A ray of light crossed the void.

It was a myriad of attacks that flew from the battleship of the star world.

These attacks all fell on the mask covering the middle domain.


The sound of explosion continued.

For a time, the sky became distorted.

In particular, the space near the hood is directly torn, and countless space cracks appear, more and more, bigger and bigger.

Like a python, the space is turbulent and constantly drilling out, but just drilling out, it is directly blown to collapse by intensive attacks.

The explosion lasted a quarter of an hour.

The hood is crumbling and cracks appear.

Finally, the star world leader smiled coldly and shot.

As soon as he struck, it was a shocking blow.

A towering giant palm, surrounded by runes and swirling Taoist rhymes, rushed down from the clouds, which contained unimaginable pressure and power, and beat it hard on the mask.


In the sound of a devastating explosion, all the masks were broken.

This means that the triple Guardian array guarding the whole mesodomain has been destroyed.

Inside and outside the whole mesosphere, it was shaking, like a terrible earthquake.

Above the ground, there are cobweb like cracks, which are unfathomable and spreading.



In such a large middle domain, pavilions, pavilions, houses and palaces are collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, with the towering palm of the Lord of the Xingxiu world and the sound of explosion like destroying the sky and the earth, the whole burning heaven world, paying attention to all martial artists in the Zhongyuan domain, was shocked.

That palm was too powerful and too rebellious.

Even though they were thousands of miles apart, they could still feel the terrible pressure.

That is suffocating, frightening, and frightening pressure that makes people unable to resist!

Many warriors were shaken at this moment.

They wonder whether the burning heaven can really be held?

After all, the Lord of the astral world is just the vanguard of the great disaster that came to burn the heaven first.

Later, there is the main force of the great disaster, the peerless strongman of other worlds.

Then, how to stop it?

Compared with other warriors in the burning heaven world who have wavered in their hearts, the eyes of a group of guarded warriors in the Zhongyuan domain are firm and full of fighting spirit!

The core area of the middle yuan domain, the top of the palace.

Tianmo enemy stood straight, like a sharp sword about to soar to the sky. He was full of sharp Qi and king Qi!

He is like the king in this world!

Even if the land on this side has been riddled with holes, it will no longer look like the past.

On the square, there were more than 5000 soldiers in the middle yuan region, who were his king's teachers.

The huge Xingxiu battleship, like a haze, sailed into the Zhongyuan domain and soon came to the front of the main hall in the middle.

"You are the master of Zhongyuan domain, and heaven is invincible?

It looks like a human model and has some skills.

If you are willing to submit to us and help us conquer the burning heaven, we can forgive you!

Otherwise, die. "

The Starland Lord's eyes fell on Tianmo enemy.

The sky is invincible and stands on the top of the palace with a pale face.

His eyes also fell on the star Lord.

"Either quit Zhongyuan domain or fight!

In Zhongyuan domain, there are only warriors standing dead, and there are no cowards who are greedy for life and afraid of death and surrender! "

Tianmo enemy didn't speak. Behind him, a man in purple left the sky, but it was cold.

The star Lord smiled coldly.

"I'm talking to heaven. You're a girl. Where can you interrupt?"

Tianmo enemy burst out a fine light in his eyes and said, "her words represent my opinion. What qualifications do you have to talk more?

Come on, let the local leader have a look. You, the so-called disaster pioneer, have some skills.

I'm not strong enough to burn the heaven, but I'll die! "

A strong killing opportunity flashed in the eyes of the star world Master.

"Toast without penalty. In that case, don't blame us for being cruel.

The martial arts of Xingxiu world listen to the order and attack the Zhongyuan domain!

In half an hour, we will be in the middle domain, and only the people in the astral world will be left! "

The star world Lord waved his hand violently.


The warriors on the warship roared together, turned into hiding lights, and rushed up the square below.

Tianmo enemy still stood without any indication.

