"Lord, that day was nothing but a complete disaster. I'm not qualified to fight with you.

Let me be invincible and kill him myself! "

On the warship, a strong man in a mink robe stood up and asked him to fight.

"The East is willing to fight without regret!"

Another cold young man also stood up and bowed his hands to ask for war.

These two people are the right-hand men of the Lord of the astral world. Together with the Lord of the astral world, they have had a great opportunity and become a great success.

The star world leader laughed.

"You two will join hands and make a quick decision!"


The East did not regret and Wanyan did not break. He respectfully took command. Before his voice fell, he had flown out of the warship, one left and one right, and attacked the heavenly enemy on the top of the palace.

"Rising sun magic formula!"

The East doesn't regret a violent drink, and the light shines on him. The whole person is like an obsidian day.

But in the sun like light, there is a magic spirit looming, which is very strange.

He showed a fist technique, which made the world change color and the sun and moon disappear. His power was vast and unparalleled.

At this time, in the shadow of the fist, the light of the knife appeared. It was extremely sharp and easily tore the space.

It's an unbreakable beauty, holding a gold Sabre with a full length of ten feet. It's using a peerless Sabre technique that can't be resisted.

"Limitless and immortal knife formula!"

The attacks of the two men, who were successful in one robbery, were combined in an extremely ingenious way.

Their plan is to kill the invincible second with one blow!

In an instant, the shadow of the fist and the light of the knife were like a violent tornado, sweeping the invincible with terrible power and invincible power!

At this moment, it seemed as if it was integrated with the palace. The sky, always carrying both hands, finally moved.

Moving, it was like a divine sword out of its sheath. It was sharp and went straight into the sky.

He gently raised his right foot and took a step forward.

A circle of energy ripples, rippling away.

For a time, taking the invincible as the center, the rules and rules in the surrounding space are intertwined into a network like silk threads.

Countless Taoist rhymes are as graceful as a wandering dragon.

Everyone's eyes, at this moment, couldn't help but focus on Tianmo enemy.

At this time, the sky is invincible, as if it has become the master of this world!

All the brilliance of the world was covered by his brilliance and became dim.

The attack of the two stars in the astral world was originally invincible, but now, in front of Tianmo enemy, they suddenly seem to become weak.

"Heaven's way can also be imprisoned.

You are not the way of heaven, why not destroy it? "

Tianmo enemy's mouth is full of words. His right hand is lifted gently, as if he wants to hold something. He holds it slowly.

That is, between this grip, in this side of heaven and earth, time, space, energy, everything seems to become static and stop flowing.

A huge invisible net looms on the top of the palace, enveloping everything above the palace.

The next moment, the giant net suddenly closed.

The shadow of the fist and the blade scattered in the void at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The east does not regret, does not break its perfect face, and is trapped in the huge closed net.

They only felt that the scenery in front of them had changed suddenly, the palace was gone, and Tianmo enemy was gone. All they could see was endless emptiness.

The void is closing, as if to condense at a point and return to nothingness, so that everything in the void will disappear.

"How could it be? How could it be so strong to burn the sky and rob the great perfection?

How is it possible to neutralize our attack and trap both of us?

No! I don't believe it! "

Wanyan didn't break and roared. He danced wildly with his big knife, but he just felt like he was trapped in the mud. There was great resistance, which exhausted him.

Dongfang became crazy without regret. He waved his fist reluctantly and performed three killing skills at the bottom of the box in a row.

Unfortunately, it still doesn't help.

He felt that the energy in his body was passing at a very fast speed, like being swallowed up.

In a moment, Wanyan Bupo and Dongfang Buhui felt their eyelids very heavy, as if they were going to sleep at any time.

They tried their best to support, and even bit their tongue to stimulate themselves with pain so that they wouldn't sleep.

They know very well that once they go to sleep, they will really go to sleep. They will never wake up and can travel in the dark.

Unfortunately, after exhausting all means, their consciousness continues to become blurred.

