"What a shame! I'll see who is so bold!"

Elder Fenglei was furious.

"Go and have a look!"

Li Wuyu took the lead in running downstairs.

The rest of the elders followed.

Gu Xuan, as the elder of Keqing in the ancient pagoda, didn't feel like sharing weal and woe with all the elders. He didn't seem to be angry at all. He just went down slowly.

Although the tower leader is angry, he has to be self respecting and reserved as a great master.

Besides, Gu Xuan is so slow that he wants a chance to be alone with him.

He also wants to know that everything seems to be settled. What else can Gu Xuan do?

If you dare to expose your shortcomings? ha-ha!

Gu Xuan really didn't want to do anything.

In the presence of elder Fenglei and others, he didn't expose the hypocrisy and shamelessness of the tower master. Now there are only two of them, and he won't mention being trapped by the tower master.

Because I mentioned it, there are two results.

Or the tower owner will not be angry, ridicule him and teach him what is dangerous in the world.

Or the tower master is very angry, beat him, let him know that the world can be more dangerous.

As a human spirit, Gu Xuan didn't want any of these two results.

"Ha ha, guxuan boy, what do you have to say, but it's OK to say it?

Hiding and pinching is not beautiful.

You are already a guest of our ancient pagoda. We are all in the same boat. Don't let some unpleasant things make you feel bad.

If so, let's talk about it and see how to eliminate it. "

The leader of the tower smiles kindly, but there is a sinister light in his eyes.

Gu Xuan scolded in his heart: "this old silver coin, if you want to be the master, I won't be fooled!"

Gu Xuan said solemnly, "I want to ask the tower leader how many years have you been in this sword tomb cave?

Why didn't you go out for so long?

Are you not going out, or are you waiting for some baby to come out, so you don't want to go out? "

The smile on the tower leader's face froze.

Originally, what he thought was that Gu Xuan would burst out dissatisfied with him and yell at him.

He even thought about how to appease Gu Xuan's dissatisfaction with his fist. Unexpectedly, Gu Xuan asked such a serious question.

This boy, why don't you play according to the routine?

The tower owner put away his smile and his face became serious.

This solemnity, which belongs to the realm of great perfection, faintly emanates from the body.

"Since you want to understand, I'll just say it briefly."

As the tower owner walked down the stairs, he organized the language.

"We have been here for 100000 years.

The reason why I don't go out is not that I don't want to, or that I'm waiting for something, but that I can't get out at all! "

Gu Xuan held his chin and asked, "what was the state of the Seven Star Kingdom when you entered here?"

The tower owner was a little stunned.

What's the problem?

Don't you come in from the seven star world?

What's it like now, 100000 years ago?

The pattern of the seven star world is stable, even though the nine poison Valley, the ancient pagoda and the holy kings of the hundred city alliance are mostly here.

But there are still plenty of strong players left, enough to make a town.

What's more, it's only 100000 years. How much can it change?

The tower leader was puzzled, but seeing that Gu Xuan seemed to be very serious, he seriously replied:

"100000 years ago, the state of the seven stars was very normal.

There are three parts in the world, nine poison valleys, ancient pagodas and a hundred cities alliance. They have high status and occupy one side respectively.

Needless to say, there are few other small forces that can influence the situation.

The only ones who can influence the situation are the big circle, but only six.

Each of the three forces is here.

The remaining three, one of them is a tomb ghost, also came here, but there were no dead bodies.

One is the enemy of the tomb ghost. He killed him.

Finally, the birthday is coming to an end, and heaven and man are five failures. He has been hiding in seclusion, and even his family has been slaughtered. He may have died early.

Basically, that's it?

How, today's seven star world, there is a new big round full of strong people?

But it shouldn't be. I don't remember. What outstanding young people were there at that time?

Could it be that among the fierce beasts, there is a great perfect birth... "

At the end, the tower owner seems to be in memory.

Gu Xuan only heard the first sentence, and he was already lost in thought.

The latter words just came into his ears. He didn't have any interest.

"The tower leader said that 100000 years ago, the seven star world was normal.

According to the theory of xingxiangtian, the seven star world has suffered a great disaster since millions of years ago.

There should be only two cities left in the Seven Star World 100000 years ago, with a population of over 100 million.

