Four huge hammers, recognize the ancient Xuan, hit hard!


As the hammer passed by, the sound of wind and thunder sounded.

There was a lot of stillness in all directions.

In the air, left a heavy mark.

On each of the hammers, there is a torrent of laws and runes, full of mystery.

This blow is a real kill!

The strength of the two sides has been increased by more than five times. In addition, a set of King's appointed emperor's tools, and the powerful attack method used by martial artists, you can imagine the power of this attack of the king and queen of the wolf.

Indistinctly between, this one square heaven and earth, seem to have produced the unusual change.

The whole Heishui lake has been affected by the energy and caused a huge wave several feet high.

Dashi and the old man changed their faces when they felt the terrible power from the four hammers.

After the wolf king and queen turned into werewolves, their attack powers have become more powerful than they can imagine.

Especially the old man and the old woman, until now, they finally understand why the wolf king and queen can occupy a corner of the territory of the iron general.

Such strength, enough to let the iron general dare not underestimate.

"My Lord, if you can't play, use your cards quickly."

The old woman advised.

In her opinion, Gu Xuan's most powerful card should be the book of life and death.

However, until now, Gu Xuan did not use the book of life and death to deal with the two wolf kings.

If you don't use the life and death book, the risk factor is too high. If you are a little careless, you will end up in ruin.

Even the big stone flashed a look of worry in his eyes.

However, this look of worry comes and goes quickly.

He firmly believes that, boss, we will win!

And there's no danger!

Gu Xuan did not respond to the old woman's words.

Gu Xuan still stood still, as if from the beginning to the end, did not pay attention to the attack of the two werewolves.

How can he use the powerful means in the book of life and death?

The only place worth using the book of life and death is when the two wolf kings devour them.


Until the distance between the four huge hammers and the ancient Xuan was only half a Zhang, the ancient Xuan finally moved!

If the dragon does not move, it will not move.

Gu Xuan directly offered a sacrifice to Zhutian sword, which broke out on top of Zhutian sword like an obsidian light.

For a moment, the sword spirit is vertical and horizontal, and the sword intention is straight into the sky!


The electric light suddenly twinkled on Zhutian sword.

The power of "Tiangang running thunder battle formula" has been integrated into Zhutian sword!

"I will punish the thunder, kill the heaven, rob the sword dragon, and kill the gods and demons!"

Gu Xuan's mouth was full of words. There was a flash of thunder in his black and white eyes!

A Thunder Dragon, suddenly, hovered over the body of Zhutian sword.

With a sword.

The sky and the earth suddenly change color.

The power of this sword seems to be able to penetrate the stars, destroy the sky, and kill all the gods and demons!

At this moment, the ancient Xuan is more like a God than a God.

He wants to use thunder to punish, clean up the world!


Accompanied by a dragon chant, Gu Xuan's Zhutian sword seems to have killed four huge hammers at the same time.


The sound of four gold and iron hitting each other condensed into a sound.

For a moment, four huge hammers, just less than one meter away from Gu Xuan's body, suddenly stopped and did not move.

Time, as if still in general.

However, through the face gradually become stunned by a group of wolf and stone several people, time, not static.

It's just that it's a winner or loser.



Four huge hammers, like spider web cracks.

And this crack is still spreading.

In a moment, the four huge hammers had turned into pieces and scattered on the ground.

Until then, the wolf king and queen, who had turned into werewolves, still held the posture of swinging a huge hammer.

Their bodies are like statues.

Zizi, Zizi.

Suddenly, an electric light came out of the body of the wolf king and queen.

There are also swords.

All the energy in their bodies is blocked by electric light and sword.

They can't even move.

"Why Maybe... "

"You are Who is it? Iron territory You shouldn't be The strong... "

The king and queen of wolf are full of unbelievable color.They want to ask clearly who the ancient Xuan was.

Unfortunately, the question was asked, but it was never answered.

Gu Xuan has already offered a Book of life and death.

"Life is merciless, death is merciless, life and death are merciless.

Ladies and gentlemen, be a part of the book of life and death.

Devour the spirit

Ancient xuannian's dynamic formula.

In the book of life and death, two huge black hands suddenly stretched out, and they held the wolf king and the wolf queen.

"No Don't kill us

Otherwise, the forbidden wolf will surely kill you and avenge us... "

You wolf king Lord exhausted his strength, this just said a complete word.

Although the body has been hit hard, but it still does not want to die.

Unfortunately, it is doomed to be useless.

Even if he begged for mercy, Gu Xuan would not let it go. If he dared to threaten him, he would surely die.

After a moment, the book of life and death will absorb all the energy in the body of the wolf king and the wolf queen.

The dead hand of devouring spirit returns to the book of life and death.

The wolf king and the wolf queen still kept their face in a state of panic and did not move.

But as everyone knows, they're just empty shells now.


A gust of wind blew.

The body of the wolf king and the wolf queen turned into powder and fell with the breeze.

The king of the wolf king at both ends of the Hall fell down completely.

The wolves opened their eyes and could not believe what was happening in front of them.

All of a sudden, they felt that their faith had collapsed.

They look at Gu Xuan's eyes as if they were looking at a demon.

A demon they'll never match.

If Gu Xuan wants to, he can frighten a wolf to death with a look in his eyes.

I don't know who screamed, the whole wolf pack, began to flee in all directions.

The four ancient Xuan people had no intention of pursuing.

Now, the big play is really coming!

After swallowing the wolf king and queen, the book of life and death is digesting the magnificent energy.

Shining on the book of life and death.

"Not enough! It's almost, just a little bit! "

In the book of life and death, an idea suddenly came out, which was accepted by the ancient Xuan.

At the same time, all of a sudden, tentacles extended from the book of life and death and flew in all directions.

The group of wolves who had just run around and wanted to escape from the forest had no chance to escape. They were chased by tentacles and penetrated their heads.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa PA.

In a moment, the wolf's body has been engulfed, leaving only innumerable skin bags, falling from the sky.

The old woman didn't mean to pick it up.

She has no interest in the fur of the wolf king.

She is still in a state of heartache.

The fur of the wolf king and the wolf queen is undoubtedly the best. Unfortunately, they can't help but turn into werewolves.

Falling in the state of werewolf, where can fur be used?

The fur of a fierce human beast is rejected by the old woman even if it is a spirit ape or a monkey.

When the old woman was in pain, a sense of crisis suddenly enveloped her.

The old man is also a pupil contraction, the same crisis, also locked him.

However, he was still moving in front of the old woman.

"Stop it! They are not enemies! "

Gu Xuan frowned and forced down the two tentacles ready to attack the old man and the old woman.

"If you mess around again, I will seal you and never use you again!"

Ancient Xuan a wisp of ideas, into the book of life and death.

With the development of his life and death.

The intention of attacking the old man and the old woman is unknown.

If it goes on like this, something big will happen one day.

"We must find an opportunity to solve this hidden danger!

However, it is a rare opportunity now. First upgrade it to the level of the emperor's utensil

Gu Xuan suppressed his confused thoughts and concentrated on helping the book of life and death digest the consumed energy and upgrade his grade.

"It's still nearly energy. The energy of more than 1000 wolves can't even compare with the weakest wolf king.

Fortunately, it's not much worse. It should be enough to absorb all the dead air in the wolf forest! "

The ancient Xuan's hands were printed, and hundreds of runes were instantly condensed and combined to form four side array flags.

When the flag falls, a spirit gathering array has been formed.

Whoosh.When the array starts, all the dead air in the whole wolf forest will gather together!

The final promotion, life and death! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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