Looking at the sky, Gu Xuan was still, and he had no sadness or joy on his face.

As for the promotion of the half step emperor, Gu Xuan had some experience.

It was he who helped Yu Gu to become the emperor of banbu.

Unfortunately, at that time, he did some cheating and failed to see the emperor's natural calamity.

This time, it was the first time in the true sense of ancient Xuan to see the Tianjie which was much more terrifying than the life of death.

For the vast majority of martial arts practitioners, this is the ultimate goal of their cultivation.

Among the three thousand worlds, many of the world's heaven and the Lord of the world are held by the emperor.

It can be said that this is a completely new realm which is totally different from the previous cultivation realm of martial arts. It is a truly transcendent and holy realm.

Once in the realm of the emperor, the life span of the warrior will be more than one million years.

Those with outstanding talent can cultivate one or two magic powers. This is a method that completely surpasses the general skills and magic methods. Each of them can be called magic and wonderful.

Of course, there is no end to the mystery of the realm of the emperor.

Because there are so many advantages in the realm of the emperor, it will be so difficult to enter the realm of the emperor with one drink and one peck.

Countless martial arts practitioners, in order to achieve this realm, have no choice but to retreat and seek the next best. They step into a realm that is not even considered as a state of "banbu Shengjun".

But the ancient mystery is different.

Gu Xuan chose to enter this realm on his own initiative.

If you have enough time for him to enter the holy realm.

It is a pity that the enemy in front of him must step into the realm of a half step sage and improve his strength before he can defeat him.


In the sky that thick rob cloud above, continuously has the Thunder Dragon shuttle between, frightens the human extremely.


After the archangel and the high priest of the family of strength swore at the same time, they retreated with tacit understanding.

I can't help it. I have to quit.

They can fully feel how powerful the ancient Xuan's heavenly calamity is. If they get close to it, they may be affected.

Even if not affected, heaven knows if Gu Xuan will suddenly move any crooked mind and use the emperor's Tianjie to pull them into the water.

After all, strictly speaking, among the four and a half step sages present, except the king of the dragon, the other three can be regarded as the enemies of Gu Xuan.

They still remember the scene when the fake tree spirit was chased.

With this lesson, we have to guard against some ancient mystery.

The king of Wudao dragon took the initiative to fly to ye'er and the insect clothes, protecting them and retreating back for a distance.

As for the fake tree spirit, it retreated earlier and farther than everyone else.

Gu Xuan, who was crossing the emperor's calamity, could not be provoked by him.


All of a sudden, the sound of dragon singing came from the sky.

In the cloud of robbery, a Thunder Dragon is directly drilled out. It has a magnificent style, and its body is as long as 100 Zhang, which is frightening!


The Thunder Dragon was as fast as the wind, like a star falling vertically, falling toward the top of the ancient Xuan.

In the past, even the space seems to be frozen in general, and no ripples can be produced.

At first glance, this Thunder Dragon, in addition to the momentum, is not too special.

But, as everyone knows, the horror of this Thunder Dragon.

Let alone Gu Xuan, a man who is crossing the robbery, even if he is a real saint, he dare not light his front.

"It's too strong. How could the emperor Tianjie of ancient Xuan be so strong?

My emperor Tianjie, at least the first three waves of thunder, or out of the cloud, just condensed into a thunderbolt.

But ancient Xuan's natural calamity, actually flies out a Thunder Dragon directly!

Its power is so powerful that it can not be compared with the ordinary emperor's calamity! "

The king's eyes were full of surprise and worry.

"The first wave of thunder was not something that Gu Xuan could resist.

He is dead

A sneer appeared at the corner of the fake tree's mouth.

It can be said that ancient Xuan's heavenly calamity is beyond imagination. If he did not burn Shouyuan before, he might have a chance to carry the first wave of thunder.

"Never, never, you shouldn't burn Shouyuan to deter me.

Once you burn Shouyuan, you will become weak.

It's weak, but it's a big taboo to avoid robbery. "

The fake tree spirit was very excited at the thought of Gu Xuan being cut into powder.


