Langling stares at the vortex of time and space.

Cave, found it?

The whirlpool of time and space just outlined by Lord Gu Xuan leads directly to the tomb ghost's cave?

What's going on?

Wolf spirit suddenly felt that even his huge wolf head was not enough.

It has no idea what the situation is.

I didn't understand what Gu Xuan said before.

Suddenly, Langling's pupil shrank.

It suddenly found that even though it felt that there was a strong wind blowing, the surrounding space seemed to be frozen.

In the void, there are dust and broken grass, which are dancing with the wind.

But now, they are all still in the void, motionless.

The wolf spirit instantly reflected that the time and space whirlpool outlined by Gu Xuan had frozen the time and space in this area.

This makes wolf spirit a little excited.

"I can also freeze space, but even time can be frozen. Master, you are so great!

This kind of means has already been able to compare with the indefinite period of time! "

Wolf spirit can't help praising.

Mini light Dragon: "no, I met my opponent!

I'm afraid this guy's flattery is not inferior to mine.

Damn, how can I be in a daze!

If we shoot again now, we will fall into the disadvantage!

But it's better to fall into the wind than not say a word. "

In the mind of the mini light dragon, a little star suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"It's worthy of being the master. Such means are really great. I'm very grateful to you..."

Gu Xuan has no time to listen to these two guys talking nonsense.

With a wave of his right hand, the world of mountains and rivers overlapped with the surrounding space disappeared.

Whoa, whoa.

The mountain and river map came back and forth from the distorted space and disappeared into the ancient Xuan.

"To create such a space-time vortex has been the result of my all-out efforts, ingenuity and luck.

On the control of the way of time and space, I can't compare with time and space.

Let's go, this whirlpool of time and space, it won't last long! "

Ancient Xuanxin read a move, there is the power of time and space, the wolf spirit and chaos Sinan shrouded.


A flash of light, Gu Xuan will take them, into the vortex of time and space.

"Are you here? The cave of the old ghost

Wolf spirit only felt that after a whirl, his feet finally came true.

"Why? This... This... "

Langling looked around. The more he looked, the more strange his face became.

Because, nothing has changed.

They are still standing on that wasteland.

As like as two peas and grass stones, the stones beside their feet are just like those before entering the whirlpool of time and space.

But the mini dragon is very excited.

It controls the chaos Sinan, firmly attached to Gu Xuan, and his body seems to be shaking.

"Master, this is it! I've already felt it. It's here!

It's terrible. It's a fairy sword. It's a sword for killing gods and demons! "

The mini dragon's voice is shaking.

Gu Xuan nodded and took a deep breath.

He also noticed the smell of the sword!

No, it should be said that the whole space is filled with the smell of sword.

The sword of killing heaven in Gu Xuan's body was already trembling. It seemed to be restless and excited.

Wolf spirit finally felt something was wrong.

Everything around us is as like as two peas.

However, if you look far away, you will find that this wasteland is endless and boundless.

One hundred Li, one thousand li, even ten thousand li to the south are wastelands.

Here, there is no nine finger snow Valley, no all of the Seven Star domain!

Suddenly, the wolf spirit noticed that the sky above his head was different.

It suddenly raised its head, looked up into the sky, and suddenly opened its mouth.

In the void, there are four characters floating: Sword tomb cave!

These four dragons, as if inlaid in space, have a kind of unspeakable magic.

In particular, the word "sword" just looks at it, and the wolf spirit feels like falling into an ice cellar.

As if in the dark, that immortal sword, has locked itself, at any time to cut down a deadly sword.

At the same time, the wolf spirit was a little jealous.

At least, I'm also a half set of immortal tools. If I round it up, it's a genuine immortal tool. How could I be scared by the word "sword"?

What a shame!

"My Lord, what's the matter with this tomb's cave?"

Strong from pressure heart of fear, wolf spirit curiously looked to Gu Xuan.

At this time, Gu Xuan was staring at the four characters in the void, thinking about the information that the four characters might contain.

"You didn't understand what I said before?

Well, now that I've come in, I'll explain it again.

The reason why the tomb ghost's cave can not be seen is that he does not exist in the normal operation of time and space.

It has been using the way of time and space, hiding in the moment before or after the normal time point.

In short, this space-time is different from normal space-time.

If the time outside is a quarter of an hour, the time of the cave is just before or after a quarter of an hour.

Even the time nodes are different. Unless we see through time and space, past and future, how can we see the cave?

Therefore, I use the way of time and space to forcibly suspend the operation of the surrounding time and space, and create a channel of time and space, so that I can enter here.

All this is simple to say, but extremely difficult to operate.

The world of mountains and rivers, and Sinan of chaos, have actually helped a lot.

To get here, shanhetu and chaotic Sinan each take up one third of the credit. "

Gu Xuan explained, and heard that the mini light dragon and wolf spirit were in the clouds.

But they still keep nodding, like they all understand.

Whatever you do, flattery is enough!

Compared with the previous lengthy discussion, they are more interested in what they can get in exchange for one third of their contributions.

It doesn't matter how the credit comes from, OK!

The appearance of the two men almost didn't write the word "perfunctory" on their faces, which made them lose the desire to show off their achievements.

Now, the most important thing is to find the treasure of the tomb ghost and find out the immortal sword.

"Although I'm already in the cave, it's empty around me. It's not like a cave should have.

Perhaps, all the secrets are in the floating words

Gu Xuan's eyes had already changed into black and white, which made the power of breaking the pupils to the extreme.

At this time, Gu Xuan suddenly felt a sense of crisis coming from behind.

"Come back first!"

Gu Xuan an idea, then let the wolf spirit return to the mountain and river map, at the same time put away the chaos Sinan.

Then, Gu Xuan suddenly turned around and warned.

Zhutian sword appeared in his right hand in an instant.

Buzz, buzz!

In a space a hundred feet away from guxuan, suddenly, a crack appeared from top to bottom.

Three figures, open the space crack, flash out from it!

"Well? Do you think there is a strong one coming? It turns out that it's just a weak warrior who came here by mistake?

A primary saint, not qualified to go with me, can only wait.

Even if we wait another 100000 years, it's better than failure in exploration!

Left and right guards, kill this man! "

Among the three figures, a dignified young man's face was full of disappointment and impatience when he saw Gu Xuan.

At his command, the other two figures turned into two escape lights and flew towards Gu Xuan!

Powerful momentum erupted from the two figures.

Both of them are middle-level saints! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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