The archangel looked at the headless knight with a gentle voice.

"Archangel, never lies, this itself is a lie.

The reason why I have made a vow to never tell lies is for today.

I am not a liar. As long as the lies are valuable enough, why don't you tell them? "

Tiandao emissary smile, so that this side of heaven and earth, seems to have become a bit bright.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched.

Dare to violate the oath of heaven, this archangel, cruel enough!

I don't know what price he will pay if he breaks the oath of heaven?

I'm afraid the strength of this guy is much stronger than when he met last time. Obviously, the cost of violating the oath of heaven seems not high.

"Is it that this guy deliberately colluded with heaven to make a false oath of heaven?"

Gu Xuan thought in his heart.

"No, it should be very unlikely.

The way of heaven can't do this kind of harm.

It is not impossible to avoid the punishment brought about by the oath of heaven. "

The words of Archangels are undoubtedly indiscriminate attacks.

Although he was mocking the undead like headless knights, the king of the dragon was embarrassed to the extreme.

Other people have not calculated him, he actually can also be deceived, this day, can't live!

After a smile, the archangel continued: "if you did not make the oath of heaven, how would you believe my words?

How can I be cheated by a lie?

I'm not afraid to tell you, from the arrangement of heavy treasure, entice the blood god temple people to the ancient battlefield.

Then let the people of the blood soul hall have a holiday news, sell the blood temple, and ambush the people and horses of the two prefectures, hang the blood temple.

Even, deliberately let you know about the fruit of the divine tree.

Everything is written by us.

Some of the arrangements are unknown to nangongqiu and ximenfeng.

This is the only one who really understands the whole situation.

And the purpose is to lure and kill you. "

The headless knight gave a cold smile.

"Now, is your plan a failure?

We are on guard. If you want to kill me, it's just a dream!

Maybe, here, it will be your graveyard! "

The archangel's eyes were full of irony.

"Even now, this seat shows up ahead of time, so you can be on guard.

But the plan of this seat is still in progress and has never exceeded my control.

Bitter sea, will be your graveyard after all

The headless knight snorted coldly.

"Wait and see! If you want to fight, I'll be with you at any time! "

The archangel said, "don't worry, you won't wait too long.

When the fruit of God tree matures, it is your death time!

As for now, don't worry, you can live on. "

The headless knight turned the horse's head.

"Let's go and wait for the fruit of the tree to mature, and then come here to fight the birds!"

More than 50 undead walked away from the island from the sea.

This is a full hundred miles.

Looking at the group of undead, a hundred miles away, slowly sinking into the sea, a large number of warriors are a sigh of relief.

If there is a war, it will be a battle between two powerful monarchs, even if the two kings are less than half of their heyday.

However, the emperor is the emperor. The movement of their battle is a little bigger. I don't know how many people will be affected.

When ximenfeng and Nangong Qiu see the enemy disappear, they both look at the archangel without understanding.

With the strength of their two towns, together with the archangel, it was enough to kill the group of undead.

After all, as messengers of heaven, they have a great advantage in dealing with the undead.

However, the archangel did not give orders, which is very strange.

The archangel didn't explain anything. His eyes finally fell on the Dragon King who had been reduced to one person's size.

The king of the dragon was suddenly excited. The damned Birdman ignored himself for such a long time. Did he finally notice himself?

Take advantage of this opportunity, he must be a good bear on him, will just lost face, all look back.

"You have only recovered 30% of your strength?"

The archangel frowned and stared at the king of the dragon. His face was full of disappointment and regret.

This appearance, as if the king of the Dragon had only recovered 30% of his strength, so that he had no light on his face.

Gu Xuan was stunned and sent a message to the king of the dragon.

"What's the matter? You two have a leg? "

The expression of Archangel is so strange.

It's like, the elder of the school looks like he hates iron but doesn't make steel, and looks at the disciples.The king of the Dragon glared at Gu Xuan.

"Nonsense, the Dragon King only loves dragons!

Female dragon, mother, do you understand

Although he said so, the scales of the king of Wu Dao were all up.

Is this Archangel taking the wrong medicine?

Their own strength only recovered 30%, you look disappointed and regretful, what kind of ghost are you?

We are enemies. We can only recover 30% of our own strength. Shouldn't you be happy?


I seem to have been taken to the ditch!

What is recovery of only 30%?

This Dragon King relies on the limited condition, can restore 30% strength, already very adverse weather, OK!

Shouldn't this make you wonder, frighten you, and make you can't help praising the Dragon King?

"Even if you only recover 30% of your strength, you can still beat your teeth all over the place!"

The Dragon King of Wu Dao is confident.

The archangel shook his head.

"Only 30% of your strength can be recovered, but you can't beat me.

In its heyday, you and I were equal.

But now, my strength, fully recovered 40%.

The general's strength in that headless night was also restored to 40%.

I'm afraid you can't beat him. How can you be my opponent.

Besides, do you think we are the only ones here?

Within the secret realm of the bitter sea, there are two saints who have fallen into the realm.

If they are determined to grab the fruit of the sacred tree

Well, I shouldn't have said so much. "

The archangel suddenly stopped and closed his eyes, as if in a false sleep.

The holy light released from his body became soft and incomparable, giving people a warm feeling.

No road Dragon King, once again ignored, but this time, he did not get angry, but a bit dignified expression.

Originally, I thought that he would be able to capture the fruit of the divine tree. I never thought that there were so many variables.

Now there are three strong men at the level of emperor, but there may be some people coming.

Fortunately, in this real world, there will not be a king in his heyday, otherwise, the variables will be even greater.

"Gu Xuan, you have to return the 200 dragon scales to me first!"

The wudaolong Dynasty flies past with the ancient Xuanfei.

When a group of monks saw him flying, they all stepped back in fear.

"Don't discuss anything here.

First of all, stay away from the archangel group. Besides, people from the two towns in the West and South have gathered towards him.

I always feel that the archangel's heart is already dark. He is afraid that he is going to do something important this time. "

Ancient Xuanyin preached.

Without waiting for the response of the Dragon King, Gu Xuan had already taken the people of Sanxian League and walked towards the distance.

No way Dragon King helpless, also followed the past.

Now, the body of the archangel has disappeared.

Originally, there was a magnificent palace where he stood.

The people of the two towns were all around the palace.

The people of the blood soul hall also stationed beside the palace.

This is to tell everyone that they are also archangels.

In the distance, the warriors of the blood temple, looking at this scene, all hate their teeth itching.

Blood soul hall is actually the power controlled by archangels. It is difficult for them to revenge.

Gu Xuan and his party passed in front of the blood Temple Camp, but there was no communication between them.

After being far away from the blood temple, in an open space closest to the sacred tree, Sanxian League set up a camp.

The king of the Dragon had the audacity to occupy the main account.

For this point, the monks like to see it.

Gu Xuan also stayed in the main account and had a very serious communication with the king of the dragon.

No one knows what they exchanged.

However, during the communication between the two, the main account was demolished three times by the king.

After three days, there was no sign of communication.

The island has also entered a rare period of calm.

But as everyone knows, this is just the calm before the storm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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