Gu Xuan didn't have much energy fluctuation, as if he didn't mean to move at all.

The last one needs only a blink of an eye to merge with the rest 99.

However, at this time, the python, but suddenly, stopped in the void, as if static in general, motionless.

Not only that, but even the super python, which has swallowed up Gu Xuan's life and space, and has already integrated 99 python, has come to a standstill.

"How could it be?"

The eyes of the sea eating Python were shocked.

"How could you find out..."

Gu Xuan smile, a point in the void.

A ripple appears in the void, rippling around.

This ripple contains pure spirit power. When it affects the body of the super python, the super Python disperses at the speed visible to the naked eye.

The waves continued to ripple.

The hundredth python, still in the void, also disappeared.


There was a crisp sound in the air.

Even the areas that envelop this sea area have been dispersed.


A mouthful of blood, spit out from the mouth of the sea eating python, as if there was a blood rain, dyed a piece of Sea red.

The breath of the sea devil python, with the speed visible to the naked eye, withers down.

He was not only broken to the bottom of the box, but also broken to the field. He was not able to suppress the backfire, and he was directly hit hard.

Even, his huge body, unexpectedly also quickly become smaller.

In an instant, it became less than one foot, no longer as terrible and frightening as before.

The face of the boa constrictor is full of fear.

"There's no reason. You're just an ordinary person. How can you discover the secrets of ocean space?

How strong is your soul? "

The voice of the boa constrictor was trembling. As he spoke, his huge body could not help retreating.

For a warrior who can see the secrets of ocean space and resolve the most powerful trump card of "snake eating dragon", he has lost any temper and the idea of killing each other.

"Does it matter how strong my soul is?

Just a little bit better than you, isn't it?

I should have seen it, because there are so many flaws.

This ocean space, in fact, is your ocean of consciousness.

But you have refined a real ocean and put it in it, so that anyone who comes in will have a preconceived idea that this is a real independent space! "

Gu Xuan recalled in his mind the scene when he first entered here. With his insight, he was deceived.

Gu Xuan continued: "everything you can see here, except this ocean, is almost an illusion.

The weak water area you summon is also the illusion area that you use soul means to display.

Even, including the hundred Python you just gathered, it is also an illusion!

Therefore, my attack was unable to hit them. Instead, I flew out of the field and hit the ocean!

This creates a kind of illusion, which makes me think that your attack is very unusual, and makes me have to think about how to block and dissolve it, so as to fall into your trap.

However, it is difficult to solve the "snake eating dragon formula".

The real solution to the "snake eating dragon formula" is to see through the true face of this space and see into the operation law of this space.

Once you know the law and act against it, you can be alone, keep yourself out of the illusion and make your illusion invalid.

Because those illusions are originally a means of attacking the soul. As long as you see through the illusions, all attacks will naturally be equivalent to no longer exist.

In addition, after the first Python took me into space and swallowed me together, the reason why I kept feeling heavy was, of course, due to magic.

But, on the other hand, it is because, in your field, gravity prohibition has been set up to strengthen gravity.

This is your biggest failure. You put too much into the ocean of your consciousness.

As a result, people who enter here may not find any flaws, but as long as they find even a single flaw, they can follow suit and find more and more flaws. "

Gu Xuan looked at the boa constrictor, with a trace of irony on his face.

"If I were you and had the means to materialize the ocean of consciousness into this space, I would specialize in magic, rather than refining an ocean into this space.

If you want to combine fantasy and reality, and perfectly integrate them, you are far from it

The eyes of the boa constrictor have completely changed.

Looking at Gu Xuan's eyes, he became more afraid.

Although Gu Xuan said it lightly, it seems that discovering the law of this "ocean space" and cracking the illusion are simple things.

But the sea eating Python is very clear. To find the operation law here, it needs not only the soul power comparable to the level of a disaster, but also a lot of deduction.

Moreover, it's not the same thing to be able to discover the laws here and crack the illusions!

Those who can discover laws may not be able to crack illusions.

This man is not the first to discover that this is his sea of consciousness, but he is the first to crack the illusion!

This means that the enemy's soul power, willpower and insight are all above him!

Such an enemy is a nightmare for anyone who is good at magic!

The boa constrictor has already regretted that he didn't drive Gu Xuan out of the sea of consciousness at any cost at the first time.

At this time, Gu Xuan suddenly smiles at him and shows off his right index finger, as if to show off its power.

The boa constrictor is afraid.

Just now, it was Gu Xuan who, with a little touch, directly lit all the illusory Python and his field!

However, there was no way to be afraid. He could only watch Gu Xuan go to the void in front of him, gently poke and stir up a circle of waves.

From the center of this circle of ripples, a mini dragon, which is completely condensed by the power of the spirit, flies out like an electric light and appears in front of the sea eating python.

The boa constrictor was shocked.

He felt a sense of extreme danger.

That mini dragon has the power of spirit, which is condensed to the extreme and aggressive. Moreover, it is more powerful than his power of spirit!

With his current state of heavy damage, this mini dragon, he can't stop, even the soul will be pierced!

"No, stop! You can't kill me!

I can retreat immediately, and never set foot in the world of burning heaven again.

If you kill me, the demons will not let you go. You will be chased by the demons, and all the people related to you will be implicated! "

The sea eater Python threatened.

The smile on Gu Xuan's face suddenly became bright.

"The pursuit of the demons? Think about it, it's really... Exciting!

I'd like to see how the demons hunt me down?

Speaking of the demons, I still have an old acquaintance. I remember that guy seemed to be called "eternal devil saint."

The snake's pupils suddenly shrank, as if in great surprise.

"You know the eternal devil, you are... You are..."

A name flashed through the mind of the sea eating python. He wanted to say it and see the performance of the person in front of him to prove his guess.

Unfortunately, those two words, after all, did not say.

The mini dragon, which is completely condensed by the power of spirit, has disappeared into the eyes of the sea eating python.

The next moment, the expression on the Python's face will be completely frozen.

That mini dragon has scattered the soul of the sea eating python.

"It has a great advantage to put the ocean of consciousness into the ocean of consciousness and turn it into space for combat.

But the weakness is bigger.

To let the ocean of consciousness go out is to let one's soul lose more than 50% of its protection.

If you're a little distracted, you'll be killed.

The young master just mentioned the name of the eternal devil saint, and this guy was distracted. It seems that the eternal devil saint is one of the promoters of the great disaster in the world of burning heaven! "

Gu Xuan held his chin, as if thinking about something.


The void suddenly trembles, and the whole space begins to collapse.

The corpse of the sea serpent Python also began to decompose and turned into wisps of black smoke.

"Eh, that's..."

Gu Xuan's eyes brightened.

In the black smoke, there is a black space ring! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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