The Thunder Dragon fell quickly, only 200 Zhang away from the ancient Xuan.

The broken double pupil of ancient Xuan was opened in an instant.

A black and white eyes, flashing a fine awn, as if able to see everything.

When using pupil technique to see the first Thunder Dragon, Gu Xuan's face has always been quiet, and finally there is a trace of dignified color.The first wave of Thunder Dragon is much more complicated than the naked eye. It is not only powerful but also simple.

Among them, there is also a trace of soul attack, which is enough to make any peak Xuansheng fall instantly!

"Originally, I still wanted to carry the Thunder Dragon with my body, but now it seems that this is a ridiculous idea."

Gu Xuan sighed in his heart.

Even if they have enough high regard for the emperor's disaster, but after all, they still underestimate it.


Gu Xuan offered a sword to kill heaven.

The sword cuts through the void, cutting the space in half.

Gu Xuan directly displayed the five movements and five elements sword moves in the nine Jue Gong of Taishang.

Whew! Whew!

The power of five swords is in one moment!

"Wuxing Zhenjie sword!"

Gu Xuan suddenly drank, and blended the power of the "five elements Zhenjie sword" into a sword that was tens of feet across, and cut it out in the sky!

At the same time, Gu Xuan once again danced the sword of Zhu Tian, and the fierce sword spirit went straight up to jiuxiao!

"Tiangang running thunder sword rhyme!"

Gu Xuan was drinking a lot again. The vast energy gushed from his body and disappeared into Zhutian sword.

A sword Thunder Dragon, which is also tens of Zhang long, flies out of the sky killing sword. There is a roaring thunder in it. A trace of the unique breath of natural calamity appears in this Thunder Dragon!

It was Gu Xuan's intention at the beginning to fight against the force of Tianjie.

As for the soul attack contained in the Thunder Dragon, it was ignored by the ancient Xuan.

With the strength of his soul, such a little soul attack is meaningless to him.


In an instant, the sword and Thunder Dragon came first, catching up with the sword which contains the power of the five elements Zhenjie sword and entangled it.

The power of the two is fused together, and in the next moment, they collide with the hundred Zhang Long Dragon!


Like the collision of two dazzling stars, the sound of terrible explosion sounded.

The ancient Xuan was instantly engulfed by the power of explosion.

The terrifying power creates ripples in the space.


Even the sacred tree was shocked by the power of the explosion, causing a slight shaking, full of tree leaves, rustling.

The crowd turned pale.

How powerful is the sacred tree?

Even the sacred tree was shaken by the explosion. How powerful was the power generated by the ancient Xuan's attack and the Thunder Dragon collision?

"Well, it is worthy of my young master's heavenly calamity. It is strong enough!

Come again

At the time when they were shocked, a voice that shocked them even more rang through the sky.

Gu Xuan, devoured by the power of explosion, is not dead!

His figure, with the disappearance of the power of the explosion, reappeared in the eyes of all.

And, no harm!

"How could it be?"

Fake tree spirit glared on the face of the sneer, solidified.

The archangel opened his mouth wide.

The eyes of the high priest of the Li family widened.

They have long believed that Gu Xuan must die.

But now, Gu Xuan is not dead, and not injured at all?

It's just subverting their imagination.

At this time, the second wave of thunder has been condensed.

Two hundred Zhang Long Thunder Dragon, from the sky!

This means that the power of the second wave of thunder robbing has at least doubled.

But Gu Xuan knew that this wave of thunder robbing power was more than doubled.

His broken double pupil can see clearly, in the head of these two thunder dragons, there is a ball the size of a thumb!

There is a ball in every Dragon's head. If you think about it with your knees, you should know that it's not anything.

"That's --"

the image of a fat silkworm flashed through Gu Xuan's brain.

That's the image of the heavenly insect ancestor!

"Annihilate matter!

Those two balls are annihilating matter!

It is a hundred times stronger than the annihilation material condensed by the fat silkworm ancestor! "

The pupil of Gu Xuan shrinks violently!

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