Thunder Immortal's remnant soul's eyes were gloomy, and he slapped out a palm with his right hand.

A huge energy palm, with extremely violent power, struck hard at Tiger King Bai.


There was a loud bang.

Tiger King Bai's body was torn into pieces and turned directly into void energy that filled the sky and dissipated.

This is not flesh and blood!

"He must have secretly left while I was picking up Gu Xuan and the others!

snort! I almost fell into your trap! "

The expression of the remnant soul of Thunder Immortal was very ugly.

But soon, his complexion returned to its original state.

He didn't think that since things had reached this point, there was nothing else Tiger King Bai could do to stop his plan.

at this time.

In the midst of a whirlwind, Gu Xuan appeared in the void.

This void is no different from the previous void, whether it looks or feels like it.

However, there are no other inheritance altars in sight.

In this void, it seems that I am alone.

Gu Xuan is still standing on the inheritance altar.

But the difference is that the inheritance altar at this time has been surrounded by blazing flames.

In the flames, fire runes were constantly generated, circling around Gu Xuan.

These runes are very interesting and have different shapes. Some look like little people, and some look like various ferocious beasts.

Whether they are little people or ferocious beasts, they are all lively and lively, like real living creatures.

It even seems to be somewhat intelligent.

Just, not much.

Gu Xuan had already seen three pairs of runes colliding together, which was quite funny.


Suddenly, it seemed like the wind was blowing.

The flames in front of the body suddenly shot up, and an illusory image appeared in it.

That image was very similar to the image of Thunder Immortal's remnant soul, and it was almost printed from the same mold.

This shocked Gu Xuan.

Could it be that after arriving here, the remnant soul of Thunder Immortal can already take action against him?

Wouldn't that mean it's all over?

But soon, Gu Xuan knew that this was a false alarm.

The illusory image didn't give him the slightest sense of danger.

Gu Xuan realized that this was the image of Thunder Immortal. It was exactly the same as the image of Thunder Immortal’s remnant soul, which was very reasonable.

The flame image seemed to be sizing up Gu Xuan. After a long time, he clapped his hands and said one word: "Goodness."

Then, he stretched out his right index finger and tapped it lightly towards Gu Xuan's eyebrows.

Suddenly, an inherited skill and a syntax formula turned into mysterious and unpredictable words, appearing in the ocean of Gu Xuan's consciousness.

But the strange thing is that these formulas are hazy, neither perceptible nor clear.

"Is this inheritance? Directly teaching the skills to people to practice?

But these inherited techniques cannot be seen clearly, nor can they be perceived clearly. How to practice this? "

Gu Xuan's mind was at a loss.

At this time, the flame image seemed to see Gu Xuan's doubts, and withdrew his index finger that was pointed at Gu Xuan's eyebrows, and pointed downwards.

Then, there was a bang.

The flame image dispersed instantly, as if it had never appeared.

The same scene also appeared on Yu Zhuri, Fairy Baiyu, and Lan Yan.

However, the image they saw was not an image of flames, but an illusory image condensed by the power of the other three gates and five elements according to their respective characteristics.

After the illusory image appeared, what he did was exactly the same.

They all said the word "good", and then injected a method into the ocean of everyone's consciousness.

Only Jin Wansan is special.

When an illusory image covered in golden light appeared on Jin Wansan's altar, he looked at Jin Wansan carefully, up and down, three times.

Then, he said one word: "Get out!"

Jin Wansan's face was filled with confusion. Before he could react, what did this mean? His whole body felt like the world was spinning, as if he had fallen into chaos.

When he appeared again, he was already standing on the open space in front of the Great Desolate Divine Court.


These words rang in Jin Wansan's ears.

But it could be seen from his confused face that he could no longer tell whether these words were an echo of the word "go" just now or a new curse.

This scene, naturally, fell into the eyes of the remnant soul of Thunder Immortal.

He was confused at this time.

"A person who is disgusted by immortals? This Jin Wansan is actually a person who is disgusted by immortals like no one in ten thousand or even one among hundreds of millions of people?