These two statements are obviously contradictory. "

Gu Xuan thought constantly in his heart.

"The statement that the stars are facing the sky is obviously more credible.

After all, the seven star world has become the Seven Star realm, and the fact is right in front of us.

In other words, tower owners and others have been here for at least a million years, or even more.

But the tower owner and other people who stay here say that they have only been here for 100000 years, which should not be a lie.

The tower leader is a strong man with a strong sense of time. It's impossible to be confused even after 100000 years and a million years.

Even if we really don't know, in a million years, there must be many primary and even middle-level saints who have reached the limit of Shouyuan.

But obviously, this situation has not happened.

The nine poison Valley, the ancient pagoda, the hundred cities alliance, and the people of the three forces have really only lived here for 100000 years! "

Gu Xuan finally made his own judgment.

The velocity of time in the cave of sword tomb is different from that of the outside world!

If you stay in the cave for one year, it will be more than ten years for the outside world!

Therefore, people from the three major forces have only been here for 100000 years, while the outside world has spent more than 1 million years.

Gu Xuanwei glanced at the tower leader imperceptibly, and suddenly felt that he was very pitiful.

He wanted to tell the tower master that the times have changed.

On second thought, it seems too cruel.

"Let's wait until we find the exit.

Now that I've said it, it's likely to increase the scar, not to mention the sentimentality. "

Gu Xuan thought to himself.

I'm afraid that even if he said it, he would not believe it. He would think that he deliberately retaliated and told such a bad lie to tease him.

In a fit of anger, he is bound to hit people.

Gu Xuan doesn't accept being beaten for nothing.

"Besides, I always feel vaguely that things will not be so simple.

All this may have to wait until we find an outlet. "

Gu Xuan still held his chin, and his eyes flashed a touch of uneasiness.

"By the way, guxuan boy, why do you suddenly feel curious about the Seven Star World 100000 years ago?"

Seeing that Gu Xuan had not spoken for a long time, the tower owner suddenly asked.

Gu Xuan shook his head.

"Nothing, just ask.

In fact, I am most concerned about export.

Even if you've been in a coma for 100000 years, when you first came in, you didn't.

All three of you, Da Yuanman, can't find a way out?

Is that too much? "

Gu Xuan turned away from the topic quietly.

"Not long after I came in, I fell into a coma and didn't find a way out. What's so strange?

But those two idiots from the nine poison Valley and the hundred cities alliance have not found a way out for 100000 years. They are really two idiots!

You said, "right?"

The tower leader's face is natural and upright.

Gu Xuan eyebrows pick pick.

You mean to call someone stupid? What about the face?

No matter how stupid they are, they have been awake for 100000 years. Unlike you, they have been in a coma for 100000 years.

Of course, this cannot be said.

The ancient xuanchao tower owner gave a thumbs up.

"You have a big fist, you're right!

Young master, I have nothing to say! "

The tower owner snorted: "of course I am right."

No longer pay attention to Gu Xuan.

A minute later, they arrived at the first floor of the ancient pagoda.

The two major prohibitions here, the gravity prohibition and the amplification prohibition, still exist, but they are a little weak.

There are traces of fighting everywhere, which shows that there was a fierce battle here.

The body of Bai Changlao and snake fairy is in the corner. It's terrible.

Snake fairy is OK, just broke one hand and one foot, there are several fist size between chest and abdomen, running through the blood hole of the body.

Bai Changlao is miserable. He can't see a piece of good skin on his face, and he can't see the human form completely.

Obviously, he suffered from inhuman torture before he died, and even was whipped to vent his anger after he died.

Gu Xuan took a cool breath, and his eyes swept over the faces of the disciples of the ancient pagoda.

These are all cruel people!

Now, these ruthless people gathered at the door, looking at the ancient pagoda with an angry face.

The guard light shield outside is still there. No one can break in.

However, there are still people bombarding the light shield, trying to destroy the guard array.

Obviously, elder Fenglei and others who rushed out in a rage did not succeed in stopping them.

The tower owner frowned and flew out with a flash of his body.

Gu Xuan looked out a little, and his pupils couldn't help shrinking.

Outside the light shield, there is a big round man!

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