
Where Gu Xuan was standing, a ray of light came down from the sky and fell to the ground, splashing a circle of dust.

"Damn it, how could I forget this!

According to the rules, that guy is given the golden key. I can't stop him as much as I can stop thorn mountain! "

The fat one horned bird trembled with anger.

"Damn, that guy just now, dare to call me" dead fat bird "?

In my life, I hate people calling me "fat bird"!

I am plump, where is fat?

This tone, I can't swallow, what's more, he has the dragon ball and the book of life and death.

I will take these two treasures! "

The one horned fat bird's eyes turned and suddenly looked at the nearby tree full of spirit fruit.

After many battles, this spirit tree has not been affected at all.

In fact, the whole animal garden, every plant in it, has hardly been destroyed.

There are many fruits on the spirit tree, which are very attractive.

It is very clear that in every fruit, there is a key, which can lead to the fifth level, or even the sixth level.

Unfortunately, it dare not pick.

In this, breaking the rules will be very miserable.

"Damn it, can we only deal with Gu Xuan when he fails to break the sixth level and breaks the fourth level again in the future?

It'll have to wait until the year of the monkey.

And, maybe, he just died at the sixth level.

After all, the guardians there are more wonderful than me.

Ah, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh?

Oh, yes

The fat one horned bird's eyes suddenly brightened and exclaimed.

It suddenly turned back and looked at the ground not far away.

There, the body of thorn mountain, which was pierced through the head and chest, was lying in a state of death.


The one horned fat bird leaped over and released the power of his soul to explore him.

"Found it!"

It giggled, and a key flashing with a dim white light flew up from the hands of thorn mountain and suspended in front of its eyes.

"The key has not been destroyed, but the energy above has been scattered by me.

I give it a little bit of energy, barely able to use.

Cluck cluck, Gu Xuan, wait for me to see me pass the fifth level every minute and go to the sixth level to find you! "

In his eyes, the one horned fat bird bloomed two rays, and disappeared into the key.

On the key, the dim white light became dazzling.

A moment later, the fat Unicorn disappeared from the animal garden in a wave of time and space.

At this time, Gu Xuan has come to the sixth level.

In his plan, this will be the last hurdle.

He left as soon as he was authorized.

If he didn't know how to get back to the tomb Pavilion and how to get out of the palace, he didn't even want to break through this important barrier.

Gu Xuan looked around.

Here, it's a forest.

It's an ordinary forest without any abnormality.

The familiar cold female voice once again exploded on the top of Gu Xuan's head.

"Welcome to the sixth level. You can go straight here from the fourth level. I'm very optimistic about you.

I hope you don't let me down!

The condition of this pass is very simple, that is to find the guardian of this pass and let it agree with you!

In particular, this test is still the insight of the warrior!

Besides, it has already begun! "

Gu Xuan's eyes drew, and deep in his heart, there was an impulse to swear.

What kind of customs clearance is this?

Find the watchman and let him agree to our young master's customs clearance?

Do you want to be so wonderful?

Special tips? That hint is useless!

Gu Xuan is extremely depressed.

Sure enough, as the jade skeleton said, the fourth level to the sixth level are wonderful!

Gu Xuan looked around for a while, decisively immersed a trace of consciousness into the palm of the world.

"Jade skeleton man, in such a big forest, I don't know how much work it will take to find the guardian?

Do you think of something about this level in your mind... "

Before Gu Xuan's words were finished, the jade skeleton man gave a cold smile and said:

"Don't worry, don't look for it.

I remember when you broke the second level pig's intestines, they didn't lose their internal organs.

Take any piece out and bake it.

As long as there is fragrance, that guy will show up! "

The voice of the jade skeleton man is cold and indifferent.

Even the eyes, also become a little cold.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes.

He felt that the smell of jade skeleton people seemed to become cold, very different from before.

"What's more, her voice always feels that it's not only like her voice, but also like other... Voices, etc.!"

Gu Xuan's pupil suddenly shrank.

The voice as like as two peas before the break of the pass, the same suddenly, the cold female voice.

"Jade skeleton man, tell me honestly, what's the relationship between you and the woman's voice that just sounded?"

Gu Xuan asked warily.


The jade skeleton man suddenly laughed.

"Ha ha, Gu Xuan, I'm just humorous. Don't be so serious.

I have told you for a long time that the cold voice of a woman is familiar, right?

You don't believe me?

Now, I finally remember, that is my voice!

It's as like as two peas, but only a little bit of a tune.

Gu Xuan had an impulse to smash the whole jade skeleton man with one punch.

"Do you remember who you are?

Is this palace the treasure you once controlled

Gu Xuan is very curious.

If so, how strong were the jade skeleton people in their heyday?

The jade skeleton man shook his head.

"The first three levels are designed by me. Even the guards are my favorite.

However, starting from the fourth level, it is not.

According to the existing memory, I guess I should be the same as you!

Moreover, it should have reached the Ninth level and had extremely high authority.

But after all, he didn't become the master of the palace

Gu Xuan helped his forehead.

If what the jade skeleton people say is true, then the palace for breaking through the barriers is more complicated than imagined.

Sure enough, after breaking through the sixth level and getting the authority, you have to leave quickly.

"Don't delay, Gu Xuan.

Go out quickly and attract the guards with the fragrance of delicious food.

Otherwise, it will change later.

That fat one horned bird, I always think that it will catch up and trouble you. "

Jade skeleton person reminds a way.

"Isn't it the fourth gatekeeper?

Can you still go to the sixth level to trouble me? "

Gu Xuan was surprised.

The jade skeleton man nodded.

"Of course. As long as it also becomes a pass breaker and enters the fifth level, that's OK.

In fact, I suspect that the guards from the fourth level to the eighth level were all pioneers, so... "

Gu Xuan didn't want to listen to the following words.

If you can't break through the barrier, how can you become a gatekeeper?

We can't continue to break this pass.

He hastened to take out the pig lung from another space ring specially for pig viscera.


Start a bonfire and roast pig lungs.

A moment later, the pungent smell came out.

"It's so fragrant. What's the smell, so fragrant?"

A figure, in the blink of an eye, jumped up to the campfire, streaming with a brag, staring at the golden pig lung.

Gu Xuan looked at the visitor, and his eyes twitched.

It's actually a one meter tall, big bellied, human standing "Tongtian rat"!

That belly, it's all down!

It's only one meter high, but I'm afraid it's more than 1000 Jin.

If it's true, it's wonderful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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