Li Tian moved, fell on the square and stood in front of the hundred old regiment.

"Old Tuan, join me and kill all the enemies!"

With a wave of his right hand from heaven, a long whip appeared in his hand. It was a king's life and Emperor's weapon, with a strong smell of immortal ware.

Zhu Wushi nodded and waved his big hand: "the elders of the hundred old regiment listened to the order, led the elite disciples of each department to form a battle array and kill all the incoming enemies!"


All the elders of the hundred old regiment responded together. When they moved, they were divided into parts and scattered among the disciples under their command.

Battle formations, led by them, immediately formed.

"Kill all the incoming enemies, protect Zhongyuan domain and burn the heaven!"

The whip in Li Tian's hand was thrown and hit the void like thunder, causing ripples in the void.

A group of Xingxiu warriors rushing towards the square were still in the middle of the sky, and a full number of ten peak saints fell on the spot when they were rolled by the whip.

This makes her slogan more powerful.

A group of Zhongyuan disciples seemed to be infected and shouted one after another.

"Kill all the incoming enemies, protect Zhongyuan domain and burn the heaven!"

With a loud cry, groups of battle formations rose into the sky and took the initiative to meet the warriors in the star world.


Figures came together and fell on the square, surrounding Zhu Wushi and Li Tian.

Those figures are all martial artists in the "ordinary great fullness" and there are as many as 12.

It can be said that before the war, Li Tian and Zhu Wushi had fallen into a situation of inevitable defeat.

"Are you two ordinary Yuanman in Zhongyuan domain?

What a pity, what a pity!

I am in the astral world, but there are twenty ordinary consummation!

Twelve of us can easily kill both of you.

I'm afraid it will take less than a quarter of an hour for the remaining eight ordinary great consummation to kill all the remaining fighters in the Zhongyuan Region.

Ha ha ha, die! "

The twelve stars in the world are perfect, and their faces are full of ridicule. They launch a killing attack towards Li Tian and Zhu Wushi!

"If you want to kill us, you have to pay a heavy price!"

Zhu Wushi roared and greeted him.

Leaving the sky, he also showed no weakness. As soon as he threw the whip in his hand, he drew a circle. Unexpectedly, he circled nine of the twelve stars!

She wants one against nine!


An explosion.

The battle of the great perfection began.

Not far away, I only heard the sound of Dong Dong, ringing one after another.

It was the sound of bodies and broken limbs falling from the sky.

A warrior named Zhongyuan fell from the sky like a raindrop.

They are not the opponents of the warriors in the astral world at all.

This scene is very tragic.

Through the Xuanguang mirror, Gu Xuan, Princess rosefinch and others, we can see clearly what happened in the Zhongyuan domain.

"It's really despicable. It's clearly the battle of the martial arts under the great circle. On the side of the star world, there are eight ordinary great consummation."

Little lotus root smashed his mouth, obviously very angry.

Princess rosefinch shook her head.

"The eight of them, if not, Zhongyuan domain will lose.

It's just that you won't lose so quickly. "

Gu Xuan also sighed.

"Yes, although there are more than 5000 people in Zhongyuan domain and only about 1600 people in Xingxiu domain, the gap in realm is still too big after all.

Among the martial arts in the middle yuan region, there are 3000 people, all of whom are just holy places.

And the astral realm, the same king.

The number of the peak saints has reached 400, which can be said to be ten times that of the Zhongyuan Region.

This battle was doomed from the beginning and will end on one side.

It can be said that no matter what the result of the battle after Tianmo enemy, Zhongyuan domain has been defeated.

But if Tianmo wins, at least the burning world wins.

If Tianmo is defeated, then... "

Gu Xuan didn't want to say anything later.

Everyone was silent and quietly looked at the scene in the dark mirror.

There are only three people left on the Starship.

These three men represent the star world, the vanguard force of the great disaster, and the highest combat power!

One two great consummation, and two one great consummation!

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