Princess rosefinch stands on the top of the mountain, looking at the dragon in the void, licking her lips.

With a wave of her right hand, she took dozens of Daoyun dragons into her hands.

With a wave of his left hand and dozens of Daoyun dragons, he disappeared without a trace.

"Princess rosefinch, stop it

Just like thunder, it suddenly exploded.

A man with a face shrouded in mist, dressed in white, came down from the void.

As soon as this man appeared, the world trembled, and the brilliance of the world seemed to be more brilliant and moving because of him.

He also stands on the top of the mountain, but different from the sudden appearance of Princess rosefinch, he seems to have been standing here for thousands of years, integrated with everything around him.

The natural force of heaven and earth turned into a light wind, hovering around his body, as if to make him value it, let him refine himself, and drive him.

The top of the mountain was originally empty and ownerless, but when the man in white appeared, it seemed that he had the backbone.

Princess suque also wants to wave her hand and catch a little bit of Daoyun Bruce Lee. Unfortunately, Daoyun Bruce Lee, who is swimming in the void, seems to be in two different time and space with her. She can only see but can't touch it.

No matter how she does it, she can't take it away.

"If you are here, I can't stop you.

But you come, after all, just separate.

What's more, eighty-three Daoyun dragons are not enough for you? "

Tiandao in white, with both hands on his back, stares at Princess rosefinch in a cold and angry tone.

Princess rosefinch looked at the way of heaven in white.

"Tut Tut, why be so stingy?

Isn't it just a few Daoyun dragons?

Can I make you poor? "

Princess rosefinch didn't like it.

"Well! Dare you ask your highness, what's the reason for coming here?

The agreement between you and me has already been agreed, it seems that there is no room for change, and the need for change, right?

We'd better not meet for half a year! "

The direct way of heaven is to give the order of travel.

Princess rosefinch smiles.

"Well, in addition to the agreement to fight against the catastrophe, we had a little agreement on the punishment of the ancient pagoda, didn't we?

Originally, I didn't promise you that I would lend you the immortal position card for a month to study it?

It's a pity that when she got the Xianwei card, the princess gave it to Gu Xuan as soon as she was happy.

Failed to live up to your expectations, so the princess is very sorry, personally came to apologize.

Do you think this sincerity is enough? "

Heaven in the heart a sneer.

The original agreement was that he secretly helped Gu Xuan and the tower leader to tide over the punishment.

It's a pity that the man who separated himself from order had a narrower vision. When Heaven punished him, he not only didn't follow his own instructions, but even wanted to kill Gu Xuan on the spot.

Where is Princess rosefinch here to apologize?

It's clear that he's here to ask for a crime!

It is true that the separation of order does not come first, but the final result is not bad.

All the people in the ancient pagoda have saved all the 900000 yuan.

The result is much better than expected.

The way of heaven originally thought that it was OK to pretend to be dead. Princess suque would not care about it. Unexpectedly, she had already come to her door in just a few days.

What's more, I didn't expect that I was in the base camp of Tiandao camp. Except for fengmanlou, there was no other person who knew about it.

But Princess rosefinch has already determined her position.

It's embarrassing.

But no matter how embarrassed he is, as the Lord of heaven, he will not apologize.

"Princess highness, there is no need to apologize.

The past has gone with the wind, so why care?

In half a year's time, the most important thing is the agreement between you and me to fight against the catastrophe.

Now, it is not appropriate to hurt the harmony because of a little trifle.

Your highness, please go back! "

The way of heaven in white once again issued the order of chasing guests, but the tone was no longer so hard.

Of course, it is impossible for him to apologize, but after all, it is Princess rosefinch who is equal to him. It is necessary to soften her attitude.

Of course, such a tone, in the outside world, or some inhuman, but if the wind full building here, I do not know what will be surprised?

My father, why have you ever been so polite?

"No need to apologize?"

Princess rosefinch gave a cold smile.

"But Princess Ben's apology has already been said.

It seems that you don't welcome me very much.

In that case, I'll leave. "

Princess rosefinch slowly turned around, and suddenly a pair of huge, but illusory wings appeared behind her.

This pair of wings, from a distance, looks like the mountain has grown wings.

When the rosefinch's wings come out, all the peace, all the rules, all the order between heaven and earth will be broken.


The wind blew.

Chaotic torrents of energy emerge out of thin air and hover in the void, making the world look like chaotic space-time.

"Princess Ben, go too!"

Princess rosefinch drank softly, and her voice was earth shaking.

Bang bang.

Countless explosions were heard at the foot of the mountain, where the messengers of the heavenly way camp lived.


The flame like wings behind the princess rosefinch suddenly flapped, and her body soared to the sky.


When the wings flapped, the energy storm fell to the top of the mountain, and the whole mountain collapsed directly.

Countless gravel, rolling down, like the sound of thunder.

In the base camp of Tiandao camp, the wind filled the building and rose to the sky!

His face was full of anger.

"Who is it? Is it killing me?

How dare you attack... "

I haven't finished yet.


A feather, as if from the depth of space, suddenly drilled out of the general, hit the wind full floor of the chest.


His chest sank in and his bones were broken.


A mouthful of blood was spitting out, and there was even a mixture of broken meat and bone. It was obvious that the injury was very serious.


Another rosefinch feather suddenly appeared in front of fengmanlou, aiming at his eyebrow.

A sense of crisis of death envelops the building with wind.

There was despair in his eyes. He didn't understand how this could happen?

How can you be assassinated when you are in the base camp of Tiandao camp?

"Stop it

The figure of heaven in white appears in front of fengmanlou and protects it.

He stood there, did nothing, just a word, two words, there will be the power to follow.


That rosefinch feather, turned into a powder.

"Princess rosefinch, don't go too far!"

The voice of heaven in white, like thunder, spread to Princess suque.

Princess rosefinch gave a disdainful smile.

"In this half year, I hope you can be more peaceful.

Otherwise, the princess will be able to do more than that. "

This time she came to find the way of heaven, just to take a bad breath for Gu Xuan and warn him not to do something wrong.

If you don't come here, Princess Zhuque is really afraid that the heaven will take the wrong medicine one day. She runs to find Gu Xuan and snatches the immortal's position card.

"Gu Xuan, you should have recognized the master's position successfully, right?

There is still half a year to go, though it is a little urgent.

However, it should not be difficult for yingtianzong to have a few more great achievements after a good special training.

It is even more necessary for Gu Xuan to become a great man.

As for the leader of the tower, just as you please, let's get promoted first!

All the people in the ancient pagoda have great potential. We must find a way to activate it.

That's the power of the way of time and the power of the sword world. It will certainly be of great use in the future. "

While flying, Princess rosefinch was thinking about the arrangements for the next six months.

Yingtianzong, a small courtyard.

Gu Xuan's mind was all immersed in the immortal card.

Hum, hum.

Zhutian sword circled around him, as if in a hurry, urging him to summon the power of the fairyland in the Xianwei card.

It's a pity that no matter how urgent it is, it won't help.

Gu Xuan still felt that although the Xianwei card in front of him was mysterious, it was empty, and he could not find the power belonging to the fairyland.

Suddenly, Gu Xuan patted his forehead.

"Ah, how can you forget this?

I should first use the "Heaven covering skill" and then explore the immortal position card. Maybe I'll get something! "

Gu Xuan couldn't wait, and immediately began to work "covering the sky".

Sure enough, the effect was immediate!

When running this skill, Gu Xuan felt that the immortal card had changed.

Inside the Xianwei card, there is a huge space!

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