The sudden closure of Ying Tianzong shocked the whole world.

The great disaster of burning heaven is coming soon, but Ying Tianzong is closed in this section. How can the major forces and strong people in burning heaven not be shocked?

But what is even more shocking is that in less than half a day after Ying Tianzong's closure, the wind spread all over the burning heaven.

Zhuque Xianzong was also closed.

This makes the whole burning heaven even more a wail.

Both Ying Tianzong and Fen Tianzong are giant forces in the burning world.

Yingtian sect is recognized as the first sect of burning heaven.

Patriarch Gu Xuan, that is an existence that can compete with the way of heaven.

The Suzaku immortal sect is also a powerful sect of Princess Suzaku, one of the legendary four elephant gods and beasts in ancient times.

Although it is rumored that Princess rosefinch cannot leave the rosefinch immortal sect because of restrictions.

But there are also rumors that she can send a separate body to run around.

In any case, as long as these two sects are still there, people in the burning world will have more confidence.

Because if the catastrophe comes, they are the mainstay to resist the catastrophe and protect the burning heaven.

But now, these two religious doors are closed at the same time?

What's the meaning of this?

For a time, rumors were everywhere and people were terrified.

There are strong people who are close to the two sects. They firmly believe that these two giant sects will not ignore the danger of burning the heaven. They speculate that their closure is only for the martial arts in the door to be able to practice safely.

The refuter said that the great disaster was coming soon. It made sense that some individual sect elites closed the door, but how could it be that the whole sect closed the door together?

Many martial artists believe that the closure of the two main gates is to plan for seclusion.

After all, there are still many yinshizong sects in the burning heaven. They re entered the world more than 100 years ago.

Burning heaven once, for a long time, martial arts were not prosperous and talents were not obvious, because many forces chose the hidden world in order to avoid disputes and allow sects or families to develop stably.

Of course, seclusion is also a technical activity. It is a big problem to simply hide the sect door and let outsiders not find it.

But this big problem is not a problem for Zhuque Xianzong and Yingtian Zong.

They are absolutely capable of seclusion.

Therefore, many forces who believed that Ying Tianzong and Zhu quexian Zong wanted to hide from the world and avoid the great disaster followed suit, and also wanted to close the door of the sect and hide from the world.

Even, many clans and families have really disappeared from their original residence.

Such forces and families have naturally been despised by other heaven burning forces.

Some strong people even go to find these secluded sects and families, break their secluded state, and stand at the moral commanding height to kill and loot them wantonly.

This really suppresses other forces who want to hide.

The hidden world family, the hidden world sect, originally represents a strong family. If you want to live in the hidden world if you are not strong enough, of course, it is death.

Time, two months have passed.

The chaos and unrest in the burning heaven have reached the extreme.

Many forces, as well as some powerful casual repairs, are even ready to find the weak points of the interface barrier, and then cross the interface barrier to the outside world.

Unfortunately, when I went there, I found that the area with weak interface barrier was full of danger.

Not only may outsiders appear at any time and mix into the burning heaven from here, but also the heavenly messengers of the heavenly camp patrol here.

Whether people from the outside world want to come in or people from the burning world want to sneak out, once they are found by the heavenly messengers, there will be a fierce battle.

The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Although the Tiandao camp is declining now, after all, the great disaster has not really come. Lord Tiandao is still the original Lord Tiandao.

With his power as a blessing, the combat power of the heavenly messengers can not be compared with ordinary strong people who burn the heaven and those who need to sneak into the burning heaven.

For a time, the bloody gas filled the interface barrier of the burning heaven.

A few days later, on the top of the sky, a sky city called "beyond the Great Wall" suddenly came into everyone's view.

There came terrible energy fluctuations, terrorist fighting movements, and even a rain of blood, as well as broken limbs and arms, falling from above.

This shocked the whole burning heaven.

Most people don't know what happened.

Only some martial artists who sealed the blood town were old enough and read enough books to roughly guess what happened there?

In the Ouyang aristocratic family, there was an old man sitting cross legged in a secret room, telling stories about the great wall city to a group of people.

