Gu Xuan smiled, and the three tailed evil fox felt a thump in his heart. He felt uneasy and wanted to cry.

But soon, she forcibly suppressed this emotion in her heart.

After all, Gu Xuan, like her, was bound by the vines of the vine demon God, and there were more than ten vines on his body than her, and it was impossible to break free.

Everyone's end is to die and become the nourishment of the rattan demon God. Do you have to distinguish between high and low?

With this in mind, the courage of the three tailed magic fox was strong again.

"Laugh? Dead skeleton, laugh at your sister!

When I was dying, I dragged your aunt into the water, but I still had a face to smile?

You're a terrible skeleton... "

The three Tailed Fox cursed and cursed.

In her curse, they were bound by vines, went through heavy fog, turned corners, and even went through several extraordinary prohibitions. Finally, they finally reached a deep, dark and huge karst cave.

In the middle of the cave is a huge stone thousands of feet wide.

Around the boulder, there are secluded magic springs with dense fog, which vaguely reveals blue light. At a glance, you know that both secluded magic springs and fog are highly toxic.

Above the boulder, there is an old tree with a full height of 99 feet.

On the old tree, there are vertical and horizontal gullies, and the bark is missing one after another, exposing the bare and slightly shriveled trunk.

On the trunk, branches are everywhere, and countless vines hang from each branch.

Everyone's eyes looked at the huge tree nearly 100 feet long, but their expressions were different.

Some are frightened, some are afraid, some are scared to fart, and even faint directly, and are scared to death.

It has to be said that although the appearance of rattan demon God is not very good, it still has full deterrent power in the hearts of the dead.

The three Tailed Fox was already trembling, but still scolded, as if it could alleviate the fear in his heart.

"Skeleton emperor, you dead skeleton, you killed your aunt, and you can't run away.

Later, Lord rattan demon will eat you first. At that time, I'll see if you can laugh before you die!

I hope you don't scare the shit out of me and disappoint your aunt, hahaha... "

The three tailed evil fox laughed. The laughter was very tragic. It seemed that he was trembling even when he spoke.

"Hungry, so hungry..."

Up to nearly a hundred feet above the trunk of a huge tree, suddenly, there was a face with eyes, mouth and nose.

Suddenly, the vine demon opened his mouth, and the dead bound by vines were thrown into his mouth one by one.

"No, don't eat me..."

"Help, I don't want to die..."

The sound of screams came. It was very sad, but it was still useless.

The bound undead, who had no resistance, was thrown into his mouth by the rattan demon God and became its nourishment.


The body of the vine demon god suddenly vibrated and lit up a green light. It was hazy. In this dark environment, it had an unspeakable beauty.

Soon, there were only less than ten bound souls left.

Finally, it was the turn of the moon eclipse wolf after the three brothers combined.

The vine bound him and sent it to the vine demon's mouth.

However, at this time, the change suddenly occurred.

Bang bang.

The sound of a series of vines breaking sounded, and the moon eclipse werewolf broke free from the vines.

"Rattan demon God, open your eyes and see clearly. Is this wolf king worthy of you?

Those who know, submit to me, or die! "

The moon eclipse werewolf stared at the vine demon God, with a cocky face.

This scene stunned the people who were still alive.

The three tailed evil fox was scolding Gu Xuan. Seeing this scene, his mouth opened wide. The words in his throat were directly swallowed into his stomach and could not be scolded again.

She looked at Gu Xuan with fear and guilt.

The strength of the moon eclipse werewolf should be stronger than the skeleton emperor, but how much stronger it is, you have to ask a question mark.

The moon eclipse werewolf easily broke free from the shackles of vines. It is likely that the skeleton emperor can also break free?

I have to say that the three tailed magic fox is finally smart.

"Lord skeleton, can you break away from the vines, too?"

The three Tailed Fox asked tentatively.

Bang bang.

Gu Xuan's shoulder trembled slightly, and a dozen vines on his body broke inch by inch.

He looked at the three tailed magic Fox and maintained a faint smile consistent with the previous one, but there was a hint of irony in this smile.

"What do you say?"

The three Tailed Fox suddenly petrified.

