"The weakness of rattan demon God is useless even if it is well covered up.

Because the energy contained in the attack of the moon eclipse werewolf should be the strength against the weakness of the rattan demon God.

Therefore, to find the weakness of rattan demon God, I only need to observe the moon eclipse werewolf, which is enough! "

Gu Xuan muttered to himself.

Although he is still in the state of skeleton man, it doesn't prevent him from opening his broken eyes quietly.

As soon as it was opened, Gu Xuan's insight increased dozens of times. All the energy and the running track of all things appeared in his eyes.

At this time, the battle between the moon eclipse werewolf and the vine demon God has entered a white hot stage.

The moon eclipsing werewolf now has the strength to rob the great perfection. With a big knife in his hand, he dances in the wind. There is a vertical and horizontal knife intention between splitting and cutting, which invades and comes out!

Whew, whew, whew.

There are hundreds of blades, each of which is a hundred feet long. It tears the space and cuts into the trunk of the huge body of the rattan demon God. It is full of power!

The rattan devil smiled disdainfully.

"You are far from your ancestors.

Even if I hold a sword and know my weakness, so what?

Still won't be my opponent! "

While talking, the vine demon God opened his mouth, and dark green vines grew out of his mouth.

These vines, like living snakes, meander forward and shuttle through the void. They are not only fast, but also do not walk in a straight line and are extremely flexible.

In the blink of an eye, the vines collided with the Dao Mang in the sky.

Bang bang.

A series of explosions sounded. Once the blade awn and the vine collided, the powers offset each other. At the same time, they broke into idle energy and dissipated around. No one can do anything?

But Gu Xuan could see clearly that the war situation was close on the surface, but for a long time, within half an hour, the moon eclipse werewolf would fall into absolute disadvantage.

There are two reasons.

First, it's poison!

In this space, the dark magic spring is poisonous and the dense fog is poisonous. Even if they are avoided, there is also strong poison in the air.

The moon eclipse werewolf has already stopped breathing, and even the pores of his whole body are closed. He thinks he can avoid the highly toxic and will not be caught. Unexpectedly, it is impossible to isolate the highly toxic.

The rattan demon God is a great expert in using poison. When fighting, without a sound, he let the poison penetrate into the moon eating wolf's body through the body protection energy.

At first, there will be no symptoms. Even if the moon eclipse werewolf can kill the vine demon God within half an hour, the poison will dissipate from his body automatically.

Unfortunately, this possibility is too small.

The strength of the vine demon God, in fact, is much higher than that of the moon eclipse werewolf.

However, he seems to be afraid of the moon eclipse werewolf and doesn't want to force it too tight, so he hasn't tried his best.

Secondly, the second reason is that the lunar eclipse werewolf does not get energy supplement.

With the rapidity of his attack, he will consume more than half of his energy in less than half an hour.

At that time, if the consumption is too large, the strength will naturally decline, and flaws will be exposed in both attack and defense.

On the contrary, the rattan demon God has just received a large wave of energy supplement. At this time, it is estimated that he has not digested and converted the dead souls who swallowed them into energy.

Moreover, it absorbs energy from the demon spring all the time to supplement its consumption.

Although the effect is not very good. It doesn't directly devour the dead and replenish quickly, it's much better than the eclipse werewolf who doesn't replenish energy at all.

The battle of equal strength lasted for two minutes. It seemed that the moon eclipse werewolf finally found something wrong.

Of course, he can't find the poison.

But he realized that the rattan demon God didn't do his best at all. It seemed that he wanted to consume him by a long war.

"That's ridiculous! You're dreaming to kill the wolf king.

Just now, I was just testing your strength. I can see that you still have spare strength. If you fight normally, the wolf king decided not to help you.

Over time, I will lose.

Unfortunately, there are records about your weaknesses and the ways to deal with them in the classics left by your ancestors.

Now, die! "

The lunar eclipse werewolf roared, and the sword in his hand burst into brilliant green light, which was full of vitality.

Gu Xuan was very confused.

"Does it mean that the weakness of rattan demon God is fear of anger?

What kind of weakness is this? Don't all the dead, more or less, be afraid of anger?

Moreover, the two Qi of life and death are mutually generated and overcome, but there is no simple saying that anger can restrain death.

The moon eclipse werewolf uses anger to attack the rattan demon God. Unless the quality of anger is several orders of magnitude higher than that of death, it will either be equal to each other or be defeated. This is not a way to seek death? "

But soon, Gu Xuan found a difference.

Although the moon eclipse werewolf's broadsword is magnificent and green, if you look carefully, there is a trace of almost imperceptible red light in the green light.

There is no doubt that it is the red light emitted by the power of fire.

Gu Xuan, as a great expert in using the five elements and a super expert in using fire, recognized it at a glance.

"Moreover, it is a very pure fire power, just a trace of red light. The power of fire power should also far exceed the power of majestic wood power!

However, it's strange that the rattan demon God has a strong sense of death and is also a dead soul of spirit plant. It seems that he can control the secluded demon spring and is good at the way of wood and water. How can he be afraid of fire? "

Gu Xuan's mind was full of thoughts and constantly deduced all kinds of possibilities.

"Swallow the moon, kill!"

The moon eclipse werewolf has really launched an attack, displayed a kill move, waved a big knife and rushed to the rattan demon God with an indomitable momentum!

His body shape changed from one to two and from two to four. Finally, he became a full 32 figures, each waving a big knife and cutting to the rattan demon God from 32 directions!

Whew, whew, whew.

The sound of breaking the air resounded through the whole karst cave, and the meaning and light of the knife also filled the whole karst cave.

In a trance, this space seems to have changed its shape and become like an ancient battlefield, with the earth at its feet and the bright moon above its head.

In the void, there is a werewolf who steps on the earth and is as high as the sky. He is about to devour the bright moon and make the night in the world no longer illuminated by moonlight.

"What a powerful sabre, what a powerful moon eating sabre. You remind me of your ancestors

You're like him, but you're not him after all.

So, die! "

The rattan demon looked at the eclipse werewolf disdainfully and licked his lips, as if he couldn't wait to taste the delicious food.

Wow, wow.

Countless vines suddenly flew out of the dark magic spring and attacked the shadow of the moon eating werewolf from the back. The speed is fast to the extreme.


A sound of flesh and blood was penetrated by the figure sounded.

At this moment, all the bodies of the thirty-two lunar eclipse werewolves are pierced!

Bang bang.

The thirty-one phantom bodies differentiated by the lunar eclipse werewolf burst.

Leaving his body alone, he was penetrated by three vines, and could not move forward even one step in the void.


A big mouthful of blood vomited from the population of the moon eating wolf.

"What if you know the weakness of this demon God?

If you can't hit the demon God, don't you still rest? "

The vine demon God laughed and controlled the vine, so he was going to throw the moon eclipse werewolf into his mouth.

However, at this time, the change was abrupt!


The pierced body of the lunar eclipse werewolf burst.

"Unfortunately, the wolf king, hit!"

Behind the rattan demon God, the figure of the moon eclipse werewolf appears there!

What has just been pierced is still just a part of him!

He just said that what he really did was not "swallow the moon 32", but "swallow the moon 33"!


The moon eclipsing werewolf waved his big knife and fiercely cut the vine demon God. He planned to cut off the trunk of the vine demon God with one knife!

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