Full of vitality, appeared in the ancient Xuan.

The barren land at the foot of ancient Xuan grew inch long green grass at the speed visible to the naked eye.

The range of green grass is spreading outward.

Pure vitality has covered the ancient mystery.

In the ancient Xuandan field, there was also a rolling vitality.

The anger entered the meridians, kept flowing, and finally, all gathered in his right hand.

A piece of Qi turns into a rune and flies out of the right palm of the ancient Xuan and is not included in the book of life and death.

"The book of life and death needs not only stillness, but also anger if it wants to be promoted to be an imperial instrument.

In order to achieve the goal of life and death balance.

I should have thought of that. "

Gu Xuan smiles.

More and more anger turned into runes and disappeared into the book of life and death.

At the same time, he read the Dharma formula, and directly separated the majestic stillness in the book of life and death, and began to transform it into anger.

Anger and stillness, in the book of life and death, can be transformed into each other.

It's just that this transformation takes time.

"Both ways, still feel too slow."

Gu Xuan frowned slightly.

It's not how anxious he is.

Instead, he knew that there was too much noise in order to promote the life and death book.

I'm afraid that it has long attracted the attention of those who are interested in it.

Now, he is even more angry.

This kind of energy, in this God killing graveyard, can never appear.

Once it appears, it will attract more attention.

"Direct use of blood essence!"

This thought flashed through Gu Xuan's mind, and he did not hesitate.

The fingertips of his right hand five fingers, out of the red blood essence, towards the book of life and death is infiltration.

Every drop of blood essence is full of life that can be called majestic.

In this, there is the most original vitality of ancient Xuan.

His whole body, like a tree connecting heaven, is full of vitality after he runs "green wood longevity work".


The surrounding space, began to vibrate.

One black and one white light, blooming from the book of life and death, intertwined with each other, rose from the sky!

Gu Xuan's eyes showed a color of excitement.

The last shackle, finally broke through!

The book of life and death is suspended from the hands of ancient Xuan, and the two Qi of life and death are like two giant dragons, which are constantly roaming and shuttling around the book.

A mysterious and mysterious, but also a strong and abnormal pressure, from the book of life and death broke out.

At the bottom of the Heishui lake, the old woman and the old man, who were searching for the tomb, knelt on the ground with a thump.

Posture, very standard.

I lost everything in my hand.

The big stone was startled.

"You two, what are you doing?

It is said that whoever finds the things will be owned by them. Why are you so polite that you kneel down and beg me to take the treasures you have seized?

I'm so sorry. "

Big stone is courteous at the same time, from two people's side, will they search for treasure, one by one picked up, put into the space ring.

Now, Dashi's affection for the old woman and the old man is rising.

These two people are really sincere people!

Dashi quickly picked up the treasures on the ground and continued to search for them.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on a black shell.

"There must be something good in it. Maybe it's the emperor's instrument!"

The boulder rushed past.


In the space around the book of life and death on the head of the ancient Xuan, countless visions have been produced.

The ancient battlefield that the ancient Xuan once saw reappears.

Countless creatures, fighting in the battlefield.

A long river made of blood slowly formed.

All of a sudden, the living creatures in the ancient battlefield appeared on the left bank of the river.

On the right bank of the bloody River, there are corpses all over the ground.

Life and death seem to be separated by this long river of blood.

There is a boundary between life and death.


There was another buzz.

However, this time, it is not empty in the concussion, but a long string of still obscure, still mysterious Dharma formula, in ancient Xuan's mind.

This is a new method!

A new method of how to drive the emperor's life and death book!

Gu Xuan printed every word in the formula into his memory!

Boom!All of a sudden, there was thunder.

A cloud of plunder suddenly condenses.

This is the book of life and death.

The birth of the emperor's utensils is not necessarily a natural disaster.

However, if the treasure against heaven is born, there will be natural calamity.

This is the balance between heaven and earth.

Only by passing the test of natural calamity, can the treasure against heaven be qualified to exist in the world.

The hijacking clouds are very strong and spread for dozens of miles.

The whole forest of wolves is shrouded in robber clouds.

However, no one saw the scene of Jieyun condensing and robbing thunder.

Because, just at the moment of the completion of the condensation of Jieyun, before the release of Jielei, two giant dragons, one black and one white, had already rushed into the cloud.


There was a devastating explosion.

All the clouds of robbery dissipated.

Gu Xuan looked at the scattered Jieyun, his eyes burning.

"The book of life and death ordered by the emperor is really powerful!"

The vision of the wolf forest attracted more attention when the clouds were robbed.

Unfortunately, no one dares to get close.

The appearance of the hijacking cloud even forced back many eyes which were originally above the wolf forest.

After the robbery cloud dissipated, all the eyes converged towards the wolf forest again.

Unfortunately, when the owner of these eyes saw the scene in the wolf forest, he was shocked.

You wolf forest, very quiet.

Inside, it has become empty, even a moving undead, no longer exists.

At this time, the army of the dead, led by general iron bone, finally appeared.

The iron general stood on the top of the head of a skull, and did not show any happy mood when he arrived at the Dongling Death Valley.

His eyes did not even fall into the death valley of Dongling, but turned his body and looked in a direction without moving his eyes for a long time.

"The treasure I sensed before was upgraded to a higher level, and it also led to a disaster.

What is the matter?

If I had known that, I should have been looking for that treasure first.

With that treasure, my iron general will be able to add wings, just black spirit, will not be my opponent?

Unfortunately, since we have arrived at Dongling Death Valley, we can only kill heiqiling completely!

It should also be aware of that treasure now, after all, the movement just now is too big.

If you don't kill it, I'm afraid it will compete with me for that treasure.

Well, this is even more damned

What had not happened did not prevent the iron general from convicting heiqiling.

Anyway, it's the spirit of dying. It doesn't matter if there's one more crime and one less crime.

"Well? What? "

In the iron bone general's eyes, suddenly flashed the color of surprise.

After surprise, anger!

"What a shame! Lord Hessen and Lord tiger sword actually went out in person and sneaked into my iron bone territory.

What a bully! When I have solved heiqiling, I will sweep you all out of the house!

I'm a tough general. I'm not a bully! "

The iron bone general snorted coldly, and finally turned his body and looked down at the East spirit Death Valley.

"Heiqiling, I know you're hiding here. Get out of here!

Today, it's your day to die!

If you come out, maybe I can give you a good time.

Otherwise, I will let you know what it's like to be roasted

The iron general burst into laughter after threatening.

It was as if his eyes had already seen the wonderful scene that heiqiling was roasted to death with his bones.

Unfortunately, this wonderful scene can only continue to exist in the imagination for the time being.

In the depth of Dongling Death Valley, there is a hidden array.

Heiqiling is hiding here.

He raised his head and looked at the iron general with the rest of his eyes.

"What an iron general, he even led the army to kill me while I was injured?

It's ridiculous!

You can look for it slowly outside. In a few days, when my strength recovers, I will let you, general iron bone, become another bare commander of the graveyard!

At that time, I'll see if you can still laugh! "

"Dashi, don't laugh like a fool.

Don't you just get a piece of Jun Ming Di ware?

As for the smile to this day? "

Gu Xuan looked at the stone in front of him with disdain and shook his head helplessly.

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