On Gu Xuan, the most violent energy billowed out.

At this moment, the dragon eating vine body, which is as high as 90 feet, seems to have become a divine sword, a giant divine sword!

A magic sword that can cut the sky, the earth and the demons all over the sky!

At this moment, Gu Xuan wanted to turn his sword into a body and use his sword technique!

"A sword of the Tao!"

Gu Xuan roared in his heart.

This sword contains his most brilliant, profound and powerful understanding of kendo. It is the purest sword. It seems ordinary, but there are many changes, but it can be called the most mysterious sword of ancient Xuan!

This sword is more pure and mysterious than the "Dao Jue sword" and its evolutionary version of "Dao Zang Jue sword".

The first two, after all, are based on the framework of "Taishang jiujue Gong", which creates a sword move in one form. However, at this time, this sword is irregular, random, and even influenced by Gu Xuan's mood at this time.

Gu Xuan didn't use this sword for the first time, but this time, it is definitely the most powerful power!

Of course, this is also a last resort. The signboard sword technique can't be used now, otherwise it will expose your identity.

However, this sword is enough!

The awe inspiring sword idea shrouded the world in an instant, making everyone pale.


The sound of the divine sword breaking through the air sounded.

With his mighty sword power, Gu Xuan controlled his 90 Zhang body, penetrated the space and attacked the green emissary!

"Swordsmanship? A tree is using swordsmanship?"

Everyone is screaming.

The green emissary also felt the sword, and had an intuition that the sword seemed to come at him!

Moreover, the sword was so powerful that even he felt trembling and the danger of death!

In an instant, doubt, shock, fear, anger and all kinds of emotions filled the heart of the green messenger.

Sure enough, Teng demon God is capricious, so you can't be credulous!

The green emissary could no longer consider attacking the tower Lord and the poor and afraid saint. Suddenly, he was unprepared and had no time to change his moves.

He can only control two bone spears and forcibly use the way of space. In an instant, he can pull them in front of him and be ready to resist Gu Xuan's attack!

This made the tower master and the poor and afraid of saints feel a little confused.

What's this? The Qingyi messenger found out that he changed to a vegetarian and didn't kill anyone?

But soon, they found that this was not the case.

The green emissary seems to be against the "Teng demon God"!

Can it be said that "Teng demon God" saved them?

They were even more confused.

On the other hand, after withdrawing the bone spear, the green emissary's face was still very ugly, because he knew that it was not enough!

The distance between "Teng demon God" and him is too close, and the attack is so sudden. How can it be blocked by two bone spears alone?

This time, I'm afraid the best situation is also an injury. It's impossible to get out of the body!

When he thought about this, the green emissary became more angry, and his extremely violent power rolled into the two bone spears. At the same time, with a wave of his right hand, he showed a very clever way of space.

There was a lot of space between him and Gu Xuan, which unexpectedly opened the distance between them.

Gu Xuan sneered and didn't care at all. He smashed the suddenly appeared heavy space one by one.

The distance between him and the green messenger is still approaching!

What he wants is not just a sneak attack, but a kill!

It is impossible to rely on this blow alone!

But with one blow, he could firmly grasp the opportunity and let the green emissary tie his hands and feet. Despite all kinds of means and tricks, he had no chance to show them and was consumed by himself!

Let everyone who comes to burn the heaven and make trouble die in a suffocating and restless way. Gu Xuan is happy to do such a thing.


Gu Xuan's attack is about to hit the Qingyi messenger!

However, at this time, the change is steep!

Between him and the green emissary, there is only the last space left. As long as he smashes it, the power of "sword of the Tao" will fall on the green emissary!

However, at this time, a spatial vortex appeared between Gu Xuan and Qingyi messengers.

A human figure flew out from a very deep place in the space. It was extremely terrible and could be called the power of destroying the sky and the earth. One palm was patted to the green messenger and the other to Gu Xuan!

He wanted to attack Gu Xuan and the green messenger at the same time!

The figure appeared very abruptly. Even Gu Xuan and the green emissary almost didn't respond, and their faces flashed a look of shock.