She suddenly felt that Fox life was too bad. Some hair in her mouth was dry and bitter, and her heart was still sour.

"Lord skeleton, I'm loyal to you now. Is there still time?

I can turn into anything you like. You can punish me wantonly, as long as you save me, okay? "

The three Tailed Fox asked cautiously with a sad face.

Gu Xuan smiled and didn't want to look at the three tailed magic fox.

"What do you say?"


Gu Xuan appeared in front of skeleton Xu Xu Xu. With a gentle wave of his right hand, he bound the vines of skeleton Xu Xu Xu, and all of them broke, turned into powder and scattered.

Xu Xu, the skeleton, was excited and wanted to thank Gu Xuan, but he felt that his body was weightless and couldn't bear the gravity here. He was about to fall down immediately.

The ancient metaphysical mind moved, and an energy disappeared into the skeleton Xu Xu Xu's body.

Suddenly, the skeleton Xu Xu only felt his body light, as if he had returned to the space without gravity, and his action became free.

He was about to continue to thank Gu Xuan, but Gu Xuan waved and stopped him.

"Don't talk about him. It's enough."

Gu Xuan turned around and looked at the vine demon God.

The skeleton Xu Xu gave up. Then he looked at the three tailed evil fox with some pity. The flame in his eyes flickered.

The three tailed demon fox's eyes were eager to look at the skeleton Xu Xu Xu, and I felt pity. His eyes were full of begging. Although he didn't speak, his intention was obvious. He was begging the skeleton Xu Xu to help her plead with Gu Xuan.

Skeleton Xu Xu sighed and shook his head.

Although he sympathized with the three tailed demon fox, he would not die to help her plead.

You can't live without doing evil.

She had been dead for so long that the adult didn't break the vines directly and killed her for the first time. It was a good temper.

How could you save her?

But, unfortunately, the three tailed magic fox is really beautiful!

Why don't you try to plead for her?

Skeleton Xu Xu struggled in his heart.

At this time, the vine demon God stared at the moon eclipse werewolf for a long time. Suddenly, the green light on it became dazzling, and the vines all over the tree began to shake sharply, like tentacles.

"The moon eating wolf clan is actually a member of the moon eating wolf clan!

Good. I'm still a wolf king. Although it's just a combination of wolf kings, it should be enough.

No wonder this demon God will wake up from his deep sleep. It turns out that it is the 'Moonstone' breath on you that awakens this demon God!

Only one foot away, the demon God can recover his body shape and return to the perfect state of the second robbery again!

Bring it, your flesh and blood, your [power of moon stone]! "

The voice of the vine demon God was trembling, not because of fear, but because of excitement.

Whew, whew, whew.

The swaying vines burst out at an unimaginable speed and attacked the moon eclipse werewolf to bind it!

"Rattan demon God, I didn't expect that you still have the courage to fight the wolf king!

Ancestors can hit you once in their heyday, and we can snipe you once!

Although the wolf king is not as good as his ancestors, you are not in your heyday now!

The wolf king knows your weakness very well. Die! "

The lunar eclipse werewolf's hands were sealed and his mouth was full of words. A dark green knife suddenly appeared in his hands.

The big knife is a foot long. It is a "big" knife worthy of the name.


The moon eclipse werewolf wields a big knife, a green knife shadow, which is easy to appear in the void. It is dense and cuts through thorns and thorns.

All the vines that came near were cut off.

"Cut! Cut! Cut!

Break! Break! Break! "

The moon eclipse werewolves roared and roared, and the broadsword danced to generate wind, which made this space full of sabre Qi and sabre meaning, as if it had become the world of sabres.

Bang bang.

A series of explosions sounded.

Cut off all the vines on the vine demon God.

Even the vines that bound the three tailed demon fox and several other undead were cut off, allowing these people to be free for the time being.

Unfortunately, they couldn't bear gravity and fell into the demon spring with a thump.

But no one cares about them.

Even Xu Xu, the skeleton, was stunned by the battle in front of him and didn't notice them.

Gu Xuan held his chin and looked at the two protagonists in the battle, thinking about the weakness of the so-called rattan demon God!

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