"Just eat it?"

Gu Xuan's mouth twitched.

When he entered his space, he didn't have the chance to have a ring, or even have a look at it. The whole dragon ball was absorbed by the half plaque.

Gu Xuan's heart was too painful to breathe.

That's the dragon ball, the dragon ball of the bramble dragon. There's a huge space hidden in it.

Just with your knees, you can imagine what a valuable treasure it is?

Unfortunately, it's not for myself, but for the half plaque.

Gu Xuan would like to talk to that plaque. It's in his own space ring. Can it not be so overbearing? If you want to release energy, release energy. If you want to suck things in, just suck things in.

It's not good to ignore your master completely.

Of course, if it is willing to give itself a few pieces of emperor's tools, as a reward, then all the ideas in front of it will be taken as if it has never thought about it.

Unfortunately, these ideas are doomed to be ideas.

A plaque, or a plaque much stronger than their own, can understand their own words, this is still two words.

Really understand the words, make it angry, that's not good.

Gu Xuan pays attention to the changes in space.

After absorbing the dragon ball, the half plaque began to vibrate.

A mysterious energy gushed from the plaque.

At the same time, there are also runes and strings of ancient obscure words.

When every word appeared, the space around the plaque was turbulent, as if the words made a sound and shook the space.

However, Gu Xuan did not hear any sound.

"That should be some kind of mantra."

Gu Xuan looked at the string of words and made a judgment in his heart.

Runes and characters, around the half plaque, follow a certain law, constantly circling.

A full minute passed.

All of a sudden, on the half plaque, there was a sound of "buzzing" and a circle of sound waves.

This circle of sound waves spread to all the spaces in the ring. It seems that all the treasures in the ring are affected and constantly beating.

Gu Xuan eyebrows pick pick.

He felt that his heart was beating with the beating of the treasures. If the treasures suddenly broke down, his heart would also break down.

There are so many treasures, such as pills and tools. If they are really broken, who can be heartbroken?

Fortunately, soon, the trembling sound on the plaque has stopped.


Gu Xuan suddenly widened his eyes.

In the space ring, the half plaque was hanging in the void. It began to grow with the speed visible to the naked eye, as if it was self repairing.

Originally, there was only "mountain palace" on the plaque.

According to the size of the plaque and the distribution of the two characters on it, Gu Xuan guessed that there should be another character on the left side of the plaque.

Gu Xuan and the tower leader and others made a lot of conjectures about this.

However, I always feel that no matter what word is added on the left side, it seems that the name on the plaque is not match, not prestige at all.

But now Gu Xuan knew that all of them were wrong at the beginning.

Because, to the left of the word "mountain", a word "you" suddenly appeared.

"It's not the mountain palace!

It's the fairy palace!

With these two words at the bottom, no matter what word is added to the front, the name on the plaque is so majestic

Gu Xuan was really surprised.

He had a hunch that if the half plaque could be completely restored, it would bring him a great surprise.

At least, it can be recovered in its own space ring, how can it be regarded as a force, even if it doesn't recognize itself as the main body in the end, it's necessary to thank the fee, right?


When Gu Xuan thought about it, she had recovered to about two-thirds of the plaques and stopped recovering.

The last word still does not appear.

"Not enough! Not enough!

You have to find some more treasures to help me recover! "

A message came out of the plaque and went straight into Gu Xuan's mind.

Gu Xuan's mouth was puffing.

This plaque actually conveys information.

In other words, it has a certain IQ.

But it's too much of an exaggeration.

Swallowing a whole dragon ball, plus the thorns inside the dragon ball, what a magnificent energy it was. It only recovered one sixth of the energy, and one third of it didn't recover!

"You must be an immortal?

But I can't see the energy fluctuation of fairies from you.

Even, in my eyes, you are just an ordinary plaque?

Why? "

Gu Xuan tried and asked the plaque.

If that plaque really used to be an immortal, then you have to flatter yourself to whatever you say. You'd better take it back to your own use, and it will be developed.

Unfortunately, Gu Xuan's words did not receive any response at all.

"Why are you so impolite?

When I ask you something, you ignore me?

You know, you almost killed me?

I was originally in the Dragon Ball space, when I was fighting with thorn mountain, I was going to hide in the palm of the world.

But you stopped me and almost made me hit by the attack of thorn mountain.

I'm very angry when I think about it. I really want to throw you out! "

Soft can't do, Gu Xuan simply come hard.

Unfortunately, there is still no response.

Gu Xuan eyebrows pick pick.

This plaque is hard and soft!

He really wanted to throw it out of the space ring, but once the idea came out, he gave up.

That plaque is not good.

At the beginning, he was still in the Dragon Ball space. When he fought with thorny mountain, he thought about the dragon ball, so he left the means in it.

When the time comes, the dragon ball will be devoured.

It's extraordinary.

Moreover, the Dragon Ball space is the home of thorn mountain, but thorn mountain has not noticed the means left by the plaque.

This shows that the strength of the plaque is probably higher than that of the thorn mountain.

Such a guy, for the time being, can only confess, not provoke.

"Mr. plaque, I was just joking with you.

I didn't expect that you were so calm that you didn't laugh at such a funny joke.

You take your time to rest, and I'll go out and continue to break through. "

Gu Xuan laughs and no longer pays attention to the situation in the space ring.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the plaque was trembling and gave him a message.

"Is it a joke?

Ha ha ha... It's funny... Ha ha ha... "

The message was full of pleasure.

Gu Xuan was silent.

He passed the message to him from the plaque and recalled it for ten times, but he was not sure whether it was a real smile or a fake smile.

However, whether it's true or false, Gu Xuan only wanted to say one thing: Ya's mental retardation!

At this time.

"Damn, you put my dragon ball into the space ring?

Give it back to me, and give me the book of life and death!

Otherwise, you can't get out of this animal garden! "

The round one horned fat bird came back to the animal garden again. Standing in front of Gu Xuan, he looked down at him with fierce eyes.

Gu Xuan gave a cold smile.

"Did you eat those little fat one horned birds?

You're the real guardian of this, aren't you? "

The one horned fat bird looks at Gu Xuan in surprise.

"You can guess this kind of thing, there are two brushes!

But don't be surprised.

They were created by me. Originally, Shouyuan was not long. I ate them, and they were just recycled.

Their mission is to help me absorb energy and improve my strength.

Next time someone breaks through the barrier, I will create a new batch of little fat birds... Gee, I'm talking about tuberculosis again. Why do I talk so much nonsense to you?

Give me the dragon ball and the book of life and death

The fat one horned bird outstretched its plump right wing to make a fuss.

"Just now, when the thorn mountain controlled the Dragon Ball's self explosion, you not only brought disaster to the East, but also deliberately sent our young master to the dragon ball to block its self explosion.

I haven't settled the account with you yet.

Do you have the face to ask me for the dragon ball

The fat one horned bird laughs, with a ball like body, fat and feathers shaking.

"Why do you want to settle with me?

I... "

The one horned fat bird is about to speak harshly again. Gu Xuan has tried to inject a stream of energy into the golden key in his hand.

Suddenly, the golden light and the strong power of time and space enveloped the ancient mystery.

"It works!

You fat ball, dead fat bird, I won't accompany you. Goodbye

Gu Xuan laughed.

His body disappeared in the blink of an eye and went to the sixth level!

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