Staring at the ink colored space ring, Gu Xuan quickly reaches for a move and moves the space ring into his hand.

Kill a big round full level demon strongman. There must be a lot of good things in this space ring, right?

Grand Circle full, or evil family full, without seven or eight pieces of emperor's tools, seven or eight pieces of original Dan, it's impossible to say.

Gu Xuan couldn't wait to release the power of his soul. He swept into the space ring and was shocked.

"Is that serious?

Only one book?

Still looking so broken? "

Gu Xuan's mouth twitched and automatically ignored dozens of jiupindan in the space ring.

Ordinary jiupindan is 100 pills. What's the difference between them and none?

Gu Xuanxin read a move, then took out the broken book from the space ring and held it in his hand.

In writing, there are four big words: "the holy formula of projection".

Seeing these four words, Gu Xuan finally had some expectation for this book.

After all, "SHENGJUE" is very popular.

What's more, it should record all kinds of projection methods, which is very useful for fighting across the world.

These days, Gu xuanke met many strong people who could use projection.

If you can learn it yourself, it will undoubtedly become a big help for you.

Gu Xuan opened it and looked at it roughly. He was happy at first, but disappointed at last.

This "projection formula" not only looks at the broken, but also the content is really incomplete.

There are six ways of projection recorded in this skill.

But none of them is completely complete.

Gu Xuan made a little deduction, and finally determined that of the six projection methods, only two can be used, but they are not perfect.

The first is the ocean projection of consciousness.

The sea of self-consciousness is materialized, projected out of the body, and used as a combat space to fight against the enemy.

Gu Xuan has seen this art of projection.

In front of us, this collapsing space is just a sea eating python. By using the technique of projection, it moves out its own ocean of consciousness?

Learning this art of projection, can quickly enhance their own strength, that is two words.

It is able to make themselves die faster in the hands of the enemy.

This art of projection, strictly speaking, can not be regarded as a real art of projection, because it is to move almost the whole ocean of consciousness out of the body.

It's too dangerous.

The second is "the same boundary projection".

"Chicken ribs, too chicken ribs.

In the same world, there is no need to evade the oppression of rules. What else do I use?

Isn't it beautiful to gather energy directly and separate ourselves? "

This is what Gu Xuan thought when he first saw the so-called "projection technique of the same boundary".

What he needs most is "the art of projection from another world.".

If he can learn, he will be able to project himself into other worlds to explore the situation of other worlds.

Unfortunately, more than half of the "projection technique of the alien world" in this book is incomplete.

If we want to deduce it completely, we can't succeed at all without hundreds or thousands of years.

"If I had the time, I would have created my own projection technique.

It's just that. It's a chicken thing. It's boring. "

Gu Xuan put the projection formula into his space ring.

At this time, the sea serpent python, a sea of consciousness, has almost collapsed.

In the space, the vast amount of sea water did not disappear, but fell from the sky. The momentum was so vast that the continuous mountains below became a vast ocean.

The warship of tianwu chamber of Commerce had already become dilapidated. It fell from the sky as soon as it was hit by the sea water falling from the sky.

Fortunately, there is also a flying boat in vice president Wu's space ring. Now it is released and can be used.

The boat is not big, but it can hold seven or eight people standing at the same time without crowding.

However, there are only five people on the boat at the moment.

Li Yuanxiao and vice president Wu, who were badly injured, sat cross legged, with a surge of energy and various rules and runes, apparently healing.

Li Yuanxiao's injury has recovered a lot and his face looks ruddy.

As one of the senior members of the Li family of the Dansheng family, he has a lot of pills. As long as he doesn't die, there will always be pills that can quickly recover from the injury.

Vice president Wu is far behind.

Although tianwu chamber of commerce is engaged in the business of elixir, on the one hand, the inside information is far less than that of the Li family; on the other hand, he is just a vice president. The elixir that can be used for healing is not one or two grades inferior to that of Li yuanxiao.

Now, his face is still a little pale. Fortunately, he has stabilized his injury and is not in danger of his life.

In addition, there are three people standing on the boat.

It was Gu Xuan's blood sea, blood ancestor and Wu Hei.

Xuehai Fenshen and Xuezu were very indifferent. On the one hand, they opened a protective cover to block the pouring water from the sky. On the other hand, they controlled the flying boat and flew forward.

The sea is so abrupt that everyone wants to get out of here as soon as possible.

Wu Hei stands between Gu Xuan and Xuezu. His expression is a little unnatural. He seems to be very cramped. He is not used to the scene of flying in a boat with vice president Wu and Li yuanxiao.

He wanted to go down from the boat, but the surviving guards around the boat were not willing to.

In the eyes of these guards, among the 20 or so people who survived at the moment, the only one who is most qualified to take the boat and show that he is different from others is captain Wu Hei, OK?

The so-called "housekeeper Xue" and "young master Gu" just lick their faces and insist on standing up, OK?

Lord Black didn't drive them away, Ren Yi!

Not only the guards, but also Li yuanxiao.

Now, he has regarded black as a hermit superior to himself.

Therefore, although he is healing, he also gives some thought and pays attention to black at any time.

The cramped expression on the black face, in his view, is clearly dislike!

That guy, who despises himself as a member of the Li family, sits on the same boat with him!

This let Li Yuan smile in the heart, actually very hurt!

Li's own high-level family, one of the powerful competitors of the future Li family, has been abandoned by people everywhere?

He was so angry that his healing speed was a bit slow.


All of a sudden, with the sound of pouring sea water, a sharp sound of breaking the air, suddenly rang up.

This voice makes the nerves of the people present tense again.

Even Xuezu had a look of surprise on his face.

But the color of surprise disappeared quickly, replaced by excitement!

He licked his lips.

"Boss, are there enemies?

Now, it's my turn to do it myself! "

Blood Sea cent body white blood ancestor one eye, did not answer.

At this time, a ray of light suddenly came down from the sky and hit the boat with lightning.

Gu Xuan and Xuezu held up the light shield together. Under the impact of the light, it broke.


There was a loud noise.

A Zhang Ba snake spear was inserted at the edge of his black feet, and even the edge of his boots was directly pierced.

The tingling sensation came from the edge of the thumb.

Black this just reaction come over, own thumb, was cut skin by spear point, bleed.

Fortunately, it was just a scratch. There was not much blood. Wu Hei moved his feet back at will. He felt the bleeding place and the wound had healed.

"What is this? How could it fall from the sky?

Zhangba snake spear, a weapon ordered by the emperor, is still recognized by me?

What's the matter? I don't know why I recognized the LORD by dripping blood. I recognized the Lord as a tool of the emperor's life?

Is it because it pierces the skin of my toes

Black face of inexplicable, murmured.

These words shocked everyone.

"What? Is that the emperor's tool?

You have accepted a piece of emperor's weapon, but you still feel puzzled? "

"Are you from Versailles? Who speaks Versailles, the irritating one? "

The public was full of indignation.

Wu Hei couldn't hear the voices of the people. He still looked puzzled. He held the Zhang Ba snake spear and gently pulled it out of the boat.

A cold breath, immediately toward the surrounding diffuse and go! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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