Finally, Wanyan didn't break and closed his eyes. There was no more vitality on his body.

He's dead.

Dongfang's regretless face became extremely ugly.

He never thought that Wanyan Bupo would die in front of him like this, and it is likely that he will follow in the footsteps of Wanyan Bupo immediately!

I don't know where the strength came from. Dongfang Buhui suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, "help me, Lord!"

I don't know whether it was his roar or his coincidence. In short, the next moment, Dongfang didn't regret to hear a voice that was afraid at ordinary times, but now it's very beautiful.

"Vertical son, you dare!"

The sound of the Lord of the astral world broke out as if it were thunder, which shocked the spirit of the East.

One hand, through the huge net, through the void, grabbed Dongfang Buhui and pulled it out!

When he breathed fresh air, Dongfang almost burst into tears.

Yourself, saved!

"You've exhausted all your energy. Go back to the warship and have a rest first."

The Lord of Xingxiu world looked at Dongfang Buhui and his face was full of anger. As soon as he raised his hand, he sent Dongfang Buhui back to the warship of Xingxiu world.

"This seat is too careless and underestimates you.

Your strength is so strong that neither of them is your opponent.

You almost killed all of our two right and left arms.

But that's it. Next, I'll kill you personally, so that you can't be reborn forever! "

The Lord of Xingxiu world stared at Tianmo enemy and was extremely angry. He planned to humiliate Tianmo enemy to death with an extremely vicious means!

Tianmo enemy still stands in place, from beginning to end, as if he had never done it.

Facing the threat of the star Lord, there was no half silk expression on his face.

Tianmo enemy is so indifferent that all the martial artists who pay attention to this battle in the burning heaven world are excited.

Before that, no one was optimistic about Tianmo enemy.

At the moment when they saw that the two men had completed the robbery and attacked Tianmo enemy at the same time, almost everyone believed that Tianmo enemy was over and dead.

No one thought that the final result was that Tianmo won!

Killed one one great perfection and hit another great perfection.

Moreover, if the Lord of the astral world didn't talk about martial ethics and rescue, the East would fall if he didn't regret.

Tianmo enemy almost killed two martial artists in the same realm with only one move.

Such strength can be called against the sky!

The vast majority of those who burn heaven are full of expectations.

They expect that heaven's invincible will show its divine power and kill the Lord of the star world!

In this way, burning the heaven is tantamount to winning the first game of the Holocaust!

Ying Tianzong, martial arts field, internal space of rosefinch statue.

Princess rosefinch, Gu Xuan and others were surprised when they looked at the scene in the Xuan light mirror.

Even if they were, they didn't expect that Tianmo enemy was so strong!

"The way to imprison heaven is really powerful.

Moreover, it is also a martial art aimed at the Tao of heaven. If it is used above the Tao of heaven, its power is probably stronger.

Now, there's a good play! "

Gu Xuan smiled and looked at Princess rosefinch like a demonstration.

Tianmo enemy is so strong. Maybe he can really win his bet with Princess rosefinch.

Six rosefinch feathers with rosefinch blood essence are exciting just thinking about it.

Princess rosefinch gave a mysterious look.

"Even the way to imprison heaven, which is aimed at the way of heaven, has been used in front of everyone.

That means he has no other way.

He has done his best to kill the two men in a second.

In the face of the great consummation of the second robbery, there is no second way to go except defeat.

However, the princess appreciates him very much. His bearing is much better than you. "

Gu Xuan retorted, "different people have different opinions about tolerance.

Moreover, I think, with the strength of heaven, even if it will lose, it will not die.

If he wants to escape, no one can stop him.

After all, the place where they fight is Zhongyuan domain!

And he is the master of Zhongyuan domain! "

In the dark light mirror, the sky is invincible and walks calmly towards the star world Lord in the void.

Step by step, stepping on the void is like stepping on one invisible ladder after another.

"I am the master of Zhongyuan domain!

No one can kill me here!

Here, I am invincible! "

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