"Lord Wuwei, you are also a person in the heaven burning world. Why did you pit me?

Didn't everyone make an appointment not to interfere with each other before the birth of the transmission array?

Why did you expose my sister?

You want our brothers and sisters to die, don't you? Okay!

I'm going to die, let's die together! "

The wind filled the building, and the eyes were full of sadness and anger.


The wind rushed all over the building to the Wuwei Shaozhu and blew it with one punch.

The wind neon followed, and the soft whip in his hand was like a wandering snake, shuttling through the void to bind the inaction little Lord.

"Big brother, second brother, help me!"

The inaction little Lord wants to cry without tears. He has no time to explain. The main reason is that no one believes the explanation. He can only ask for help.

Two figures appeared in an instant, one left and one right, protecting the wuweishao master in the middle.


Two loud noises.

They blocked the attack of the wind filled building and the wind neon.

"There are so many people burning the heaven who come to the northern city.

Damn it, the news here must have been leaked.

Brothers, we can't let the transmission array fall into the hands of those who burn the heaven.

Come on, cut them down! "

A powerful man holding a sickle waved his arms and shouted.

The crowd, like the tide, poured into the three brothers of Wuwei Shaozhu and the two brothers and sisters of fengmanlou and fengneon.

For a moment, the sound of fighting and killing shook the sky.

At this time, the little Lord of Wuwei finally noticed Zhuge Wui hidden in the crowd and recognized him.

In an instant, his head seemed to be open and figured everything out.

Although there is no evidence, since Gu Xuan didn't reveal the identity of Feng neon, it must be someone else!

Without me, Zhuge is highly suspected.

"Whether it's him or not, he has to carry this pot!"

Little Lord Wuwei pointed at Zhuge Wui and roared.

"The wind is all over the building, and the wind is neon. See clearly. The man who just knocked you down is not me, but him. The son of Zhongyuan domain, Zhuge has no me!"

All eyes suddenly fell on Zhuge Wui.

Among them, nature also includes the eyes of Feng manlou and Feng neon.

"Is that you?"

The wind's neon eyes were like eagles and falcons. When he moved, he was ready to rush up and kill Zhuge.

Unfortunately, just three feet away from the original place, he was annihilated by dozens of attacks.

Zhuge Wui's pupil suddenly shrinks, and his heart has been shocked to the extreme.

What a secret what he did just now?

Unexpectedly, someone found out?

Moreover, the person who found him was a non doer.

Zhuge Wui has some grievances in his heart.

Even if there is no friendship between the major "giant" forces in the burning heaven, they are very familiar with each other's core members.

In particular, those who often represent the poor and appear in public are well-known.

It is because of familiarity that I feel oppressed without Zhuge.

This is the strength of the Wuwei Shaozhu. I know that Zhuge Wu is much worse than him.

"I didn't even calculate that I would be exposed by a person who is not as strong as me.

That guy must have been watching me.

Damn, careless. "

Zhuge has no secret way in my heart.

He didn't explain. Taking advantage of the chaos, he turned and flew back.

No way, I have to return.

Just now, the wind neon glared at him and almost didn't send him away on the spot.

"Damn, it's a great success. It's really extraordinary.

Although I have half a foot and have stepped into a complete state, I have not really been promoted after all.

I'm afraid it would be very dangerous to fight her.

Damn it, it's really a bad time for me to appear in the outer city of the fortress. If I wait a few more days and I'm promoted to the great perfection of the Holocaust, why should I be afraid of just a heavenly daughter?

Now, I can only return. "

Zhuge Wui thought secretly in his heart and accelerated his retreat.

Even if fengmanlou and fengneon brothers and sisters have to deal with the siege of outsiders for the time being, they can't trouble him, but how can other outsiders allow him to stay here safely?

Several outsiders have long recognized him and launched an attack.

A blade, a sword and a mountain hit Zhuge Wui, rolling and shaking the world!

Zhuge gave me a sneer and raised his hand with three fists.

Boom, boom!

