The green emissary looked back and realized.

Before Lenovo, I felt that people were secretly watching. It seemed that they were ready to attack themselves. I couldn't help feeling afraid.

If Teng demon didn't get close to himself and didn't make a sudden move, he would not attack the two bone spears and turn them back for defense.

If you don't defend yourself, I'm afraid that the sudden sneaker and the terrible palm will be directly photographed on yourself, and you will be seriously injured if you don't die!

At that time, although Teng demon God could capture the enemy, but he was either dead or seriously injured. What's the significance of catching the enemy?

The green emissary was very happy.

At the same time, he suddenly felt that Teng demon God was actually quite reliable.

He had long been aware of the enemy's sneak attack, but he didn't escape immediately. Instead, he first sent a message to remind himself and then captured the enemy. He didn't want to see himself die and then monopolize the credit. This is quite a sense of righteousness.

The green emissary increasingly felt that Teng demon God was sincere in cooperating with him.

On the contrary, I misunderstood Teng demon God. Indeed, some people spend the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

But on second thought, Teng demon God is not a gentleman. From here to there, he is naturally not a villain.

The guilty heart suddenly disappeared.

Gu Xuan always paid attention to the green emissary. Seeing his changing expression and the flash of guilt, he was finally relieved.

Green Messenger, put it on!

Striking while the iron was hot, Gu Xuan asked in a suspicious tone: "green Messenger, why are you still in a daze?

Didn't you notice that the sneaker shot? "

This query made the green emissary's heart thump.

Everyone is a strong man at the level of three robbers and great fullness. He is still the confidant of the Lord, the left and right arms of the Lord, who leads the existence of thousands of troops and has a high status. How can he admit that he didn't find someone sneaking attack?

Isn't that admitting that you are weaker than Teng demon God?

Where does this face go in front of so many people?

The green emissary hurriedly said, "Teng demon God, are you kidding?

I was naturally aware of the attacker's attack. Otherwise, would I turn the spear and attack him?

In fact, where he was hiding, I had already noticed that I deliberately attacked Ying Tianzong's two great robberies in order to attract the sneakers.

Moreover, I also intend to capture him alive and send a message to you for your assistance.

Unexpectedly, you don't seem to hear me. "

The green emissary returned Gu Xuan's complaint to him.

Gu Xuan twitched at the corners of his mouth.

I believe you ghost, you bad old man, very bad!

Of course, this can only be said in the heart. On the surface, it can only pretend to believe.

Otherwise, his lies will be broken.

On the trunk of dragon eating vine, Gu Xuan's face suddenly changed.

"What! Did you send a message to me?

But I didn't receive anything. I think you didn't receive my voice.

It seems that the soul power of the sneak attacker is not generally strong. He can block the soul transmission of you and me!

However, such enemies should not die so easily.

I doubt he's either alive!

Or he has associates. They work together to block the perception of you and me.

You must guard against it! "

Gu Xuan's solemn tone made the green emissary stunned.

He was deeply convinced of Gu Xuan's words. Only in this way could he make sense.

The conversation between them was not disguised, and the people of the great "level forces around them could hear it clearly.

The neon face of the wind has become iron blue.

The two brothers, who are suffering from no square, also have very ugly faces.

The Teng demon God and the green emissary in front of the light are extremely difficult to deal with.

They originally thought that this was already against the sky, and the difficulty could not be higher.

Unexpectedly, there are still strong people hiding in the dark and waiting for an opportunity to take action. Although one is dead, it seems that the man has an accomplice.

Such an unborn treasure, attraction, is really too strong!

At least three three robbers are successful. How should we rob them?

On yingtianzong's warship, the poor and afraid saint and the tower master are also big eyes and small eyes.

At this time, the Li family had gathered on the yingtianzong warship.

Li Yuanhao stood behind them, like an invisible man, looking like he was going to die forever.

No way. He just came to join the fun. He never thought he would compete for any unborn treasure.

Moreover, he didn't want to come. If fairy Feihong didn't come to the door himself, he is still practicing in the land of Li Jiazu.

At the thought of this, his eyes couldn't help looking at Feihong fairy.

On the warship of Zhuque Xianzong, Feihong fairy looked as usual and had no fear at all. In terms of demeanor, she was much better than Feng neon and the two brothers of Wufang bitter land.

This made Li Yuanhao admire it.

Behind her is Princess rosefinch, who can support her. Her confidence is really different!

On second thought, he is now a disciple of Gu Xuan, and Gu Xuan hugged Princess Zhuque's thigh. It is said that even Zhuque Xianzong is almost surnamed Gu.

Rounding off, I carelessly hugged Princess rosefinch's thigh.

Even if there is no position in the thigh, how can I hold my thumb tightly!

This confidence, this should be raised gradually!

So Li Yuanhao straightened his chest and stood together with the tower master and the poor and afraid of saints, and everyone stared together.

But soon, the three couldn't continue to stare, because another army of the dead attacked.

The fighting around the canyon did not stop even because it was not impacted by the explosion just now.

The bloody gas pervaded the whole Canyon and became more and more intense.

The dead, the warriors and ferocious beasts burning the heaven, the external warriors and starry ferocious beasts, their bodies, stumps and broken arms are everywhere.

The prestige of the green emissary once again shrouded the world, so that all the fighting people were shrouded in his shadow.

The poor and afraid saint and the tower master have passed through the gate of hell once. At this time, they are not willing to sacrifice in vain and do not fight against the great circle level undead again.

As for the dead at the saint level, they will only attack other saints and will not attack Da Yuanman.

For a time, the battle in the sky seemed hypocritical and not tragic.

However, everyone knows that all this is only temporary.

The green emissary and Teng demon God are still whispering. They seem to be discussing something. Once they move, there will be less than a few people left in such a big canyon.

At that time, the unborn treasure may have to lock its owner in advance.

"Damn it, I've searched a hundred miles and got nothing.

The accomplice of the Raider can't be found! "

The green emissary gnashed his teeth.

Gu Xuan frowned and shook his head.

"I didn't find it either."

In fact, he didn't look for it at all.

The so-called accomplices are all his nonsense. How can we find them?

Besides, even if there were accomplices, if it was so easy to find them, they wouldn't be attacked secretly until then.

Gu Xuan thought of another thing.

That is, find a chance to send Yin Qingyi messenger again. He won't believe it. This time, this guy will be so lucky!

However, at this time, in front of the two people, less than a thousand feet away, two spatial vortices, one left and one right, suddenly appeared.

Two figures, flying out of the vortex, confront each other in the void!

One of the figures, though different in appearance from the previous Raiders, was quite similar in breath.

As soon as the figure appeared, he stared at Gu Xuan and the green messenger.

"I didn't expect that I was the last one to attack you, but I failed when I used my secret skills and didn't hesitate to lose my life!

Every part of me is equivalent to my life. How dare you destroy it!

This revenge will be repaid with your lives! "

The figure had a cold voice and was full of murders.

Gu Xuan's pupil shrank suddenly, and a terrible wave turned up in his heart.

Because that man, no one else, is actually the pioneer of the disaster hit by him before, Ding Chunqiu!

The person who confronts Ding Chunqiu is also an old acquaintance of Gu Xuan.

That's Shi Zhixuan!

Evil ancestors separated, Shi Zhixuan!

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