People who are disgusted by immortals have a constitution that is disgusted by immortals. They are disgusted by immortals, gods, heaven, and earth. No matter how high their qualifications are, they cannot achieve the realm of immortals.

I'm afraid I won't be able to find five of them with such rubbish physiques in the three thousand world planes, but I can actually meet them? "

The eyes of Thunder Immortal's remnant soul twitched, and he didn't know whether he was lucky or bad.

What the hell is this?

"How about making him a specimen and keeping him as a souvenir?

No, no, no, people who are disgusted by immortals are also called 'black holes of luck'. It's better not to provoke them and let them destroy themselves.

There are too many causes and effects between you and him, I'm afraid you will be in bad luck. "

The remnant soul of Thunder Immortal looked disgusted and quickly changed the scene in the Xuanguang Mirror, as if one more glance at Jin Wansan would pollute his own luck.

Jin Wansan didn't know that he actually escaped the disaster because of his sudden immortality.

Otherwise, he didn't know what to think?

Is this immortal physique good or bad?

Gu Xuan and the others didn't know anything about what happened to Jin Wansan.

Gu Xuan was recalling the finger of the flame image just now in his mind.

His thoughts were racing.

The finger with the flame image must have hinted at something.

This hint is probably related to the comprehension of the inheritance method in the mind.

At the thought of this, Gu Xuan once again sensed the inheritance method still emerging in the ocean of consciousness, and couldn't help but sigh.

A full minute has passed, and he actually doesn't even know the name of the inherited method.

Not to mention sensing the true content of the inheritance method.

"The finger of the flame image points downward.

In the direction of the fingertips, besides the flames, there are runes.

So, does it mean to use these runes of different shapes to understand the content of the inherited method? "

Gu Xuan could only think of this explanation.

Gu Xuan reached out with his right hand, trying to grab a few runes in front of him.

But the rune was surprisingly agile and ran away in a flash.


Surprise flashed in Gu Xuan's eyes.

I thought that these runes were just a bit weird. Even though they contained mysteries, there weren't too many individual runes, so it should be easy to catch them.

But I never expected that if I grabbed it casually, I wouldn't be able to catch it?

You know, if Gu Xuan catches it at will, let alone ordinary fire runes, even a senior Six Tribulation Dzogchen will be caught by him if he is caught off guard.

In the Great Perfection of Five Tribulations, if he grabs it at will, it is possible for him to die or disappear.

However, a few runes actually escaped.

Gu Xuan became interested.

"It seems that my guess was indeed good. The flame image refers to the runes.

As long as you catch the runes, you may be able to know some secrets about the inheritance method. "

A flash of light flashed in Gu Xuan's eyes, and his eyes that had been closed were opened again, and his vision was activated to the extreme.

Suddenly, all the fire runes in the flames and their movement paths appeared in Gu Xuan's eyes.

But when he saw these movement trajectories, Gu Xuan couldn't help being surprised.

Because these movement trajectories can only be seen roughly, not thoroughly or clearly at all.

This means that the action speed of the fire runes is not only changeable, but also extremely fast.

“Unfortunately, that’s all.

Is this young master the man who has mastered the secret of speed and is known as the 'fastest man in the Burning Heaven Realm'?

Wait, there’s something wrong with this title, first fastest, first fastest…”

Gu Xuan shook his head and decided to sever all ties with this title and never use it again.

"Now, let's see what this young master does!"

A flash of light flashed in Gu Xuan's eyes. At first glance, it looked like a flash of sword light.

He turned his right hand into a sword and used the immortal-level sword technique "Five Thunder Transformation Sword", which uses thunder to transform into extreme speed.

In an instant, Gu Xuan's right hand seemed to disappear out of thin air.

When he appeared again, there were already ten fire runes lying in his right hand!

A strange feeling arises spontaneously.

Gu Xuan could not help but refine it.


Gu Xuan's ocean of consciousness seemed to tremble suddenly. The inheritance method that appeared in it and could not be seen clearly suddenly appeared with ten big characters!

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