All three attacks were resolved.

The power of explosion shattered the space.

Zhuge Wui continued to step back in the chaos.


After a few flashes, Zhuge Wui stopped beside Ke Xiaodu with white hair.

"Taoist friends, you and I are people in the burning world, and we are like old friends at first sight. We have a common enemy like Gu Xuan.

Let's join hands to resist this group of outsiders. "

Ke Xiaodu's forehead is covered with black lines.

He pretended to be an outsider. He pretended to be clever and wonderful. So far, no one has found it.

And in order to avoid trouble, I came out to watch the excitement. I didn't go forward, but hid in the back crowd.

Unexpectedly, such a new Taoist friend would expose his identity in the end.

He had an impulse to poison Zhuge wume, but he endured it, endured it.

"Taoist friends invite me, how can I not follow?

Let's stay away from the two brothers and sisters in fengmanlou first. They are the key targets of attack by outsiders.

Then try to hide. "

Ke Xiaodu squeezed out a smile. With a wave of his right hand, a poisonous fog filled the air. In an instant, it covered a thousand feet.


Countless attacks fell into the fog.

So far, the whole city outside the Great Wall has fallen into unprecedented chaos.

More and more people who burn heaven have exposed their identity for various reasons.

It's OK for the strongman at Da Yuan man level. Once his identity is exposed, he will die immediately.

The bloody gas soon filled the whole city outside the Great Wall.

The originator of all this has now returned to yingtianzong.

As soon as Gu Xuan and Xiao Ou returned to yingtianzong, they didn't even have a chance to drink water, so they were rushed to the martial arts arena by Princess rosefinch.

The wide martial arts arena is full of people.

All true disciples, inner sect elders, and some high-ranking and absolutely loyal Keqing gathered here.

Battle is not an ordinary big battle.

When they saw Gu Xuan, they saluted one after another.

Gu Xuan nodded in response.

Little lotus root's eyes are turning around. I want to find Xiaolv, Dashi and others.

Unfortunately, I didn't see them.

Even Mo Jingyun, Li Yiyun, song xiaodai and princess yunyun didn't see them.

Obviously, as the core of Ying Tianzong, they have already begun to experience.

Gu Xuan's eyes fell on the three statues in the martial arts arena.

There are three flaming rosefinch statues standing on the martial arts field, all of which are taking off, as if they would fly up at any time and rush straight into the sky.

After a little observation, Gu Xuan found that the mouths of the three rosefinch statues were slightly open, with a mysterious breath of time and space.

Obviously, the body of the three statues has its own space.

The special training place prepared by Princess rosefinch is obviously in it!

"Now, the special training, which lasts for five months or even longer, is officially started!

Let's all go inside. Ha ha ha, go and feel the purgatory prepared by the princess for you!

Cheer me up and be serious.

Because this special training is different from before.

Before, there was no death.

And this time, yes!

Get in! "

Princess rosefinch laughed wildly. With a wave of her right hand, a huge rosefinch wing appeared, set off a strong wind and overturned everyone!

Even Gu Xuan, conforming to the power of the strong wind, let him fan himself and fly into the mouth of the rosefinch statue in the middle.

In the blink of an eye, the wind dispersed.

At the scene, only princess rosefinch was left.

"In the name of my rosefinch, Tianzong should govern the territory and close it!"

Princess rosefinch made a Dharma seal on her hands. In the void, a rosefinch appeared to block out the sky and the sun.

When a rosefinch opens its mouth, there are countless chains extending from its mouth and spreading in all directions.

In a quarter of an hour.

The whole territory under yingtianzong's jurisdiction, including Yunding mountain and Danyu, is covered by chains.

A big "seal" appeared in the void and dispersed again.

Space and time seem to stand still at this moment.

The whole territory under yingtianzong's jurisdiction is completely closed and can neither enter nor leave.

This scene shocked all those who paid attention to Ying Tianzong.

The news that Ying Tianzong was in a closed state spread all over the burning heaven.

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