Wolf spirit words a export, then feel two burning eyes, has fallen on himself.

One is from Sinan.

Another way is naturally Gu Xuan's eyes.

"What did you just say? Do you have a way to find out where the ghost's cave is? "

Gu Xuan appeared in front of the wolf spirit.

Wolf spirit immediately felt a pressure.

"My Lord, I've heard some secret stories about the tomb ghost's cave.

So, I just have a little opinion.

As for whether I can find the cave, I'm not sure. "

Langling said it carefully.

He didn't want to give Gu Xuan too high expectations. If his method didn't work, it would be bad.

It's not easy to be beaten. It's bad to leave an unreliable impression in Gu Xuan's heart.

You know, Gu Xuan can know all the thoughts and secrets in his heart with just one thought.

But Gu Xuan never did, which made Langling feel respected.

Therefore, Langling is extremely cautious in speaking and doing things, and does not want to have any action to destroy this state of being together.

Gu Xuan saw the worry of wolf spirit, smile slightly.

"Don't worry, I won't blame you whether I can find it or not.

You can rest assured that if your method is really useful, remember your great contribution, and you will benefit in the future. "

The wolf spirit was so happy that he was not only completely relieved, but also expected Gu Xuan to find the old ghost's cave.

Wolf Spirit's eyes show the color of memory.

"I remember that tomb ghost is a strong man who is good at the way of time and space.

Therefore, when he arranges the cave, he will certainly use the way of time and space to enhance the security of the cave.

My Lord, if you can use some means of the way of time and space when you are looking for the cave, you may have unexpected gains. "

Gu Xuan held his chin, narrowed his eyes, and his thoughts were running at full speed.

He thought of the strange feeling when he was connected with the mini light dragon thought just now. It seemed that he had grasped something vaguely.

The answer seems to be in front of us.

However, it is shrouded in a layer of fog.

After a long time, Gu Xuan stopped thinking.

"I don't want to think about it for the moment. Try it first!"

Gu Xuan's hands made the seal of Dharma, and condensed the Runes of time and space. Half of them fell into the chaos Sinan, and the other half of them scattered to this area.

"The powerful way of time and space is worthy of being a great master!

Next, look at me! "

After receiving the space-time Rune of Gu Xuan, mini light dragon fused it and strengthened its perception of the way of space-time.

If that cave really uses the way of time and space to cover up, how can the mini light dragon detect the clue now.

In particular, half of the space-time runes of ancient metaphysics are scattered in the void. Each of these space-time runes is equivalent to an eye.

Once they change, chaos Sinan can also detect, and then trace the source of the change.

Time, minute by minute.

Wolf spirit a heart all mentioned throat eye son, only hope next moment, chaos Sinan will spread good news.

Once you find the tomb ghost's cave, it's a great achievement. It's good!

Perhaps, if Gu Xuan was happy, he would help shanhetu to find out the materials to make a complete immortal vessel.

Buzz, buzz!

The spoon in the middle of Sinan's chaos turns faster and faster.

This kind of speed is not normal.

This situation lasted for ten seconds.

Ten seconds later, the spoon, which seems to be losing its sense, suddenly stops and points to a direction!

"There's a play!"

As soon as Gu Xuan's pupil shrinks, he suddenly looks at the direction of the spoon.

Wolf spirit also looked at the past with an excited face.

But just then, the spoon, which had stopped turning, suddenly turned again.

"Failed again?"

Gu Xuan frowned.

The head of the mini dragon comes out of the spoon.

It stretched out its tongue and gasped.

"With the help of your time and space runes, I have already felt the existence of the cave. Just now, I even felt that I was about to find it out.

But it didn't succeed in the end.

Between it and me, it's like a layer of fog.

I have been tired like a dog, still no matter what, can't see through this layer of fog, lock it completely.

It's a strange feeling! "

The wolf spirit shook his head and sighed with disappointment.

"Another failure."

Gu Xuan is holding his chin, seems to be thinking.