"There are other names in the outer city of nasai.

A long time ago, people called it "outer city".

Later, some people called it "boundary city" and "boundary city".

This special city can only be owned by a world that has not experienced "three disasters and nine robberies".

Generally speaking, it is a world in which "the way of heaven is incomplete".

There are many "natural transmission arrays" on it. They are pure natural and pollution-free. The transmission arrays that emerged with the birth of the world are all sealed by the power of the world.

The transmission array connects other worlds. Once its seal is released, it can be used and can go to other worlds through it.

If you can master those transmission arrays, you have one more way out.

Therefore, as long as the great wall city is present, many forces will compete for the control of the above transmission array.

If they can't compete for control, they will try their best to get their use right... "

The old man told a long story about the great wall city.

However, the reason for telling for a long time is not because the story is very long.

But because every few minutes, the old man will fall into a false sleep and sleep for a while.

Then he opened his eyes and continued to talk.

Finally, the old man finished, he fell into a complete sleep, and there was no sign of waking up.

The people who listened to the old man's speech were all the core high-level members of the Ouyang aristocratic family, less than ten of them.

As the ancestor of Ouyang family, Ouyang Qitian is also here, and appears respectful.

Obviously, the old man sitting cross legged but falling asleep in front of him has a higher generation in Ouyang's family than him.

Ouyang flower butterfly, Ouyang peak stack, Ouyang luanqang and others also look respectful.

After listening to the old man's words, everyone was filled with emotion.

"I have to say that it is our good fortune to wake up at this joint and answer our doubts.

After all, it is said that Wu Tianlao Zu has not woke up once for thousands of years. "

Ouyang Qitian stood up from sitting cross legged, gently waved his hand, and took the people out of the secret room.

"Grandpa, do we want to go to the Great Wall City, too.

I think we should also grab two transmission arrays, one for our own use and the other for Ying Tianzong!

After all, Ying Tianzong is now closed. I'm afraid I don't know the news.

That's a direct transmission array to the outside world. After passing this village, there will be no such store. "

Ouyang butterfly shook Ouyang Qitian's arm, looking excited.

When they heard the speech, the corners of their mouths twitched at the same time.

Even if girls are extroverted, you don't have to be so strong, do you?

You're going to help Ying Tianzong, who has been closed, rob a transmission array?

Ouyang gave up the weather and his beard trembled.

"No, it's only about three months before the disaster.

With this Kung Fu, it's not beautiful to strengthen the family's defense?

What transmission array are you going to rob?

Besides, what's the use of robbing?

Ying Tianzong will never leave the burning heaven. So will my Ouyang family.

This is the root of my Ouyang family!

If you're really okay, go to practice immediately!

Didn't master Wu Tian teach you and your brother a skill formula just now?

Go to practice quickly! In three months, your strength can be improved a little, a little, go away! "

Ouyang Huadie curled her mouth and didn't transmit the array, so she didn't have a chance to ask Gu Xuan for credit, which made her very unhappy.

When you are unhappy, you want to do something that is not done by people.

As the brother of Ouyang Huadie, Ouyang Feilong knew his sister too well, so he kept quiet and hurried to shrink behind Ouyang Qitian.

Unfortunately, it's late.


Ouyang flower butterfly appeared on the side of Ouyang flying dragon and slapped him on the head.

"I don't want to trouble you. What are you hiding from?

It's outrageous. I think you're my brother, and you think I'm a beast?

If you don't get beaten, who gets beaten? "

Ouyang flower butterfly pulled Ouyang flying dragon's ear and walked away.

The screams and cries for help echoed over the ancestral land of Ouyang aristocratic family for a long time.

Seeing that they were far away, Ouyang Qitian's face became dignified.

"Father Wu Tian just told me a very bad news. I'm afraid I can't keep the ancestral land of Ouyang family sooner or later.

We need... "

Before his words were finished, a voice sounded outside his ancestral land.

"God forbid, come to visit elder martial brother!

Please show up! "

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