"The thunder of the scourge has been extremely destructive, and now there are annihilated substances in it, and its destructiveness has been increased by at least twice.

In other words, the power of the second wave is four times that of the first wave! "

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched a few times.

If it's an ordinary skyscraper, it's OK to increase it several times, but it's the emperor's disaster. Even if the power can only increase by one point, it may cause a warrior to die.

You're quadrupling it?

Ancient Xuan suspected that it was the way of heaven in the real world against himself!

Of course, it's impossible.

The way of heaven, at least on the surface of the mountain, is just, and will not be so blatantly directed against a person who has taken the robbery.

It can only be said that the potential shown by the ancient metaphysics triggered such an extraordinary increase in the scourge of heaven.

It was not only Gu Xuan, the four great sages, who were shocked again.

As kings, they are more sensitive to the emperor's calamity. They also feel the power of the second wave of thunder.

Just the second wave of thunderbolt, the power will directly rise to the level of four times the strength of the first wave, which they can't imagine.

You know, their emperor Tianjie, the first wave of thunder, is not as good as Gu Xuan.

The power of the second wave is only twice that of the first wave.

Even so, they had a hard time.

Now, the power of the second wave of thunder is four times that of the first wave. This is hardly a way to survive.

The fake tree spirit laughed again.

Although Gu Xuan survived the first wave of natural calamity unscathed, which shocked him a little, but in the second wave, Gu Xuan was still going to die.

Such a strong natural calamity, he is in a hurry to cross the robbery, not to die is simply unreasonable.

"Ao Ao Ao --"

two thunder dragons roared down, dazzling white light, making this side of the world more bright.

"It's only four times. I'm not afraid of it!"

Gu Xuan drank a lot and offered a sacrifice to the star God plate.


Zhutian sword didn't enter the star chart.

A full 128 Mini Zhutian swords are arranged in order on the star Luo God plate. They are awe inspiring and cover this space.

"Xingluo · 128 Epee array!"

The ancient Xuan read the moving formula and pointed to the void.

Whew! Whew!

The sound of breaking the sky rings.

One hundred and twenty-eight swords flying out, penetrating the space, with an unstoppable momentum, to meet the scourge of Thunder Dragon.

In a flash, the sword array and Thunder Dragon collided together!


A loud noise is enough to frighten the gods and ghosts.

The sky seemed to be distorted by the terrible explosion.

Gu Xuan was once again shrouded in the power of explosion, although the soul attack in the Tianjie Thunder Dragon was easily resolved by him.

However, annihilated matter is not so easy to dissolve.

He is now surrounded by annihilated materials, and his flesh and blood disappear in large areas at the speed visible to the naked eye, turning into nothingness and revealing the dense white bones.

Only in a flash, his Xuandi spirit body, then consumed a full 10%.

"Annihilating matter is really powerful!"

Gu Xuan gave a cold smile.

"It's a pity that it's still a long way to go to hurt me!"

Gu Xuan's body suddenly shocked, rolling energy attached to the body surface, isolating the remaining annihilated matter.

"Tuntian Gong!"

On Gu Xuan's body, there was a whirlpool, which devoured nearly half of the annihilated matter.

When the aftereffects of the explosion dissipated, the twisted sky was restored, and the ancient Xuan in white still stood on the earth, with a self-contained look, without any sign of depression or injury.

In the eyes of outsiders, the second wave of robbery thunder, he is still unhurt!

The Four Saints once again showed an incredible look on their faces.

The high priest of the Li family involuntarily withdrew a few steps.

It's terrible.

In the first wave of the disaster, Gu Xuan was not injured. It can also be seen as the result of his all-out efforts and good luck.

However, the power of the second wave was four times that of the first wave, and he was still unhurt, which was not explained by luck.

This can only prove that the ancient XuanZhen is strong!

What's more, it's really strong, not relying on the array arranged in advance.

Compared with the first and second waves, the brewing time of the third wave is much longer.

