A sword with a length of 200 Zhang is cut from Zhutian sword!

This is the flame red sword. The power of Daoyun is constantly flowing in it, and the thunder and lightning with the breath of natural calamity are more and more surging!

Where the sword passes, the space is cut.

This sword, as if to cut through the sky, the sun and the moon, the galaxy in two!


The piercing sound of breaking the sky made all the sages feel numb on their scalp.

No one thought that such a terrible force could erupt from Gu Xuan!

"That's the power of Daoyun!"

"How could it be? How long did he get the divine light and treasure leaf? How could he exert the power of Daoyun? "

Several saints, all exclaimed.

At this time, in the void, the two hundred Zhang sword awn collided with four thunder dragons!


The sound of an unprecedented explosion.

The power of the explosion rolled around, and the space was broken at the speed visible to the naked eye.

In an instant, the space of hundreds of meters has collapsed.

The giant sacred tree, standing in the collapsed space, shaking more than once.

A piece of fallen leaves fell from the tree crown.

Gu Xuan's attack, after colliding with four Tianjie thunder dragons, actually made the sacred tree fall leaves.

This means that even the sacred tree has been affected!

We can imagine how strong the impact power just now is!

At the moment, Gu Xuan is also in a collapsed space, where the space is extremely distorted, which makes his body look distorted.

This degree of distortion is fatal to any half step king who is not proficient in the way of time and space.

But for Gu Xuan, it was almost like twisting one's waist, which was nothing at all.

More terrifying than the distortion of space is the two annihilated substances in the brain of each thunderbolt!

These annihilated materials did not disappear completely under the attack of Zhutian sword. At least half of them were already attached to Gu Xuan.

A burning pain, lingering in the ancient Xuan, is enough to make any half step of the emperor's mental breakdown of pain.

But on Gu Xuan's body, it was almost like tickling. He couldn't even change his face.

When he was preparing to be promoted to a half step emperor, he had suffered more than ten thousand times more than this.

However, although the pain is not afraid, the annihilation characteristics of annihilating matter are not so good to resist.

The flesh and blood on the ancient Xuan's body was constantly annihilated and turned into nothingness, revealing dense bones and even internal organs.

He can only constantly urge his own Xuandi God body, will be annihilated body parts, to restore.

The body parts annihilated by the annihilated matter are very difficult to repair. But now the ancient metaphysics has made great progress, and there are Taoist rhymes in the body to help. It is easy to do all this.

However, the consumption of God body is also huge.

This time, the ancient metaphysics consumed 20% of the deities, which successfully consumed the annihilated materials.

The fourth wave of looting thunder is already gathering.

At this time, Gu Xuan only felt his body shake, a kind of mysterious and mysterious induction appeared in his brain.

He looked up at the sky, where the clouds of robbery were rolling and the thunder and lightning were surging.

However, Gu Xuan's eyes seem to be able to penetrate even the clouds of robbery, even the lightning can be omitted.

He seemed to see through the obstacles and see everything after the cloud robbery.

There, there is a looming gate!

That's the door that blocks all people from being promoted to the emperor!

As long as you open this gate, behind the door, there is a broad road, belonging to the noble king and warrior!

Gu Xuan only felt that his thoughts and his soul floated up. In a short time, he floated to the front of that gate.

He felt that as long as he gently reached out and pushed, the gate would open!

And he, gently lifting his feet, can stride into another piece of heaven and earth!

At this moment, Gu Xuan felt that all the energy in his body began to boil, and every cell was jubilant.

"Ao --"

the Longyin of jiuxiao has broken the vision of ancient Xuan.

Gu Xuan's black and white eyes reflected the image of the fourth wave of thunder.

Two giant dragons, flying out of the clouds, recognized the ancient Xuan, and fell in the head!

Compared with the third wave of Tianjie thunderstorms, they are half the number and size.

However, no one is stupid enough to think that the power of this wave of thunder robbing is smaller than that of previous waves.

Under normal circumstances, there will be nine waves of thunder.

Every three waves produce qualitative changes.It is obvious that the fourth wave of Thunder Dragon has undergone a qualitative change.

"The power contained in each thunderbolt is several times more powerful than before.

Moreover, in the head of each Raptor, there is not only a fist sized ball of annihilated matter, but also another golden bead.

Golden beads? If I'm right, it's a bead of soul power!

In this, there must be a very powerful means of soul attack! "

Gu Xuan's expression was more dignified.

According to his estimation, the power of the fourth wave is 64 times that of the first wave.

Moreover, the power of annihilating matter and attacking soul beads should be calculated separately.

The aggressiveness of these two things is more special.

"I didn't expect that the power of the fourth wave of Tianba would be so strong.

Continue to resist, even I am afraid it will be hit hard.

It's a pity that my original plan was to defend five against six. At least we should resist five waves of thunder. If there is any spare force, we should resist the sixth wave.

But now, in order to avoid accidents, I'm afraid it's better to fake death in advance

The thoughts in the ancient Xuan's brain flowed.

As long as the feign death is carried out and the sky robbery is successfully concealed, this wave of robbery thunder will not be able to split down.

In any case, touching the threshold of the realm of the emperor, which he was able to achieve and reaped a lot.

However, when Gu Xuan was ready to give up the robbery, the image of the gate appeared again in his mind.

The gate, as if it had magic power, attracted Gu Xuan and made him always make up his mind to give up.

He wanted to get closer to the gate, to see the gate clearly, and to push it open.

"Ah, fight! Since my young master has decided to survive the six waves of thunder, we must go through the six waves!

I can't bear the children, I can't catch the wolf!

What is this danger? "

As soon as Gu Xuan bit his teeth, he made a decision to continue to cross the river.


The speed of the two thunder dragons is very fast. They are only a hundred feet away from each other. They will fall on the top of the ancient Xuan.

Gu Xuan did not hesitate.

Zhutian sword appears in the hand again.

"Yunxi, help me!"

Gu Xuan's heart is full of summon, cloud Xi's figure, Pianran out, hidden into the Zhutian sword.


The blazing fire is burning on Zhutian sword.

It's a black flame!

As soon as it burns up, the world seems to be shrouded in a profound and powerful energy.

On Zhutian sword, the flame red sword immediately turned black.

Even the endless stream of sanqudao rhyme in the body of the sword seems to be submissive and willing to be driven by the black flame.

"Ao Ao -"

two skyrocketing thunder dragons instinctively stopped in the void and slowed down a little.

As if this black flame, even they feel afraid.

"What is that?"

"What a strong flame!"

"How could it be? Is there such a flame in the world?

Compared with the supreme flame in the sky fire, I am afraid it is even more powerful!

Do you mean Do you mean... "

Several saints were shocked by Gu Xuan again.

No one thought that Gu Xuan could summon such a powerful flame!

The power of the flame has subverted their cognitive category of sky fire!

Gu Xuan was staring at the two thunder dragons that slowed down a little bit in the void.

"The disaster of Thunder Dragon, actually instinctively fear chaos Shengyan!

Although I don't know why, I know that I will win this robbery! "

There was a smile in the corner of Gu Xuan's mouth.

Zhutian sword, lift up again!

This time, Gu Xuan didn't wait for the Thunder Dragon to fall completely.

He was so moved that he rushed directly to two thunder dragons!

"Taishangjiu Jue Gong, Huoxing Jue Jian!"

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