
The rattan demon God's face suddenly changed.

Obviously, even it didn't expect that the moon eclipse werewolf would use a separate body as bait to make it think that it had hit the other party hard, so it ignored the defense behind him.

Now, the big knife in the lunar eclipse werewolf's hand is less than ten feet away, so he will cut its trunk!

This knife is terrible to the extreme.

The Dao didn't arrive, but the terrible Dao meaning contained in it has fallen on the trunk first.

Inch after inch of bark has been scattered and turned into powder under the impact of terrible knife intention.

"Did the vine demon God lose?"

In the secluded devil spring, the three tailed devil fox, who was dying and still alive, murmured to himself, and his eyes were full of incredible color.

The sabre of the moon eclipse werewolf is too strong and suffocating.

Moreover, it was another sneak attack. The rattan demon God wanted to block it. I'm afraid there was no time to prepare.

Hide, let alone think about it.

As tall as 99 feet, the trunk is several feet thick. How to hide?


Gu Xuan held his chin. It seemed that he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

The rattan demon God seems to have no way to deal with the knife of the moon eclipse werewolf.

However, the great vine demon God, whose name is "devil" and "God", how popular?

It would be disappointing to lose so easily and have no force at all.

"But you can't just look at appearances.

The vine demon God has survived from ancient times. If he had such skills, he would have known that he would die thousands and hundreds of times. "

Gu Xuan thought secretly.

At this time, the knife of the moon eclipse werewolf hit the trunk of the vine demon God, and cut it off like destroying the withered and decadent!

"No -"

The vine demon God made a miserable cry.

Its face growing in the middle of the tree trunk was cut into upper and lower halves.


The severed trunk fell to the ground, shaking the whole karst cave.

There were waves in the dark magic spring.

The three tailed evil Fox and several other undead were afraid and excited.

The vine demon God seems to be dying, which means that they can live.

"Hahaha, sure enough, as long as you use the power to restrain you, you can kill you easily."

The moon eclipse werewolf looked at the big knife in his hand with satisfaction and laughed proudly.

The next second, another treasure appeared in his hand.

"Don't worry, rattan devil. Although you will die, you won't die completely.

I will keep part of your soul fragments and seal all your memories in them.

In this way, everything about you and the secrets of the ancient tomb of great power belong to me, ha ha ha!

Dementor cup! "

The lunar eclipse wolf population chanted words and threw out the soul cup in his hand. This is a soul King's life emperor weapon, which is extremely rare. Although its power is not strong, its value is comparable to that of the king's life emperor weapon with the smell of immortal tools, and even better!

It can forcibly peel off a trace of the soul and absorb its memory before the dead disappear, which is very convenient.

Because of this treasure, the moon eating wolf dared to kill the rattan demon God.


The Dementor cup crossed a strange arc in the void and fell onto the remaining half of the trunk of the vine demon God.

After all this, the moon eclipse werewolf couldn't help narrowing his eyes, turned his head and looked at Gu Xuan.

"Skeleton emperor, you are the next one to die!"

Gu Xuan, with his hands on his back, looked at the moon eclipse werewolf and suddenly smiled with disdain.

"I'm afraid you'll die in front of me."

The moon eclipse werewolf snorted coldly, "you want to kill the wolf king? It's a fool's dream!

I've decided to absorb your memory later. I'll kill all the people related to you to vent my heart... "


Before he finished, the moon eclipse werewolf felt a pain in his chest, and a vine penetrated from his chest.


The moon eclipse werewolf's face was full of incredible color. He looked down at his chest, slowly turned back, and looked down along the vines penetrating his chest

On the half trunk, the Dementor cup has disappeared, but a large number of vines grow out of it.

One of them is the vine that penetrates his chest.

"Hahaha, that's ridiculous. Do you really think you can kill this demon God if you know his weakness?

When your ancestors were cheated once, would this demon God be cheated a second time? "

On the only half of the trunk, suddenly, a huge vine with a full foot thick grew, and the face of the vine demon God appeared on the vine.

"It seems that your ancestors were seriously injured and didn't tell you a very important message.

In fact, when you think about it, you should know that this demon God is a 'Vine' demon God, not a 'tree' demon God. My noumenon is naturally a vine. How can it be a tree?

The tree you cut off is just a parasitic tree of this demon God. It has nothing to do with my half a dime.

Originally, do you think that this demon God really has no ability to resist?

Today's 3000 world planes are really too comfortable.

You know nothing about ancient times! "

The vine demon God sneered disdainfully.

This battle, it won!

Moreover, we have also obtained such treasures as the Dementor cup. With the Dementor cup, it can enjoy the souls and memories of others in the future, become more powerful and know everything!

"The wolf king will die with you!"

The face of the lunar eclipse werewolf became extremely ferocious and gnashed his teeth.


The violent momentum gushed out of his body. It was an extremely pure destructive force, which even contained a trace of the breath of annihilation force.

Obviously, the moon eclipse werewolf knew he was going to die, so he wanted to explode and fall with the vine demon God.

Unfortunately, there was no fluctuation on the rattan demon's face.

"If you want to die with me, are you qualified?"

The vine demon God disdained to smile. The man who was penetrated by its vines still wanted to explode. How could it be?

Gu Xuan looked at the scene and shook his head.

Now, the moon eclipse werewolf has failed.

The vines running through his chest have been absorbing his energy since just now.

Unfortunately, he didn't feel it at all. Instead, he felt that he had a chance to explode.

Sure enough, as if to confirm what Gu Xuan thought, the destructive power of the moon eclipse werewolf dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye and was absorbed by the vines.

Only half a minute later, the body of the lunar eclipse werewolf has become shriveled.

But he still has a ferocious face.

"Die! Die! Die together!"

The moon eclipse werewolf roared wildly. In fact, he had already had an illusion in his eyes. He thought he was still ready.

Gu Xuan's eyes were full of sympathy.

"What a pity. Up to now, the moon eclipse werewolf hasn't found it. He has been poisoned for a long time.

The poison paralyzed his perception and gave him an illusion.

If there were no poisoning and sound perception, the vine that pierced its chest just now should be able to hide. "

Gu Xuan muttered to himself and analyzed everything.

After the lunar eclipse werewolf roared again, his breath finally disappeared.

On the vine that pierced its chest, there was only a shriveled wolf skin left.

The vine swished and took it back.

Wolf skin immediately turned into powder and rustled.

"What delicious food, what delicious nourishment, this demon God has been supplemented again.

Grow, grow! "

The vine demon God seemed stunned, and his eyes showed the color of hope.


The huge tree trunk, which was only half left, burst into pieces, revealing the noumenon of the vine demon God.

It took root in the thousand foot boulder in the dark magic spring, straightened its body and flew towards the sky.

Like a dragon, it is about to rise to the abyss and be reborn.


In the blink of an eye, the ten foot thick vine completely straightened its body. It was ninety-nine feet tall, as high as the previous giant tree.

Green energy flickers on the vines and becomes more and more dazzling.

"Ah ah! Long! Long! Long!

To the demon God! "

The vine demon God roared, as if trying to lengthen his body.

Soon, its body actually began to grow. It was half a Zhang tall before it stopped.

Now it's as high as ninety-nine and a half feet.

"Damn it, it's not enough, it's still hungry!

You also come to become the nourishment of this demon God and help this demon God grow! "

The eyes of the rattan demon God swept over Gu Xuan, Xu Xu Xu, and the three tailed magic fox in the dark magic spring.

Whew, whew, whew.

Vines grow from the main vine of the vine demon God and rush towards the people!

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