It seems that even the disaster is angry.

To survive the first wave and the second wave of natural calamities without any injury, without relying on the array and various advance arrangements, it is simply provocative.

Therefore, the third wave, we must let Gu Xuan pay the price!

A few dragon chants startled the sky. This time, four thunder dragons fell from the sky."I'll go!"

At the sight of these four thunder dragons, Gu Xuan couldn't help but burst his words.

The length of each of the four thunder dragons has grown from 100 Zhang to 200 Zhang.

And this is more than that!

Inside the head of each Raptor, there are actually two balls of annihilated matter.

This means that the power of the third wave is four times that of the second wave and sixteen times that of the first wave!

Gu Xuan's face was covered with black lines.

The power of other people's King's natural calamity is doubled. It is very regular.

How can I get here and quadruple it?

No one believes that it's not heaven's intention!

The corners of his mouth twitched and his beard trembled.

"It's over. It's hopeless.

There are nine waves in total.

The power of the third wave of the ancient brother's Tianba is already equivalent to that of other warriors, the fifth and sixth.

If he was promoted to the realm of the sage, he could also feign death to avoid the natural calamity and become a half step saint.

But he is already a half step king, and if he carries out feign death, the success rate is less than one in 100 million.

No, I haven't heard that there are still people who succeed in feigning death when the emperor banbu is crossing the river. "

There were two lines of tears in the corner of his eyes.

It's all to save yourself!

On the face of the fake tree spirit, the third time appeared a satisfied color.

The more amazing Gu Xuan showed, the more happy he was.

In this way, the more enemies die, the better, so that no one will argue with themselves for the fruits of the divine tree.

The Four Saints now have the same idea in their hearts.

They believed that the ancient Xuan was in the realm of a half step sage king and forced to cross the emperor's natural calamity.

In this way, it is almost impossible to succeed in feigning death. There are only two things that Gu Xuan will end up with.

Either, he will succeed and become a king, but this is almost impossible.

It's either a disaster or a failure.

There is no third possibility.

Absolutely not!

But, only insect clothing and ye er know.

The real state of ancient Xuan is the peak of Xuansheng!

He himself is working hard to become a half step king!

By the time he got through the first wave, he was doomed to succeed.

Because Gu Xuan can pretend to die at any time!

"Although the third wave of natural calamity is strong, it is still too early to carry out feign death.

There are nine waves of natural calamity, and every three waves, there is a qualitative change.

As long as you can survive the third wave of thunder, you should be able to achieve something. You can touch the real realm of the emperor. It's a silk threshold! "

Gu Xuan was determined in his heart, and his face was full of confidence.

His goal is to survive six waves of looting thunder and then feign death.

He wanted to touch as much as possible before the threshold of the realm of the king!

"Ao Ao Ao Ao..."

the earth shaking sound of dragon chanting sounded.

Seeing four thunder dragons rushing down, Gu Xuan's eyes are awe inspiring!

This time, he will use Daoyun!

He has a total of five tracks.

This pentagonal rhyme was originally a different pentagonal rhyme, but under his and Yunxi's efforts, they all refined it into huoxingdao rhyme.

Zhutian sword was held by Gu Xuan again.

Full of three track rhyme, not into the Zhutian sword.

Originally flashing gold light Zhutian sword, in an instant, turned into fire red, just like a sword of fire!

With the blessing of Daoyun, even the sword of Zhutian sword turns red.

The sword's power, which looms out, makes the space around the sword collapse.


Thunder and lightning beat on Zhutian sword.

The breath of natural calamity also appears on Zhutian sword.

The next sword will be the most powerful sword that Gu Xuan combined with thunder, sword and fire!

Gu Xuan waved the sword of killing heaven and cut it out with one sword!

This sword, without any moves, is such a simple sword.

But this sword, but contains the ancient Xuan to thunder, the sword, the fire three all sentiment!


When the sword comes out, the world will be shocked!

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