A huge whirlpool formed in the center of the wolf forest.

Inexhaustible and majestic dead air converges towards this whirlpool.

Even the sky, as if it had become a little low.

The dead gas contained in the trees in the whole wolf forest was also sucked away.

They wither at the speed visible to the naked eye.

These trees, which were originally dead trees, are also full of dead gas. Now that the dead air is sucked away, they will naturally wither.

The ancient Xuan stands still in the same place, and the broken double pupil has already opened.

While reading the Dharma formula, he helped the book of life and death absorb the dead spirit and improve himself with his own strength, while observing all the changes in the book of life and death.

The book of life and death is a spiritual treasure that ancient Xuan got from the burial of heaven and death.

Although it has been known for a long time that the book of life and death is extraordinary, at the beginning, the book of life and death is only a low-grade spiritual treasure.

Ancient Xuan's use of it was only to summon the spirits of various powerful beings sealed in the book of life and death to fight for him.

But now it is different. With the upgrading of the book of life and death, the book of life and death has fed back more things to Gu Xuan, and also brought him more insights into the law of life and the law of death.

In the sight of the ancient Xuan, on the book of life and death, there are once again lines of mystery and obscurity, like tadpoles, swimming back and forth, full of changing words.

These tadpole characters are the way to use the book of life and death.

In the promotion before the book of life and death, Gu Xuan got these Dharma formulas, and he began to deduce and study them for a long time.

For example, the ancient Xuan's "devouring spirit and dead hand" is the way to use the book of life and death.

The wonderful use of the book of life and death is not limited to summoning the spirits to fight.

Therefore, Gu Xuan was full of expectations for the power after the book of life and death was promoted to Emperor's instrument.

A few minutes later, the whole wolf forest has completely withered, more like the dead zone than the dead zone.

However, it is still a little bit short of the life and death book to break through the existing grade and become the emperor's instrument.

In Gu Xuan's mind, however, there seemed to be a huge gap, which turned into shackles and prevented the promotion of the book of life and death.

Gu Xuan frowned slightly.

"If it's not enough, keep eating."

Gu Xuan's eyes suddenly fell into the black water lake nearby.

There should be black water in it.

However, there should be an array similar to the spirit gathering array at the bottom of the water, which imprisons the dead air in the water.

If you break the array and let the life and death Book swallow another wave, maybe it's enough. "

As soon as he read it, Gu Xuan reached for the lake and clapped it!

The powerful palm power directly plunges into the bottom of the water, explodes at the bottom, and smashes all the arrays at the bottom.

The effect was immediate. The dead gas contained in the black water lake immediately evaporated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The volatilized dead gas naturally converges towards the book of life and death, and is absorbed and engulfed by it.

With the dead air being sucked away, the water in the black water lake has gradually recovered its brightness and become extremely clear.

The tomb under the water can be seen at a glance.

Big stone's eyes turned around and pulled the old woman and the old man tightly. He jumped into the water and dived into the grave.

It's too much for sale, but it's better than a grave.

There must be some good things in it. I'm sorry if I don't search them.

In Zhutian sword, Zhutian Jianling is squatting on one side, gnawing a solid sword in his hand.

This sword light, needless to say, was given by the meteoric sword spirit.

Xiaotian Jianling has a strong interest in cultivating Zhutian Jianling, so when he has nothing to do, he melts his Kendo perception into the sword and feeds Zhutian Jianling.

As for how much he can understand, it is not controlled by the meteoric sword spirit.

The spirit of the meteoric sword moved to Zhutian sword for a long time.

Lost the star Luo God plate, the meteoric Sky Sword spirit then opened up a small space in the Zhutian sword.

He was good at this, and Zhutian Jianling agreed to do it without any difficulty.

A dark mirror is hanging in front of the spirit body of the meteor sky sword.

He can see clearly what happened outside.

"The book of life and death is against heaven.

You can improve yourself by absorbing dead breath and other energy!

After swallowing the rules of the boundary source in the celestial disk, it is even more powerful, bringing the ability of self-improvement into full play! "

The mind of the meteoric Sky Sword spirit flies.

He did not know more about the book of life and death than Gu Xuan.

However, he was more aware of the prestige of the book of life and death than Gu Xuan.He, meteor sky, was the existence who fought with the book of life and death!

It's just that we don't know how many million years ago.

He is not the only one fighting the book of life and death.

The war ended with a complete victory in the book of life and death.

At that time, the book of life and death was a master.

However, the master of the book of life and death did not show up from the beginning to the end. Just relying on the book of life and death, all the enemies were beaten to the point where they could not fight back.

Unfortunately, due to the different times, the book of life and death has fallen into such a situation after a series of battles.

Today, once the incomparable book of life and death, it is finally on its way back to the peak.

For the former book of life and death, becoming the emperor's instrument is just the starting point of its return to the peak.

"Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan, what kind of luck have you taken to make the book of life and death in your hands and become the instrument of emperor's life and death.

Once the book of life and death is promoted to the instrument of the emperor, the spirit of the book will begin to wake up.

If this spirit is awakened gradually with my help, the great benefits of that day will fall on me in the near future.

Unfortunately, this matter is doomed to be impossible.

This Gu Xuan didn't let me help him upgrade his life and death book. "

The sword spirit sighed.

Originally, he wanted to continue to deceive Gu Xuan.

However, he finally gave up.

No one can change Gu Xuan's decision. It is impossible to deceive Gu Xuan and ask him to hand over the book of life and death to himself for promotion.

The more swindled he was, the more he would refuse.

"Well? This guy, didn't make it?

The stagnant air in the whole black water lake has been absorbed, but it is still unsuccessful?

Alas, every other line is like a mountain.

After all, alchemy is alchemy. When it comes to refining utensils, it is my field of expertise. "

With a proud smile, Xiaotian Jianling decides to give Gu Xuan some advice.

The starting point is good, but the words are a little harsh.

"Gu Xuan, you fool, idiot, a good life and death book, you are going to die.

Life and death Book upgrade level of energy, long enough!

However, we still need a little chance to break through the last shackles!

You are the master of the book of life and death. Of course, you have the opportunity to break through the shackles of the book of life and death! "

The roar of the meteoric sword Spirit fell into Gu Xuan's head.

The pupil of Gu Xuan shrank slightly.

"It's no wonder that when things should have come to an end, there are obstacles.

I am the last chance to break through the book of life and death? "

Gu Xuan held the book of life and death in one hand and his chin in the other. He was lost in thought.

The various Dharma formulas that drove the book of life and death turned into tadpole characters, which appeared in the ancient Xuan's brain, one by one, one by one, hanging in the void.

After reading these Dharma formulas over and over again, Gu Xuan naturally produced a lot of enlightenment in his mind.

On the book of life and death in Gu Xuan's hand, it is more dazzling.

"The book of life and death is against Yin and Yang, and is positive to heaven and earth.

Life is merciless, death is merciless, life and death are merciless.

Life order, death order, life and death order... "

With the ancient Xuan reciting Dharma formula silently, the book of life and death seems to have been integrated with him.

“…… There is balance in life, balance in death, balance between life and death... "

When Gu Xuan didn't know how many times he read this sentence formula, a fine light flashed through his eyes.

"I see! I should have thought of it. It's very simple to break through the last shackles of the book of life and death!

Nothing but balance

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth sparked a smile.

His body, all of a sudden, changed from normal color to green.

"Green wood has long life, help me!"

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