Ten roads, leading to ten directions, stretch to the distance, can not see the end at a glance.

Standing in the middle of ten roads, heixuan was as small as a mole ant.


Suddenly there was a shock in the void.

There are ten big characters on the ten roads.

every big word as like as two peas.

Those are the ten characters of "death", which are vigorous and powerful.

Ten roads, each of them, is a dead end!

With his hands on his back, he looked at the ten roads in front of him.

"Ten dead ends, interesting.

The next test is for us to choose a way to live?

Or are these ten roads really dead roads? We need to find the ninth way? "

Heixuan fell into meditation.

A moment later, he lifted his foot and went to the left main road.

As soon as you walk on the road, the sky suddenly changes suddenly. A hundred Zhang thick lightning falls from the sky and cuts towards the dark.

He walked in the thunder and lightning without lifting his head.

When the lightning struck his head, a torrent of Rune condensed from the dark body gushed out of the dark body and circled over his head, blocking the lightning completely.

He went on, and the lightning continued to fall.

All the way forward, after a hundred Zhang, heixuan squinted. In an instant, he retreated backward, and in an instant, he returned to the starting point.


At the moment when he retreated, a flash of lightning, which was as thick as a thousand feet, struck the place where he stood before.

The sound of a huge explosion, terrible power, palpitating.

"It's a dead end indeed. Even if we are hit by the lightning, it will be severely damaged.

What's more, this seat is only a hundred feet away.

If you continue to move forward, I am afraid that the lightning will fall down.

Noumenon, noumenon, the heavenly calamity of the emperor you have attracted is not ordinary.

Not in a world, can still pull this seat into the disaster.

What's more, Tianjie was unexpected. There were only nine waves.

I thought that at least 10 or even 12 waves are needed to be worthy of our talents.

Jiubo, it's really disappointing.

But now it seems that the ninth wave of heart demon robbery is not ordinary.

Because I have no demons

Black Xuan looked at the front and talked to himself. He didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, Gu Xuan, who was in the magic land of the gods and demons, also closed his eyes.

What heixuan could think of, he could also think of it.

With the naked eye can not see through the fog, relying on the heart, you can see through.

"Let me see through the heart of Tao!"

Gu Xuan drank low.

The fog, ten Zhang away, quickly faded away.

Ten roads, also from the foot of the ancient xuanjiao.

In the same situation as heixuan, there was a big word "death" suspended on each of the ten roads.

After Gu Xuan opened his eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

What he would rather see was an ancient fierce beast, an enemy who surprised him, or simply moved the way of heaven out.

That illusion is much easier to deal with.

Now, if there is no enemy, there are only ten roads. How can we do this ourselves?

Gu Xuan held his chin and fell into meditation.

These ten roads will not appear for no reason.

No matter whether you have a heart demon or not, this will not change.

In particular, the demons among the demons in the heart, created by the demons, will never be aimless, creating an illusion that has nothing to do with oneself.

These ten paths, perhaps, are corresponding to one's own characteristics.

With this in mind, Gu Xuan's pupils shrank slightly.

If we say that these ten roads represent the ten laws that we control?

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, sword, fist, thunder, life and death, time and space!"

The more he thought about the ten principles he was good at, the more he thought it was possible.

Among the ten principles, the way of life and death and the way of time and space can be subdivided into two kinds of laws.

However, both life and death, or time and space, complement each other and exist correspondingly.

Without life, how can we die?

What is the meaning of time without space?

"If it is as I thought, why are all these ten roads dead?"

Gu Xuan continued to think.

With his thinking, all kinds of laws fluctuate, appear, disappear and alternate with each other.Suddenly, five Mini dragons appeared on the top of Gu Xuan's head.

This is the law formed by the power of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. The dragon is vivid and hovers on the top of the ancient Xuan as if playing.


The space around the ancient Xuan suddenly began to vibrate.

A rune, condensed by the power of the law, appeared around him.

Life and death rune, space-time rune, thunder rune, Kendo Rune and boxing Rune are arranged in a mysterious way, flying.

At this moment, the ancient Xuan was wrapped by various runes.

At this time, on top of the ten roads, suddenly, there was a vision.

Ten rules runes, like flowers, are covered with ten roads, extending to the distance.

They seem to be showing their power to Gu Xuan, so that Gu Xuan can decide which way to choose and go on unswervingly.

Gu Xuan looked at the road covered with the law of fire, but soon, he looked at the road covered with sword runes.

He tried several times to walk up one of the two avenues, but he resisted.

"There are so many rules I am good at.

Every law is a broad road.

Every law can make a warrior step into the realm of the sage.

Three thousand roads lead to the same goal.

But which law can help me to get rid of the present predicament, walk out of this magic land and enter into the realm of the holy king

There was a glimmer of confusion in Gu Xuan's eyes.

Confused for a long time, Gu Xuan brain, suddenly gave birth to a problem?

This problem is directed at the heart.

"After all, what is the king?

Everyone wants to be a saint. Then, what is a saint? "

This question occupied all the thoughts of ancient Xuan.

"The sage king is a great realm connecting the preceding and the following.

The emperor is the strong one who controls one side or even the whole world!

Shengjun is the end of martial arts, but also the starting point of many martial arts.

But that's not my answer. "

Gu Xuan frowned.

Why do you want to be a saint?

In order to protect relatives, to protect friends, to protect the celestial realm, but the most important thing is for yourself!

I want to go to the end of Wudao and have a look at it. What is the end of Wudao!

Self, want to control their own destiny, not to be dominated by anyone!

Heaven, no way.

People who are stronger than heaven can't.

Not even the rules that keep the world going!

Gu Xuan's eyes suddenly became firm and bright.

The energy in him suddenly disappeared.

The mini dragon on the top of his head and the Runes of law around his body also disappeared.

"What is the king?

The Tao and the mind are clear, and they are for the emperor.

God knows that it is for the emperor.

To control heaven and earth is to be the emperor.

I am the king

Gu Xuan's face showed a confident smile.

"I, Gu Xuan, are the emperor, and I don't need anyone's approval.

Even if you are the way of heaven, you can't!

I, Gu Xuan, want to be a saint, no one can stop me!

No matter how strong the natural calamity, no matter how strong the heart demon rob, no matter how strong the heaven devil fantasy is! "


A circle of momentum, from the ancient Xuan body burst, toward the four rippling away.

A magnificent, mysterious, unique momentum of the emperor, revealed from the ancient Xuan.

"No matter the way of life and death, the way of five elements and the way of time and space, they are only the means to be promoted to the emperor.

They have never been a necessary condition for a monarch.

There is only one necessary condition for becoming a saint, that is, the way of ID!

Unswervingly believe that the road they have taken will be correct and successful!

Therefore, the ten roads in front of us are all dead ends.

But it's all a way to live! "


All of a sudden, the nine roads, like a giant dragon, arched up and moved rapidly towards the road in front of the ancient xuanzheng.

The real way to live is not to choose one of these ten roads.

Instead, let these ten dead paths merge together!

With his hands on his back, Gu Xuan stood erect and looked at the ten roads in front of him, merging with each other.

A moment later, a brand-new Avenue ten times wider than the original one appeared in front of the ancient Xuan.

This is the way of the emperor in ancient Xuan.

It's also the only way to live in such a fairyland!Gu Xuan held his head high, walked up the road, and walked slowly towards the end of the road!

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