"Hide it from the world?"

Gu Xuan's pupils shrank, and then he began to laugh.

"How many% are you sure?"

A fine light flashed in the eyes of the meteoric sword spirit.

"Only 10% at most! What's the matter? Do you dare to bet? "

There was a glimmer of excitement in Gu Xuan's eyes.

This kind of time, must let oneself excited, self-confident!

"Ten percent, very high!

Wandering on the edge of life and death can make me excited.

Let's talk about it, brother meteor. What should we do? "

There was a smile in the corner of Gu Xuan's mouth.

It's fun to fight people.

This time it's a fight with the sky. It's even more fun.

With both hands on his back, he organized his language.

"It's very simple. Since it's" hiding from heaven and the sea ", it's to leave the real world secretly without knowing the way of heaven.

In other words, it is to deceive the perception of the way of heaven, so that the way of heaven can not find you, then it will not be able to punish you

Gu Xuan held his chin, revealing the color of thinking.

"However, although this is the world in the South Tianmen Mountain, after all, I am still in the real world.

As long as in the real world, the way of heaven wants to find me, it's very easy.

It is not easy to hide the perception of heaven in the real world? "

Meteor Sky Sword spirit stretched out his right hand, fingers flicked in the void, as if writing something.

"Of course, it's not easy, so I said that the success rate is only 10%.

I have a skill called "covering the sky".

This is a skill that can hide one's soul breath. It is one of the top hiding skills in the world.

Compared with the big five elements Dun Shu you know, it should be between Bo Zhong.

It's just that your "big five elements Dun Shu" is aimed at ordinary martial arts, which can't hide from the way of heaven in the world.

But this [covering heaven skill] is different. This skill is a concealment skill specially aimed at the way of heaven! "

The voice of the meteoric sword spirit was constantly transmitted into Gu Xuan's mind.

The more ancient xuanyue listened, the more they expected.

"Cover the sky skill, just listen to the name, this skill is a very powerful skill!

Besides, it's a hidden skill specially aimed at the way of heaven. Without saying anything else, the four words "aim at the way of heaven" alone will make it even higher

The sword spirit of the meteoric sky laughs.

"Well, are you looking forward to learning this skill?

Take it. This is the skill recorded in this memory Rune! "

The meteoric sword spirit flicks his finger's right hand in the void, and suddenly a rotation, a memory rune, has appeared in the palm of the hand.

As soon as he thought about it, the memory Rune flew out of the celestial disc and floated to the ancient Xuan.

As soon as Gu Xuan reached out, he was ready to grasp the memory Rune in his hand.

But before his hand was close to the memory rune, he stopped.

It seems that it's not right?

This skill is very good. Gu Xuan believed that the spirit of the sword in the sky was not lying.

After all, they are now a community of common destiny. If they are killed by the punishment of heaven and the sword spirit of meteor sky is found by heaven, their fate will be no better.

But that's the problem!

This skill is so excellent that you didn't even mention the conditions when you handed it to yourself?

This is not in line with the style of meteor Sky Sword spirit!

This guy wants to take advantage of himself when he is free. What's more, there is such a big thing to do now!

There's a conspiracy!

"Why did you stop? I'm afraid I can't learn it myself? "

Meteor Sky Sword spirit asks a way.

Gu Xuan said suspiciously, "well, this skill, what do you want me to exchange?

If it is too much, I would rather die than surrender.

In any case, some people give me some help. My soul will never die.

I can be reborn in a few days, but I will spend some time to practice again. "

The sword spirit of the meteoric sky gave a cold smile.

"Somebody's got a clue? Just now that man took you away and cut off the perception between you and me, he told you this?

If you take this attitude to fight with heaven, I'm afraid you will lose.

Besides, who do you think I am?

How can I blackmail you at the critical moment of life and death?

Don't worry, this skill is included in the fruit of your divine tree!

So, you've already paid the bill! "

After hearing the words, Gu Xuan didn't talk to the meteoric sword spirit again. This guy finally had a little conscience. He didn't take the opportunity to open his mouth.

He grasped the memory rune, refined it and integrated it into his body.

All of a sudden, the formula of "covering the sky" turned into a strange text and appeared in Gu Xuan's mind.This text, Gu Xuan has never seen.

However, every word, he seems to have known it for a long time. He read all the pithy formulas smoothly.

All sorts of mysterious feelings immediately rose in my heart.

Gu Xuan's body has a sign of becoming transparent.

"What a wonderful skill! Now I believe that this skill has a chance to hide from heaven! "

Gu Xuan was a little excited.

Just after passing the formula of "covering the sky" once in his mind, his body will change like this, and his heart will have a thousand feelings. How can he not be excited?

He quickly tried to use the energy in his body according to the formula of "covering the sky" and practiced.

The pure power of the spirit was mobilized by him.

Gu Xuan didn't notice that the smile on the face of the meteoric sword spirit was strange when he practiced this skill.

That's a kind of smile with a successful trick!

"There is no" covering the sky "skill in the world, but once I think about it, there will be" covering the sky ".

Learn it, learn it, and soon after you learn this skill, don't mention hiding yourself in front of the heavenly way. Even if you want to beat the way of heaven, you will have a chance. "

The sword spirit of the meteor sky looks like an old God, but his heart is full of thoughts.

"To tell you the truth, I'm afraid you won't want to learn this skill.

So, forgive me for not telling you the truth.

After all, this is the best way to get through this crisis!

Moreover, the success rate is not 10%, but 70%

Suddenly, Gu Xuan, who was working silently, frowned.

"Is there something wrong with this skill, brother meteor?"

Gu Xuan suddenly asked his soul.

The meteor Sky Sword spirit almost fell.

Should Gu Xuan discover the truth of this skill?

But, how could it be?

I'm afraid Gu Xuan has just finished reading the Dharma formula for the first time. He hasn't practiced it yet. How can he find out the truth?

What's more, I haven't given them all, only half of them.

Only when Gu Xuan has cultivated this half can he feel that there is another half. At that time, he should realize the truth of this skill.

"What's wrong?" said the meteoric sword spirit? How could something be wrong?

I give you the skill, you put a million heart, peace of mind practice!

You have to, at least, ten minutes.

Otherwise, you can't avoid the punishment of the heaven

Gu Xuan was suspicious.

"Isn't it a skill to conceal one's own breath?

This type of skill is not too complicated, easy to learn and difficult to master.

But you gave me this dharma formula. Just this general outline, there are enough words, not to mention the formal Dharma formula later.

If my "Da Wu Xing Dun Shu" is written in the same language, it is not as many as the general outline of this skill.

What's more, it's hard to learn and master this skill, which seems to pave the way for other skills. "

The whole face of Xiaotian Jianling began to twitch.

This ancient mystery is also too keen to observe.

But, oneself must not admit!

"What's the critical moment? What else do you do with these details?

Practice quickly. It's important to protect your life!

What's more, is it not complicated to master the ability to perceive the heaven's way?

I've seen hidden methods ten times more complicated than this! "

The meteor Sky Sword spirit casually is a section of impeccable lie.

After saying that, still did not forget to point a praise for oneself in the heart, tactful!

Gu Xuan was skeptical, ten times more complicated than the "covering the sky skill"?

What's that like?

Is to swagger to beat the way of heaven, heaven can not find you in front of him that kind of situation?

Is there any such skill in the world?

Originally, when confronted with this kind of problem, Gu Xuan would certainly study it deeply.

But now, it's not the time.

No matter whether the skill is complicated or not, as long as it is useful, it is a good skill!

At the same time, Gu Xuan continued to study hard as he flew to the exit of the bitter sea.

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