mountain range.

Oriental snow didn't care about them.

Gu Xuan didn't care about them.

All his attention, now, is above the cloud.

The first wave of looting thunder, has been condensed, suddenly split down, powerful to an unimaginable level!

The fierce beasts who pay attention to here are all shocked.

"Who is that warrior?

How is it possible that the first wave of looting thunder has such prestige?

This kind of power is enough to chop an old-fashioned Xuansheng into slag

A group of ferocious beasts who are nearest each other are talking in succession. They can't believe what happened in front of them. It's terrible.

Dozens of miles away, a fierce beast leader, in the moment of seeing this wave of looting thunder, could not help but convulse his whole face.

"Compared with his robbing thunder, when I was promoted to Xuansheng, the first wave of robbing thunder was like tickling!

However, the stronger the person, the better!

Because, he's dead! All his treasures belong to me, ha ha

The fierce beast leader was shocked, but more excited.

"Ao --"

after plundering the thunder and turning it into a Thunder Dragon, he looked up to the sky and roared, sending out an ear shaking sound, as if expressing his extreme dissatisfaction with the ancient Xuan!

Gu Xuan looked at Lei long with a trace of banter on his face.

Then, under the shocked eyes of a group of fierce beasts, he did something that made them even more startled.

The ancient Xuan embraces the East snow, turns into a dodge light, unexpectedly directly rushed to the Thunder Dragon!

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