"The skill of" covering the sky "emphasizes the skill of deceiving the perception of the strong in the heaven.

A realm of heaven, as long as you have a mind, you can understand even the smallest details of a realm to an unimaginable level.

The perception of the way of heaven in the real world can be said to be everywhere.

But he doesn't know everything.

Because in a world, all kinds of events are happening all the time. If the way of heaven is aware all the time, even with his mental strength, he can't hold on. Even for an hour, his brain will be burst. "

Ancient Xuan explained the formula of "covering the sky".

"Now, if the heaven wants to kill me, he must always lock me in.

And I want to escape his perception, there are two ways.

Or do there is me everywhere, the other creatures, disguised as me, so that he can not distinguish which is the real me.

Natural punishment is different from that of promotion.

The word "punishment" means punishment.

The way of heaven in the real world thinks that I have made a mistake, so he will punish me. But if there is me everywhere, he will drop the punishment at will, which will affect other creatures.

This is not "punishment", but indiscriminate killing. "

With this in mind, Gu Xuan continued to analyze the Dharma formula with a smile.

"In addition to me everywhere, where there is no other living creature, we can only achieve" no me everywhere "!

Its profound meaning lies in cutting off its own Qi at all times.

Not only that, but also need to be in the state of action all the time. In one place, you can't stay for more than a second, otherwise, you will still be locked by the way of heaven.

And in action, it requires a thorough integration with the surrounding environment.

The surrounding environment will not remain the same.

So, I have to keep changing all the time to keep camouflage... "

The formula is extremely complicated.

It's not that you can use it successfully if you operate it according to the cultivation method.

Among them, more attention should be paid to a flexible method.

Seven minutes have passed.

Gu Xuan has also stood at the exit of bitter sea.

He looked back a little and looked in the direction of the Tianchong tribe.

"Ye'er, forgive me for not taking you this time.

But I will come back after the young master gets through this crisis and recovers!

At that time, I will step on the real world of heaven

Gu Xuan secretly swore.

Then, Gu Xuan was determined to take a step forward, out of the sea of bitterness.

With three minutes left, he needs to get to the 96th floor of South Tianmen Mountain as soon as possible.

There, there is an ancient transmission array, which can help him leave the real world and return to the burning heaven.

However, Gu Xuan is now on the ninety-first floor. It will take some time to go to the ninety-six floor.

If we follow the speed of climbing the mountain before, let alone three minutes, even thirteen minutes, we may not be able to reach the 96th floor.

But now, after the great advance of ancient Xuan's strength, he didn't care about the restriction of flying on the way to the South Tianmen Mountain.


Gu Xuan flew up directly.

All of a sudden, a whirlpool of space, suddenly appeared around the ancient Xuan, a strange energy, like a rope, bound to him, trying to bind him.

In the past, Gu Xuan had to be careful in the face of these sudden dangers, but now, with a wave of his hand, the whirlpool of space has calmed down.

That strange energy also dissipated directly.

However, these strange dangers have not completely disappeared. There are still several space entrances in front of the ancient Xuan from time to time.

These space entrances lead to the secret places on the South Tianmen Mountain.

I don't know how much time it will take if you accidentally enter it.

In the face of these space entrances, the ancient Xuan could not disperse them. Instead, they could only instantly change their flight direction and bypass them.

This has little effect on the speed of the ancient mystery.

In the void, I saw a rapid shuttle.

If there is a half step king here, I don't know what will be surprised.

It is beyond their knowledge to dare to fly on the South Tianmen Mountain and fly so fast.

Finally, after Gu Xuanfei got to the last step, the 96th floor of Nantianmen mountain arrived!

The ancient transmission array is in a secret place on this level.

As he practiced "covering the sky", Gu Xuan recalled the map he got from the crazy old man.

This map records the method of searching for ancient transmission array.

Gu Xuan looked at a remote road not far away.


He flew over.

A minute later, it was at the end of the path.The end of the path is a secret place.

"When people come here and see the entrance of this secret place, they either go in or go back.

I don't think that there is a hidden secret place not far away from this secret place. "

With a faint smile, Gu Xuan looked to the right.

Soon, they locked in a little forest.

There are many trees and gravel in the forest.

And there is a secret place of ancient transmission array, just under these stones.

Gu Xuan walked into the woods and stood on the gravel.

"The secret place here has not been discovered by the people of the three major business firms, so it has no name.

But it's definitely an ancient secret place, no doubt. "

The secret way in Gu Xuan's heart.

The secret place with ancient transmission array is one of the top secret places in South Tianmen Mountain.

Among them, I am afraid that the danger can be ranked in the top three.

What's more, the punishment is coming!


In the sky, suddenly there was a thunder explosion.

The spirit of ancient metaphysics was shaken.

the thunder as like as two peas, and not the natural punishment, the old mystery is very clear, because the thunder and the thunder that sound like the thunder are the same as the thunder.

This is the Lord of the real world reminding himself!

God's punishment will come at once!

Sure enough, in the sky, suddenly there are black clouds rolling together.

Black lightning, looming in the dark clouds.

Gu Xuan felt that somewhere in the endless space-time, there seemed to be a pair of eyes that had firmly locked themselves.

It is a pair of eyes that despise everything, and have endless hatred for themselves!

"Damn it, didn't the Lord of the real world say that he could delay the punishment for a quarter of an hour?

I'm a man of time. It's only 14 minutes since then!

Lord of the real world, you are useless. You have eaten me for 60 seconds

Gu Xuan abdominal Fei a few words, stretched out his right hand, squeezed out a few drops of red blood from his fingertips.

If you want to open the secret place under the gravel, you must use blood as a lead.

This is what the crazy old man found out by accident.

If there is no blood for the lead, there is no sense of the secret under the gravel, let alone go in.


The blood drops fell and penetrated into the rubble.

A door of space immediately appears at the foot of the ancient Xuan.

Without hesitation, Gu Xuan entered the door of space.

In the sky, the rolling black clouds, in a space wave, disappeared.

They are the heaven punishing and robbing clouds. They have already locked in the ancient Xuan. Where the ancient Xuan is, they will appear.

Even if the ancient mystery into the ancient secret, is no exception!

Gu Xuan felt only a whirl of heaven and earth. When he stood still, he was already in a vast palace group.

In ancient times, in addition to palaces, there were palaces.

every palace is as like as two peas. The road around

as like as two peas.

even as like as two peas in every palace, every flower and tree is the same.

At first glance, there is no difference at all.

If you take a few more steps here, I'm afraid you won't find the entrance to the South Tianmen Mountain, not to mention the transmission array to other worlds.

"Sure enough, as recorded in the map, this is a huge maze!

And there are traps everywhere, dangers everywhere!

In this palace alone, there are three offensive formations, four heads and a half steps, puppet beasts of the level of emperor.

No wonder the mad old man only explored several palaces around him, and the transmission array in the palace only led to a few broken small worlds, which was useless.

He doesn't dare to walk far away

Gu Xuan looked at the transmission array under his feet, sensed the dangerous atmosphere around him, and murmured to himself.

At the foot of this transmission array, it is to the South Tianmen Mountain.

Gu Xuan himself also came out of this transmission array.


At this time, on the top of Gu Xuan's head, Tianxun Jieyun appeared in a burst of spatial fluctuations, still firmly locking him in!

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