"In my body, there must be power belonging to the fairyland?"

Gu Xuan's right hand held his chin, his brow slightly wrinkled, and he began to see the energy in his body.

Dantian, meridians, and even every inch of bones and flesh were carefully explored by him over and over again.

All the energy, for him, is familiar.

All the energy, for him, is ordinary.

No matter how you look at it, the so-called "fairyland" power, he did not even see a shadow.

Gu Xuan looks suspiciously at the sword spirit of meteorite sky.

"Meteorite, are you sure it's not playing with me?"

The corner of the sword spirit's mouth of meteorite sky drew, and his right hand behind him trembled slightly. There was an impulse to slap Gu Xuan's face.

"I've made it clear enough that you haven't noticed?

I wonder if you're going to slip your head through the door.

If you think about it, why can you kill the way of heaven if you have the immortal position card

Meteorite sword spirit is good at luring.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes, and his mind flew around.

Once you recognize the immortal card, you can become a quasi immortal.

To be a quasi immortal should be the reason to kill the way of heaven.

But it's just an appearance. Why do you become a quasi immortal and kill the way of heaven?

"Immortal, different levels of life.

Immortal, master the rules, rules, one level higher than the lower bound.

The way of heaven is in the world dominated by him, and the control of the rules and rules of that world is the best!

It can be said that it is one level higher than ordinary martial arts, and it is probably the closest to the power of fairyland.

He can even distort and change rules and regulations.

This is the fundamental reason why it is difficult for ordinary warriors to kill them.

However, if you master the immortal position card, it is equivalent to mastering the rules and rules that are not bound by heaven.

So we can kill the way of heaven

Through the analysis of the ancient metaphysics, we can see the essence.

make love.

Meteorite sword spirit clapped.

"The analysis is very good. Although it is not completely accurate, it is not wrong.

Go on, and you'll soon realize it

Gu Xuan didn't pay attention to the sword spirit in the sky. He still thought about himself. He felt that he was very close to the real answer.

Just one step away from the door, you can break through the shackles and think of the most crucial point.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Gu Xuan's pupil, also at this time, suddenly shrinks.

"All the forces I use, all the laws, rules, theories I have, are bound by the world.

There is only one skill that is not bound by the world.

Even, they are not bound by other worlds.

Because I used it to fight against two heavenly beings!

That's the sky covering skill

A light flashed in Gu Xuan's eyes.

He should have thought of it!

"Covering the sky" is a skill aimed at the way of heaven, which can block the perception of the way of heaven.

Moreover, the shielding was so thorough that the way of heaven could not find any clue.

The way of heaven in one world, in the world dominated by him, is completely blocked by people. This kind of situation should not have happened.

However, since it appears, it shows that it is a skill that can compete with the way of heaven.

It also means that it is very likely that it is a skill that transcends the rules and rules of the world and is not constrained by the power of the world.

It's very possible that this skill comes from the upper world, from the fabulous fairyland!

Meteorite day sword spirit turned the body, toward the small courtyard door, step by step.

"You're not too stupid.

The key to recognizing the immortal's position is indeed the "Heaven covering skill".

I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. "

The corner of the sword spirit's mouth flashed an imperceptible smile.

Gu Xuan frowned and wanted to stop the meteorite sword spirit, but he didn't say anything. The meteorite sword spirit had turned into smoke and disappeared.

"Ah, it must be a ghost in my heart to run so fast.

There must be some reasons I don't know why the sword spirit of meteorite suddenly taught me this skill!

No wonder, at the beginning, I was surprised that this skill was a kind of hidden and stealthy skill, but it was too complicated.

There are thousands of words in a general outline.

It's easy to learn and difficult to master when practicing. It's probably the foundation of other skills.

If this is true, I'm afraid that this skill is not called "Heaven covering skill" at all, but has a different name. "

There's no need to explain it at all. Gu Xuan has already guessed a lot about the truth of "covering the sky".

Fortunately, these ideas were not heard by meteorite sword spirit.

Otherwise, he was afraid that his jaw would fall to the ground.

"However, no matter what, meteorite that guy, should not harm me.

Well, I don't want to do these things. Let's recognize the master's immortal card first! "

Gu Xuan began to work "covering the sky".

Sure enough, a trace of extremely subtle and special power was soon found in the meridians of this skill.

It's a pity that this very special force can't make a lot out of a little. It can't be condensed. It can't even be released outside the body.

Moreover, once the operation of "Zhetian Gong" was stopped, this special force would be dispersed, leaving no trace, as if it had never appeared.

Gu Xuan sighed.

It's no wonder that he has used "covering the sky" so many times that he has never found this special power.

It's really hard to detect.

Special energy can't be released, but it's hard for Gu Xuan. He put Xianwei card into his body and connected Xianwei card with that special energy.

That special energy, as expected, was integrated into the immortal position card.

However, as soon as they joined in, the special energy began to dissipate at a very fast speed.

However, before it dissipated, Gu Xuan had already felt that he had established a weak to extreme connection with Xianwei card.

Relying on this connection, he injected a trace of his spirit into the immortal position card, which was condensed into a mark.


The Xianwei card trembled, releasing the holy light and enveloping Gu Xuan's whole body.

A road is extremely mysterious, as if illusory general road rhyme, around the ancient Xuan, constantly circling.

"Finally, I'm successful! What a wonderful feeling!

In my eyes, the whole world seems to have changed, become clearer and closer to the origin.

You don't need to break your eyes. They all have this insight. It's amazing

Gu Xuan looks at the sky with surprise.

He gave birth to a left hand.

On the five fingers, a mass of energy appeared in turn.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, the five elements of power, into the most pure rhyme.

With the transformation of Daoyun, it turns into five Mini dragons.

"I can do it now.

However, there seems to be a great difference between the two.

But it's still wonderful

Gu Xuan felt that his own martial arts, without warning, had a little bit of indescribable and unknown improvement.

This improvement may not be able to be transformed into combat power, at least not in the burning of heaven, but it will be useful sooner or later.

"But it seems so.

There are no more changes. "

Gu Xuan was still a little disappointed.

After all, fairytale, the name Doraemon?

After he recognized his master, the improvement of his strength was too small.

It didn't cause any big noise either. It's better to recognize a piece of the emperor's tool.

"Study again and see if you can get anything else!"

Gu Xuan called out the immortal position card and held it in his hand, ready to study it again.

After all, if meteorite sword spirit wants to be promoted to immortal weapon, it needs to extract a trace of immortal power from the immortal position card.

But up to now, he hasn't found out where the power of fairyland is in the immortal position card?

At this point.

In Tiandao base camp, there is a towering peak.

Here, the clouds and fog are shrouded, and the natural power of heaven and earth is so strong that it is hard to imagine.

The little dragon is visible to the naked eye and roams in the void.

If you look at them carefully, they are actually ownerless. They are generated naturally, not refined by martial arts.

A fire red figure, suddenly, from the sky, fell on the top of the mountain!

"The way of heaven, the princess arrived, and didn't come out to meet her?"

The fiery red figure is Princess rosefinch!

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