What appears from the space transmission array is actually the messenger of heaven under the seat of the real world!

"You are indeed

The king of the Dragon looked at the archangel with a cold smile.

"See the archangel!"

Ximenfeng, nangongqiu, and a group of warriors in the camp of Jiefu in the West and the south in the distance all kneel down on one knee and look devout.

The faces of other martial artists and a group of monks were different, either surprised, shocked, frightened, or intoxicated.

No one thought that the fruit of the sacred tree in the secret place of bitter sea could attract archangels.

Archangels, in the real world, are absolute figures, both overt and covert.

He is equivalent to the real world of heaven, the spokesman in the world, every word and action, all represent the will of heaven.

Although with the strength of the warrior, the existence of the way of heaven, more and more lost the heart of awe.

But in the end, the way of heaven is the way of heaven, which is the existence of the real world like a God.

The archangel is the number one fighter of the God.

When he came, many people didn't even have the last fluke in their hearts.

Want to be in the hands of archangels, grab the fruit of the divine tree, unless God has no long eyes.

Otherwise, God must be on the side of archangels.

Looking at this more beautiful face than himself, Gu Xuan curled his lips.

"It seems that everyone has been cheated.

According to the information collected by Yu Gu fairy, the four town boundary governments should have fallen out with the archangel and no longer obey the archangel's orders.

Unexpectedly, it was the southern and western town officials who summoned it from jiutianfeng.

Sure enough, in the world of tricky warriors, many news can't be credulous. "

Gu Xuan shook his head and laughed.

"Hello, archangel, my anti Tu Gu Xing Yun has been taken to jiutianfeng by you. Have you become the Birdman messenger of laoshizi?

Why didn't you follow me? "

Of course, there was no response to Gu Xuan's question.

After the archangel appeared, he did not look at him. Instead, he fixed his eyes on the king of the dragon.

Gu Xuan's whole face twitched a few times.

Always only this young master ignores other people's share?

How dare you ignore me?

It's tolerable, which can't be tolerated!

Seeing Gu Xuan eating shriveled, the king of the Dragon laughed, and his face showed a satisfied look.

"You're such a small role. The angel is not in the mood to pay attention to you.

I don't know about the ancient star cloud.

But what I know is that the reason why the news that the four towns will no longer listen to the orders of the archangels is bound to be because of this king!

Hum, in the legend, archangels never lie, and they can't lie. It seems that they are bullshit. "

The king of the Dragon without a way grinned and his eyes moved from the ancient Xuan to the archangel.

"You have done so many things to make me think that you, the leader of Birdman, will not come to this secret place of bitter sea?

After all, if you really fall out and you want to come here, nangongqiu and ximenfeng dare not come here.

Only if you don't come will they have the courage to come.

Unfortunately, how could I be cheated?

No matter whether you, the Birdman leader, will come or not, I will go out in person!

It's not the king's style to send only the servants!

I like this kind of lion Bo rabbit, and I feel with all my strength. Ben... "

Wu Dao Dragon King's words, have not finished, then can't say any more.

Because the archangel also did not pay attention to him, but looked to the direction of the sea bottom in the distance.

"You two are in such a hurry.

We should wait for our target to get closer and call me out.

At this distance, we can't kill them at once. "

The archangel frowned.

The faces of Nangong Qiu and ximenfeng suddenly turned white.

They call on archangels not because of the targets hidden in the sea floor.

They also know that the distance of the target is too far, but they can't wait.

If you don't call out the archangel, you can destroy them together.

By then, it's all over.

But how do you explain this to the archangels?

Can't tell Archangel Lord, because we are greedy for life and afraid of death, so we called you out in advance?

"Well, there's no need to think about how to explain it.

In the dark, everything has its own destiny.

Maybe this is what the Lord of heaven wants to see. "

The voice of archangel, gentle and incomparable, has no meaning of being angry at all.

Nangong Qiu and ximenfeng are relieved.All of a sudden, Gu Xuan looked at the king of the Dragon without a trace of sarcasm.

"Tut, brother Longwang, it seems that you are acting amorous.

Great angel, it seems that you have never been paid attention to?

You, a big character with a length of 100 Zhang, is treated the same as me. "

The king felt his face slapped and crackled.

Just now, he was still laughing at Gu Xuan as a small character, saying that everything the archangel did was to attract himself.

But, in the twinkling of an eye, he was beaten in the face.

The goal of Archangels is not themselves at all.

Everything, is their own amorous!

Now, the king of Wudao dragon wants to find a crack to get in.

In front of so many people, if you lose such a big face, you will become a joke of the whole real world unless you kill people.

But if you kill people, there are too many people here. You can't kill them all!

The king of Wudao dragon only felt that his eyes of ridicule had fallen on him, and he quickly reduced his body to the size of a man.

As the body shrinks, people's eyes are not so easy to focus on themselves.

But this venue, I will find it sooner or later!

Now, it's better not to talk.

"Get out of here. I know you're there."

Archangel stares at distant sea surface, light way.

Everyone's eyes, all toward the archangel lock.

They were all curious about what was hidden under the calm sea?

"Well, I didn't expect that the archangels, who always boast of their great brightness, would use such inferior means."

A cold voice came from the bottom of the sea.

Grunt, grunt.

Suddenly the sea was boiling.

More than 50 odd shaped warriors emerged from the sea and stood on the sea.

These warriors are all wearing armor.

But, like the soldiers who had just lost the battle, their armor was all in tatters.

What's more, even their bodies are dilapidated, with broken hands or feet. It's a wonderful flower.

One of the most wonderful flowers is a headless knight.

He rode on a wonderful horse with only bones left. He carried out the word "wonderful flower" to the extreme.

But the wonderful flowers return to the wonderful flowers. So many fifty warriors stand together, which gives people a feeling of thousands of troops.

It seems that as long as an order is given, they will really become thousands of troops, and all the people present will step into meat sauce.


A famous and half step sage, looking at them, one by one, are breathing cold air.

Such a group of powerful warriors were hiding under the sea floor, but they didn't find it at all.

What a terrible thing to do?

If they make a sneak attack, God knows how many warriors on the island will die!

Although the headless knight has no head, everyone can feel that he seems to be staring at the archangel.

"The news that the four towns have betrayed you is to mislead the general?

I have never thought that the archangel would lie!

Otherwise, it won't be so easy to be cheated by you. Your subordinates will lead them out of the ancient battlefield and run to the secret place of bitter sea.

Fortunately, your two incompetent subordinates have called you out in advance, so that we can be on guard. Otherwise, if we get close to the island and they call you out quietly, we don't know how much loss we will suffer! "

As soon as this statement was made, the warriors on the island were in an uproar again.

These wonderful warriors are actually from the ancient battlefield!

In the blood temple, a famous martial artist looks at each other with terror in his eyes.

"No wonder I feel a sense of deja vu. The headless knight, I'm afraid, is the man we met in the ancient battlefield, who is suspected to be a powerful monarch."

"Yes, I think so!

At that time, fortunately, this man appeared. Otherwise, we would be killed by the people from the southern and Western zhenjiefu together... "

The same argument was heard in the southern and Western camps.

At the time of the ancient battlefield, the people of the two prefectures joined hands and almost wiped out the whole army of the blood god temple.

However, in the end, because the suspected strongman of the holy monarchy killed many powerful people in the two prefectures, which made them panic, which made most of the blood Temple Escape.

But I didn't expect that all these things, now it seems, are the layout of Archangels!

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