Outside the bamboo house.

The leader of the tower is holding the poison resisting dragon ball in his hand, with righteous words on his face, waiting for Gu Xuan's answer.

In this way, elder Fenglei and elder Liuju were almost moved to tears.

Tower leader, be righteous!

Such a precious poisonous dragon ball must have come from baimie, right?

He didn't even think about it, so he took it out and gave it to Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan didn't accept it. He would rather destroy it than use it himself.

This is forcing Gu Xuan to accept the poisonous dragon ball!

He also promised to owe Gu Xuan a favor!

What a great chance it is to be full of strong people's affection?

Tower leader, it's so righteous!

But Gu Xuan's friends were stunned and speechless. They must be very excited.

Fortunately, they didn't know Gu Xuan's heart at the moment, otherwise, Sanguan didn't know what it would be like.

In Gu Xuan's heart, he had already sent his greetings to the tower owner's ancestors for three times.

Hold back, too hold back!

But I can't help it. I'll have to get it back if I hold back?

Gu Xuan squeezed out a smile, gritted his teeth and said: "brother tower leader, you are learning from heaven and earth. How can I not accept this poisonous dragon ball?

Don't worry, I will take good care of you since I have become the elder of Keqing in the ancient pagoda! "

"Care" is a very important word.

Listen to the tower master's heart.

How do you always feel that there is a sense of luring wolves into the house.

I have to say that the tower owner at this time is still too naive.

One day in the future, after the ancient pagoda has grown in strength, the pagoda master kneels down and kowtows in front of all the disciples. In front of the tablets of the ancestors, he makes a very profound review.

This is what we'll talk about later.

As for the present, the feelings between the tower master and Gu Xuan, in the eyes of elder Fenglei and others, highlight one word: brother, friend, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother!

With a smile, they handed over the poisonous dragon ball. From then on, Gu Xuan officially became the guest Minister of the ancient pagoda, with the same power as the elder.

But how can it be equal?

Between the tower master and Gu Xuan, they are all brothers. If they are respectful, they will become the same generation without any reason. The elder and others seem to be the younger generation.

Can power be equal between the elder and the younger?


In a word, Gu Xuan has regarded himself as the second leader of the ancient pagoda since he put away the poisonous dragon ball.

However, at the beginning, the second leader paid more than he got.

Nowadays, the elders of the younger generation, even the "elder brother of the tower leader", are all injured. As the second leader, they have to heal their wounds first, don't they?

Fortunately, although the tower leader liked to take advantage of it, he didn't take advantage of Gu Xuan in the matter of healing. He directly took out ten original pills and 20 nine grade pills for his use.

Gu Xuan scolded "big dog family" secretly, then took the pill, offered a medicine tripod, and began to refine the medicine power to heal their wounds.

Elder Liuju watched as Benyuan Dan was thrown into the medicine cauldron one by one.

After throwing ten pills, the ancient pagoda reached out to the main part of the pagoda.

The tower owner quickly took out five more.

Gu Xuan was satisfied.

Elder Liuju is more painful.

It suddenly occurred to her that when Gu Xuan was snatched away from the space crack by the tower owner, she still had six original pills in her hand!

That's what they need to heal.

However, the flesh pain belongs to the flesh pain, and elder Liu Ju is not easy to ask.

What if the six original pills have been used in the battle against baimie?

When he asked this question, Gu Xuan and the tower leader were upset.

"At the time of healing, you should pay attention, close your eyes, focus on nothing, your heart is as clear as ice, and carefully guide the power of pills into your body!"

Gu Xuan sees elder Liu Ju's tangled appearance and guesses what she is thinking.

He quickly interrupted and quickly introduced the drug into the human body.

Elder Liu Ju then converged and closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Gu Xuan felt relieved.

Tower master is a miser. If you let him know that he has six original pills, he has to blow up his lung qi and try to force himself to take them out?

As time went on, everyone was getting better and better. Under Gu Xuan's treatment, the injury in his body was recovering quickly.

Full of 13 original Dan, the majestic energy, also make their consumption of power, gradually get added.

The reason is that there are 13 original pills instead of 15, which is very simple, because Gu Xuan took the opportunity to cut off two more.

I'm kidding. I've been working so hard to heal a Da Yuanman and five top saints. Is he tired too?

How can you make up for your loss and comfort your injured soul without leaving two original pills?

Time goes by.

Three days later.

Elder Fenglei's injuries in his body have recovered to 7788.

Their strength has recovered at least 70%.

The rest, it's up to them to recover slowly.

As for the tower owner, the injury is too heavy, the consumption is too big, the injury has only recovered 60%, his own strength has recovered less than 40%.

But this has satisfied everyone.

After all, I'm afraid we can't make up for several years.

As for the tower leader, it's amazing that a man who can lie for 100000 years can recover his peak combat power in hundreds of years, OK?

Of course, during the healing period, Gu Xuan's harvest was not small.

All the time, he gave a little energy to condense the power of spirit.

Three days, the effect is surprisingly good.

The power of the soul given to him by the tower master has all been consumed.

Gu Xuan also condensed the power of ten spirits.

It's already extraordinary. According to Gu Xuan's idea, after he gave some soul power to the tower leader, it's not bad that the rest can condense nine spirits.

Now, Gu Xuan is so happy that he almost takes out a root pill to celebrate the healing of the tower master.

Fortunately, this absurd idea just flashed by.

I have hidden and cut them. Now I have only eight original pills. I have to save some.

You know, my disciples are all poor kids. They haven't even seen Benyuan Dan.

It's better to take it home and let the disciples have a long experience.

No matter how hard it is, if you throw it to Xiaolv Xiaoou, you can change them to be obedient for a long time!

"Almost. It's time to go out.

I don't know what's going on outside

Li Wuyu frowned.

Wind thunder elder light smile.

"Don't worry. The prohibition outside the ancient pagoda is still there. People outside should not be able to get in.

As for the first floor of the ancient pagoda, the fake white elder and snake fairy can never lift the waves.

If they were lucky, they should be dead by now.

After all, according to Gu xuankeqing, the identity of Feng Yuta's successor has been exposed.

Then he had no scruples. Relying on the flying dragon order and the prohibition of the first floor of the ancient pagoda, and cooperating with so many martial brothers, he could deal with all the dangers.

In fact, I hope that the fake white elder is still alive.

In that case, hum... "

The following words are self-evident.

If the fake elder Bai is not dead, he will not be dead in a short time.

Besides, when he can't die, he will want to die.

"Stop talking nonsense. If you want to know what's going on outside, just go and have a look."

The master of the pagoda recites words, stretches out his new right arm, and pinches out a series of flashy formulas. With one wave, he hits three runes.

Boom boom!

The rune is not on the stars where people are.


This star turned into a meteor and flew to the exit.

"It's a good meteorite. It can fly like a meteor, and its speed is not slow.

The power of the stars above is so strong. If you can take it away and put it in yingtianzong, you should be able to cultivate a group of martial arts talents who are good at the way of stars, right

Gu Xuan couldn't help but move his mind.

Now, he is very enthusiastic about following the ancient pagoda and all kinds of treasures, and has no psychological pressure.

But he's rational.

It's a matter of timing.

Obviously, now is not a good time. I'll talk about it later.

In a few minutes.

The crowd appeared at the ninth staircase of the ancient pagoda.

As soon as they appeared, all they heard was a bang, and the whole ancient tower shook.

Someone is bombarding the forbidden area outside the ancient pagoda!

People's faces Suddenly sank.

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