"How could it be? The ninth wave of the sky robbery thunder, began to condense!

That is to say, Gu Xuan has survived the eighth wave of natural calamity?

Even the soul attack contained in the plane's Dragon robbing has been unable to kill him? "

Hundreds of miles away, from the Xuanguang mirror to see everything, the face is full of shock.

Ancient Xuan's heavenly calamity has far surpassed him.

If he had been the original one, he would have been killed in the seventh wave of the heavenly calamity.

The soul attack contained in the plane robbing dragon is too terrible.

At the beginning, although there were more than ten waves of his own emperor's natural calamity, there was not a wave of plane robbing dragons.

And Gu Xuan, only the seventh wave of Tianjie, there was a plane of dragon.

Now, he is blocking the eighth wave of Tianjie, leading to the ninth wave of Tianjie thunder.

"This man is too evil to exist in this world.

A warrior who is not born in tianyuanjie is not a good thing for tianyuanjie to have such a terrible talent.

There should be about ten waves of his natural calamities.

It seems that I have to find a way. "

The man in Xuanyi narrowed his eyes, and there was a hidden murder in his eyes.

However, at this time, the man in Xuanyi looks at the eyes of Xuanguang mirror, and his pupil shrinks suddenly, as if he saw something shocking.

"How could it be? There's no reason. How could the ninth wave of Tianjie be a heart demon robbery?

How can a warrior who can lead the lower level to rob the dragon? How can he have only nine waves

Xuanyi man widened his eyes and couldn't think of what happened in front of him. What's the reason?

He couldn't think of it, and Gu Xuan couldn't understand it.

Looking at the sky, the more violent robbery cloud than before, he couldn't imagine that his emperor's Tianjie had only a minimum of nine waves.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard I can't think of it, I can't change the fact that this wave of natural calamity is the heart evil robbery.

A hundred Zhang long dragon with half a head and a pair of eyes staring like lanterns is frightening.

Only belong to the breath of the heart demon, from the sky rob Thunder Dragon faintly sends out.

This is not an ordinary heart demon, but a devil in the heart.

This heart evil robbery, should be said to be the devil robbery, more appropriate!

Compared with the heart demons, the upper limit of the power of the demons is the existence that even the emperor can influence.

"Oh -"

the disaster of Thunder Dragon was finally brewing, and it fell down from the sky with a roar.

For a moment, the world seems to be spinning, the world seems to be upside down.

This piece of time and space, even as if trapped in chaos in general, vague, can no longer see anything.

Even with the ancient Xuan's broken double pupil and strong insight, we can't see things ten meters away.

Even the power of the soul of the ancient metaphysics, even the power of the spirit, could not be released 10 meters away from the body.

"What's the matter? The Thunder Dragon just fell down and didn't get close to me. How could it have pulled me into the magic land?

When did I enter the fairyland of demons? I didn't even notice the power of my spirit.

But what about the demon robbery?

It's not the first time that I have met. With the strength of my will and the power of the spirit, I can't help any fantasy

Gu Xuan had a strong confidence in his heart.

After all, he had a heart demon emperor in his body, and he was not afraid of any heart demon.

Of course, it does not mean that you are not afraid of demons, but it is still much easier to resist the power of demons if you have a demon emperor.

Gu Xuan watched the situation around with vigilance.

The visibility is only 10 meters around, which means that he is like a turtle in a jar. The magic created by the devil can attack from anywhere, but it is difficult for him to detect it in advance.

Gu Xuan concentrated his mind and calmed his spirit. He was ready for defense or counterattack at any time.

A body of energy, is always maintaining the state of full flow, in order to be able to display the most powerful attack in the shortest time.

Time, minutes and seconds passed.

It feels like half a quarter of an hour has passed.

But Gu Xuan, still did not have the slightest intention to give up, or as just as, on guard.

So, it's half a quarter of an hour.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth finally twitched again.

What's the situation?

A demon robbery needs a quarter of an hour. Is there no movement?

A quarter of an hour is enough for you to go through the first eight waves of disaster again, OK?

Gu Xuan's heart was full of fury, but he still did not dare to be careless. He kept on guard all the time.

His heart was tense.It's incredible.

However, the more bizarre thing is that this time, half an hour has passed, and there is still no movement around.

"What's the matter with this fairyland?"

Gu Xuan frowned. This is not right.

"I can't help it. I can't keep it dry.

Since you don't respond, I'll have to find a reaction. "

The ancient Xuan strode to the place where the fog was shrouded.

But a surprising scene happened.

No matter how he moved, the visibility within the ten meter circle still centered on him and began to move.

He couldn't walk into the fog.

Even, Gu Xuan suspected that he had been in place and never really moved.

This, can be terrible.

Gu Xuan's expression has been dignified to the extreme.

He withdrew all his defenses, closed his eyes, and began to deduce the current situation in his mind.

His vigilance has also been reduced by more than 90%.

If there is an attack to be launched in the fog, now is the best chance.

Gu Xuan was also looking forward to an attack, even if it would put him in extreme danger.

Unfortunately, there is no sign of any attack coming.

"It seems that there will be no other attacks for the time being.

This test, I am afraid, is to see through the fog and get out of it!

I am now in a cage, a cage of time and space! "

Gu Xuan murmured to himself.

It can't last so long.

Even if you are gifted, it won't be so long.

So, there is only one reasonable explanation.

In the center of this fog, the velocity of time is different from that of the outside world.

No matter how long it's been here, I'm afraid it's just a flash in the outside world.

However, as long as you can't break through the fog and get out of the magic land, the moment of the real world will eventually become eternal.

At that time, I will be trapped in this place forever, and I will not be able to live forever until my will breaks down and even the last trace of the ghost is completely dissipated.

Gu Xuan held his chin and fell into a deeper deduction.

He is deducing. How can we see through the fog?

How can we get out of this fog?

as like as two peas, he is not aware of the fact that he is burning heaven and should be in heaven.

In an unknown space-time.

Black Xuanyi stands in the void.

Around his body, up and down, about ten meters away, it was all fog.

But his eyes were clear, and his face, which seemed to say that strangers should not be near, had no expression.

"Is this the last test of the emperor's natural calamity?

Are such things worthy of being trapped in this room

He pinched out a magic formula with one hand. The middle finger of his right index finger was like a sword, and he stroked lightly in the void.

All over the fog, in an instant was cut out of a long passage.

This passage, extending to the distance, can not see the end even with the dark vision.

And, just a moment later, the fog on both sides of the opened passage closed again.

Finally, the surrounding fog, still like a bucket, blocked all the vision of black Xuan.

Black Xuan's eyes flashed a touch of essence.

"It's kind of interesting. It's a disaster for the emperor.

This fog, it seems, can not be solved by brute force.

However, since it is a natural calamity, it must be able to survive.

Fairyland of demons, after all, is an illusion. Since brute force cannot be cracked, it is only by heart.

If you can't see through the naked eye, you must be able to.

The Tao and the mind are clear, and the heart and eye break through the vanity

Black Xuan read words in his mouth and closed his eyes. Moreover, he would release his power to explore all the souls and withdraw them from his body.

At this moment!

Heavy fog, all faded.

Ten broad roads, with the black Xuan as the center, spread out under his feet!

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