But it was not only them that flashed a shocked color on their faces, but also the sudden figure.

"How could it be? My plan is so careful and perfectly hidden. How could you find me?

I also expected in advance that the space node I appeared launched the attack first? "

The tone of the figure had trembled.

The next second, Gu Xuan's attack fell on him.

The two bone spears of the green emissary also pierced the palm of his hand.



Two explosions, almost simultaneously.

The suddenly appeared figure patted the palms of Gu Xuan and the green emissary, which was directly broken.

Then his body turned into powder under the impact of the two men's attack.

The power of the terrible explosion surged towards the surrounding, like a startling wave and a terrible wave, affecting everyone within thousands of feet.

The average strength of the dead is low, and many are not even saints. Once they are affected, their bodies will be blown to pieces.

In an instant, there was a bone rain in the sky.

Even the undead in the realm of the emperor died and injured a lot.

Several giant forces have also suffered losses, but they are much smaller than the dead.

However, the Li family's warship was destroyed. After all, he was not a complete disaster. He could not protect the warship in the power of explosion.

At this time, the explosion is in the core area.

Kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick.

The body armor on the green emissary was broken. His whole body was impacted by the power of explosion. He retreated dozens of feet before he stood firm.

Gu Xuan, however, just withdrew a few feet away and stood firm.

After all, he acted with a body that ate dragon vines. He was large and could withstand the impact.

In addition, when he shot, his power was bigger than that of the green emissary.

Therefore, on the scene, he seems to be a little better than the green messenger.

However, this did not make Gu Xuan feel the slightest pleasure.

His teeth itch with hate.

"Damn it, what the hell is that man who suddenly appeared?

It's not weaker than the great perfection of the three robbers. Do you want to sneak attack the green messenger and me at the same time?

Sneak attack is sneak attack. You can't choose a good place and a good time. You have to appear at the stall where our leader is about to kill the green emissary?

If you don't die, who will?

However, the man's breath seems familiar. I should know his origin? "

Gu Xuan frowned and searched his mind for a moment, but he couldn't think of who it was like?

Can't think of it, Gu Xuan can only give up.

That man is at least a strong man at the level of three robbers. He won't be an unknown person. No matter which force he belongs to, he will know his identity sooner or later.

However, the most troublesome thing at present is not the identity of the attacker, but the green messenger.

The green emissary was not hurt because of the Raider. Now he must not turn against him.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and suddenly looked at the green messenger with a concerned face.

"Green Messenger, are you okay?

Do you know who the Raider is?

Just now, I noticed that he made a move and sneaked into the depths of time and space to sneak into you and me, so I immediately made a move to catch him.

Moreover, I also sent a message to your soul, asking you not to do it. Why do you look like you didn't hear it?

When you do it, of course he's dead.

If he doesn't hold his breath and ask questions, I'm afraid we're still in a bad situation if he still has a party! "

Gu Xuan was worried.

This worry is not disguised, but real.

The sneak attacker didn't show any breath from beginning to end. If it weren't for greed, he sneaked into them at the same time. He was unlucky and just appeared in the area where they fought.

Otherwise, if only one person is attacked, he may have succeeded in the attack.

At this time, the green emissary was still in a state of shock and uncertainty.

He had a feeling that he had walked twice from the gate of hell.

One trip, from "Teng demon God".

One trip, of course, came from the man who sneaked in.

However, after he calmed down, he always wondered why "Teng demon God" suddenly attacked him?

Neither emotion nor reason makes sense.

Based on his understanding of "Teng demon God", the "Teng demon God" will eventually return to the God killing cemetery and kill himself. The Lord will not let it go.

Even if the treasure that is about to be born is unique to the "Teng demon God", it can't be kept at all.

Only the great existence of the Lord can refine such treasures outside the burning heaven!

But now, the green messenger is not confused.

Originally, "Teng demon God" actually transmitted a sound to himself, but he didn't receive it!

Originally, I misunderstood "Teng demon God"!

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