"It's not a failure. At least now, we have been able to confirm that the cave really used the way of time and space to hide.

The general direction is right. It will only take a little time and a little deduction to succeed! "

Gu Xuan is very confident.

Looking for the tomb ghost's cave has almost reached the point of one foot in front of the door. There's no reason why this last foot can't go out.

In Gu Xuan's mind, all the pictures of the whole process from his first search to just using the way of time and space to search.

These pictures, observed by Gu Xuan over and over again, never let go of any tiny change.

Especially when I connect with the mini light dragon, I feel a strange feeling, which is more than 100 times recalled by Gu Xuan.

The layer of fog that shrouds the old ghost's cave has become thinner and thinner in the ancient xuannao.

Gu Xuan seems to have seen the gate of the cave. He just needs to pierce the thin layer of fog to open the gate and enter it.

"The way of time and space is profound. It's really a good way to hide where the cave is.

However, with my understanding of the way of time and space, the way to use it to hide the cave is actually very limited.

It's nothing more than creating channels of time and space, laying traps, so that people can see where the cave is, but never get there.

Or, when people are close to the cave through all kinds of hardships, they suddenly fall into the ban and are sent back to the origin. "

Gu Xuan mumbled to himself.

"Now the situation is that we can't even find out where the cave is rooted, let alone other places.

Is there any other more profound application of the way of time and space, which can hide a cave full of powerful people to such an extent? "

Gu Xuan continued to deduce.

The laws of time and space cohere and dissipate in him.

Each Rune of time and space is formed in the unconscious of the ancient metaphysics, either returning to the body or escaping to the void.

Wolf spirit cleverly sat on one side, dare not disturb Gu Xuan.

Chaos Sinan is still around to explore, mini light dragon refused to give up, it feels, that a cave is about to be pulled out by it.


There was a light wind blowing across the earth, blowing Gu Xuan's black hair.

Gu Xuan has been standing there for quite an hour.

A few tiny particles of dust fell from the front of Gu Xuan's eyes, but when they fell to the ground, they circled up with a small stream of air, flew to the top of Gu Xuan's head, and flew to the unknown altitude.

Also at this time, Gu Xuan's eyes flashed a fine awn.

"I see! I finally get it! "

Gu Xuan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"We've been making a mistake.

Since this cave is the "invisible cave" recognized by the seven star world, we should not dream that we can see it!

I don't know the true face of this mountain, only because I am in this mountain.

Since we set foot on this wasteland, maybe we are already in the cave!

Looking for a cave in the cave, there is something wrong with it. "

The ancient metaphysical language never stops.

The wolf spirit sitting on one side almost fell down.

He was shocked and said, "how can it be? We are already in the cave? "

Mini light dragon also emerged from the chaos Sinan.

"Master, I have a bad heart. Don't scare me.

This is an ordinary wasteland where birds don't shit. How can it be the cave we are looking for? "

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed a fine light.

"Because the tomb ghost's cave exists here, in the past and in the future.

It doesn't exist in the present

Gu Xuan made a seal with his hands. The power of time and space hovered on him like a tornado. The momentum was terrible!

Hoo Hoo Hoo!

Strong wind, the sky, there are thick clouds condensation, extremely oppressive.

Space and time, at this moment, seem to be distorted at the same time.

Everything in the distance can no longer be seen clearly.

"The law of time and space, obey me!

Cause and effect as a guide, time and space source, time and space vortex, obvious

Gu Xuankou recites words, a pure force of time and space, like a paintbrush, sketching in the void.

A whirlpool of time and space formed in front of him. It was mysterious and profound. It seemed that one could sink at a glance.

A silk line of cause and effect flies out of Gu Xuan's left hand. One end of it goes into the chaos Sinan, and the other end goes into the vortex of time and space.


Chaos Sinan suddenly a shock, constantly rotating spoon, end upright, pointing to the direction of space-time vortex!

"Cave, found it!"

The mini dragon exclaimed.

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